Pledge as a Herald

PLEDGE AS A HERALD* You have it in your power to bring the spirit of the Crusaders back: to restore to Christendom a force to defend her: the Ordo Militaris Catholicus! Heralds You can become a Herald, OMC H, in the Order by purchasing a membership subscription (paid to Ordo Militaris Inc.), of $300 per […]

Pledge as a Lay Member

PLEDGE AS A LAY MEMBER IN THE ORDER* You have it in your power to bring the spirit of the Crusaders back: to restore to Christendom a force to defend her: the Ordo Militaris Catholicus! Lay Members You can become a Lay Member, OMC LM, in the Order by purchasing a membership subscription (paid to […]

Our founder explains the Order & Its goals

Our founder explains the Order & Its goals Recorded by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart, at the Crusaders’ Conference, St. Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA, at the end of September, 2016. The actual talk, which is 44 minutes long, begins at the 26:55 minute mark in the video below. The MPG3 Video: recorded […]


JAK MOŻESZ POMÓC ZAKONOWI W twoim ręku leży moc sprowadzenia ducha krzyżowców z powrotem, aby przywrócić chrześcijaństwu siłę do swojej obrony. Wojskowy Zakon Katolicki jest międzynarodowym towarzystwem katolików oddanym obronie i oswobodzeniu katolików, którzy są prześladowani i nękani przez wrogów naszej Świętej Wiary. W tym celu zabiegamy o wsparcie finansowe w całym świecie katolickim, ponieważ […]