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UMIF, the Ukrainian Military Instructor Fund

You can donate in 2 ways:

Or via Bankwire, from either inside or Outside the United States of America. For wires, YOU MUST indicate UMIF in your wire so that your donation goes to the stated purpose.

Please note, that on Apple and Android Devices, you can use the WISE APP to make a payment via Bankwire, using Google Pay (GPay) or ApplePay.

You can also make a Payment via Bankwire from your Zelle Pay App.
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For bankwires in USD sent from your Bank, in the USA:

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Routing # 084009519
Account # 9600004713610223
Account type: Checking
Bank: Wise, 19 W 24th Street, New York, NY 10010, USA

For Bankwires in USD from most countries outside of the USA*

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Swift/Bic: CMFGUS33
Account Number: 822000407002
Bank: Wise, 19 W 24th Street, New York, NY 10010, USA

For Bankwires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA:

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

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An explanation of this fund


Ukraine’s goal is to defend herself and her people and win this war. Her government has called for the mobilization of 1 million soldiers. That is 6 times the size of their professional army. While there is an urgent need for qualified military instructors now, this need has just become existential and extreme.

The need will be met with great difficulty, since qualified military instructors rarely if ever have the personal financial security to leave family and come to Ukraine without pay and on their own expense and stay here long enough to participate in training programs.

Nor can Ukrainian Military Units request funds to pay the stipends or salaries of foreigners serving as private citizens, at will. Therefore, there is a great need for funding to make this happen.


While many of us have assisted the Ukrainian people and this war effort in ways which regard temporary needs and through organizations which have come into existence spontaneously, Ordo Militaris Inc., founded in Wyoming in 2016 and now incorporated in Montana since 2017, is one of the few pre-existing, private military corporations which is aiming to assist the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian Military.

While we are a for-profit corporation, we are run at no profit by Catholics motivated by deeply held religious beliefs, to render services to those who are persecuted by unjust aggression, like the Ukrainian people are.

Thus, we are uniquely qualified and prepared to support the Ukrainian War effort by means of the establishment of the UMIF, the Ukrainian Military Instructor Fund, which will go exclusively to the stipends of qualified Military Instructors assisting Ukrainian Military Units.


Now many of us have already helped Ukraine and her people in some way. Yet daily we watch the news of the developments which are ever more alarming since this war is getting more intense by the day. Thousands are being killed, wounded and captured. Ukraine needs every man on the front capable of fighting with the best skills, tactics, unit organization and talents possible.  Each of these new 800,000 soldiers need to acquire these skills.

What Ukraine needs now, more than anything else, is qualified Military Instructors. And to maximize the number which can offer these services in Ukraine, we need to fund the personal expenses of foreign volunteers who could not otherwise come and do this necessary task without YOUR support!

Therefore, If you believe, like us, that NOW IS THE TIME TO GET SERIOUS ABOUT OUR OWN PERSONAL SUPPORT OF THIS WAR EFFORT, we urge you to consider making a generous donation to the UMIF, so that these heroes behind the scenes can make a difference.

Watch this 6:30 minute appeal by the President of Ordo Militaris Inc. and President of KPOCC A3YR, which explains this Fund from St. Michael’s Square in downtown Kyiv, on the morning of the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua, 2022 (click on video to find the twitter link to screenshots for proof of legal existence of both entities):

Funds received will be received by Ordo Militaris Inc., USA, and placed in a sequestered account, which will be transferred entirely to the Ukrainian registered Beneficent non-profit Organization known as KPOCC A3YR (“Cross Azure”), headquarted in Kyiv, which is capable in law in granting them to Ukrainian Military Units for the exclusive purpose of paying the stipends and salaries of qualified NATO level instructors. — No part of your donations will be used for any other purpose. Ordo Militaris Inc. will cover all transaction fees charged by PayPal and the bank wire fees to send these to KPOCC A3YR. KPOCC A3YR in turn will charge no overhead on these funds, but sequester them for this use and grant them to Ukrainian Military Units whose representatives make a personal request for this purpose. — In those cases, in which for reasons of expediency or law, that these funds cannot be distributed to needy Military Trainers by KPOCC A3YR, they will be distributed by Ordo Militaris Inc. to these trainers. — Please note that this fund is for grants as stipends for personal needs of Military Trainers, and thus in now way requires or constitutes a ITAR regulation action.

IMAGE CREDITS: The screen shot is of images of military training in the Ukraine conducted by the U. S. Government. All photographs are U. S. Govt. property and therefore are in the public domain. We wish to thank the contribution of U.S. Military personnel in preparing the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the last decade. No U.S. forces are currently in Ukraine.

*  NOTE WELL:  Not all countries can send us bank wires:

© 2022 – 2023, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.

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