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7 Ways to Invest with Us

First, we are a Montana Corporation authorized to sell stock.

We currently have 2 private series of issues, offered publicly in accord with the SEC Rule 506(c). Each of these issues can be purchased by accredited individuals or institutions. See our prospectuses for more information. And listen to our Ordo Militaris Radio program, about both of these issues, which contains important and very useful information for prospective investors. (Click the Cross to the Right to listen)

  • Our Series Y01 throughY99 Stocks Series is dedicated to the capital expenses to set up a Basic Combat Training Camp and a US National HQ.  To obtain a copy of the prospectus, click here.
  • Our Series T01 through T99 Stocks Series is dedicated to the capital expenses to establish foreign subsidiaries. To obtain a copy of the prospectus, click here.
  • Our CrossAzure.Net Stock Series A is dedicated to the development and maintenance of the CrossAzure.Net social media platform. To obtain a copy of the prospectus, click here.

Second, we are accepting beneficial loans of any amount, large or small for 2 or more years at 0% interest, from those willing to support the Order in its need to make capital investments.

Third, you can make your business or church a point of fundraising for the Order by offering leaflets or setting up a donation can to accept offers. Contact our main office in Wyoming for more information about this.

Fourth, if you run a store or business you can offer to resell our promotional products which feature the Insignia of our Order to those who want in this way to help us fund the needs of the soldiers whom we support. If you are a manufacturer, we can also offer you a license to use our Insignia on your products, for our mutual benefit.

Fifth, if you own a business and wish to contribute to the support of the Order you can name the Order as the beneficiary of your charitable donations at Christmas time, or grant us a share of stock in your corporation.

Sixth, if you own stock or bonds in other corporations you can donate them to the order, or set aside a portion of your investment income and donate it to the order. Likewise, you can name the Order as a beneficiary of a family or corporate trust, or in your will, that you might support our fight even from the world to come and prepare your way on high with a most sacred recommendation to the King of Kings, Our Lord and Commander.

Seventh, if you own a successful business you can offer to sell it to the Order in exchange for our common stock and thus devote both a portion of its financial profits to the Order’s needs as well as make all the good works you do for your business share in the supernatural merit of the work of the Order. Such a consideration is a momentous one, and would require extensive consultation and advisement with the leadership of the Order.

© 2016 – 2021, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.

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