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You have it in your power to bring the spirit of the Crusaders back: to restore to Christendom a force to defend her: the Ordo Militaris Catholicus!

Knights & Dames Chevalier

You can become a Knight or Dame Chevalier, OMC KC or OMC DC, in the Order by purchasing a membership subscription (paid to Ordo Militaris Inc.), of $1200, or in monthly installments of $100 per month for one year. — When making the one time pledge please use a Bank Wire or ZellPay (see below). — If you wish to pledge by ApplePay, GPay or Stripe, see our Membership Page here.

Privileges & Rights of Knight and Dame Chevaliers:

Gifts Marked with Asterisk* are received after paying in the full pledge for this membership.

  • Right to identify yourself as a Knight or Dame Chevalier, by placing the letters O.M.C. KC. or O.M.C. DC. after your name.
  • Access to our Membership Lounges at our Commanderies+
  • Receive Cloth Flag of the Blue Cross of our Order*
  • Receive Membership Kit to recruit your friends into the Order
  • Receive Lifetime membership at CrossAzure.Net*
  • Receive a beautiful full color certificate of Knighthood,* in Latin, suitable for framing: Dimensions of 8.5″ by 11″ on High Quality Paper (Image for illustration only):


Bank Wires

When Sending EUROS

When Sending Pounds Sterling:


+ + +

If you have questions about Membership in the Order, please call us Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 3 PM, Rocky Mountain Time.+ +


* Be advised: Ordo Militaris, Inc. is a Montana Corporation, a for profit Private Military Corporation which offers consulting for the defense and security service industry. We do not sell guns, nor are any monies received here susceptible to a tax deduction on your US Federal Tax return, since defense and security services are not considered non-for-profit religious activities according to the IRS. Monies given to the Order are classified in accounting, thus, as paid-in-capital. We use “donate” and “donation” on our website and in our publicity in the popular Catholic sense of the term of a gift, which is the Latin meaning of the verb, dono, -are and noun, donatio, -nis. In our charitable appeals we disburse the entirety of funds received to recognized charities or 501(c)(3) qualifying non-profit purposes or activities.

Our Corporation does not engage directly in the offering of security or defense services. Our business goal is rather to assist in humanitarian projects and in the promotion support the foundation of corporations which offer such services directly. This is standard industry practice for the purpose of structuring liability and protecting our investors. But it is also a necessary first step for the promotion and creation of such organizations.

Finally our Corporation is run and funded by members of the international Catholic Association, Ordo Militaris Catholicus. As such it is governed by Catholics with a deep faith based commitment, which is reflected in all the activities of the Corporation. Ordo Militaris Inc. is not however organized as non-profit, or a not for profit, so that we can offer those of our investors who invest in our for profit activities a return on their investment. The Corporation currently has no employees and is run by volunteers. Ordo Militaris Inc. as such owns no armaments and is not engaged ind the sale or manufacture of military ordinance or firearms.

+ Be advised that we are currently raising funds to purchase or build our first Commandery. See more information here.

© 2021 – 2024, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.

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