Krak de Chevaliers, Syria — Built and expanded by the Catholic Military Order of the Knights Templar.
The Crusader Option
The Crusader Option is a proposal for reviving the ancient Catholic manner of life, by means of founding a Catholic town with its own institutions: banks, businesses, schools, factories, churches, etc., so that in all things the Catholics who live there can enjoy the prosperity and freedom of living according to Catholic principles, without being exploited by the usurious and immoral masonic system which dominates modern society in the West. For more information, why investing in Catholic Civilization is now an existential necesssity, see this article here.
To found this Town, our Order is offering to 100 selected investors of at least $100,000 USD per person, the opportunity to take part in a unique real estate opportunity to put into effect that which is described in the following article by our President, who as an Anthropologist, analyzing the risk and required response to the current world crisis (see here), has proposed a uniquely Catholic solution.
In addition to the specific rights to priority in purchasing housing in the Town, those of the number of these 100 First Investors, who are cradle Catholics, will be entitled to purchase Founder’s rights which will give them unique voting, property and financial benefits which will be transferable to their heirs in perpetuity. These Founders will form the perpetual government of the Town and will guide its fidelity to its ideals through the decades.
Here is the official briefing for potential investors:
To know more, seriously interested investors should call our offices at +1 406 299 9260 (free on Skype) and leave a message, for a personal call back by our President.
Note: This present page, which you are reading, only regards the subscription option for potential investors and does not include specific information which would be divulged under a Non-Disclosure Agreement with Investors once the Crusader Option has sufficient investment to launch.
To purchase a subscription to this venture, download this form (PDF), and fill it out, and send it with your check for $100 USD payable to Ordo Militaris Inc.. You can purchase multiple subscriptions in your name or in the name of others. No checks will be accepted which do not have full Account holder information, address and phone numbers indicated clearly upon them. You can send Money Orders and Bank Checks in lieu of personal checks. Western Union and credit cards areĀ NOT accepted.
Ordo Militaris Inc.
STE 101
55 W 14TH ST
Helena, Montana 59601-3387
If you have questions, please call our offices at 1 406 299 9260, and leave a message for a call back.
© 2020 – 2024, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.