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The Ordo Militaris Catholicus is a international defense and security initiative of Catholics for Catholics who are suffering persecution for their faith, where their defense and liberation requires military intervention or security actions, and this is allowed by local and/or international law. We place special emphasis on defending Catholics and Christians from terrorism in the strict sense of this word.

We were founded in the days following the martyrdom of Father Jacques Hamel, July 26, 2016 A.D., by Br. Alexis Bugnolo, a Franciscan hermit, and Andrew J. Baalman, a relative of Charlemagne.

In the U.S.A., the Order has founded a Montana Corporation, with the legal name, Ordo Militaris, Inc., as a Private Military Corporation, to conduct the defense and security initiatives that the Association seeks to undertake.

To know more about how you can help or join the Order, see our Sign-up page or our Donations page or Investment Page. To read more about the Order and its form of organization, read about the Justice of Our Cause, or Our Holy Rule, and about how everyone can help us get the word out.

Also, if you like, take the time to learn what our insignia signifies.

Read our Sacred Call to Arms, for those unique men who are called by God to our Order.

You can also watch a videos about the initiative and the corporation:  about A Complete Explanation of our Association,  Or Listen to our numerous Radio programs, at Ordo Militaris Radio.

The Order seeks to recruit chiefly Catholic Veterans who wish to put their military skills and knowledge to service in the defense of fellow Catholics, and this principally out of a desire of fraternal charity, not personal gain. As a religious association of Catholics we aim to combine the unique aspects of military and religious service as a work of mercy towards our fellow Catholics.

About our PMC, Ordo Militaris, Inc.

Following in the footsteps of the brave Catholics of old, who forsook family, home and nation to go overseas to the rescue of Christians being persecuted for their faith, we have begun this security and defense initiative of Catholics for Christians who are being persecuted, where their defense and security requires humanitarian aid and security solutions which only a private military corporation could lawfully provide.

We aim to be a non-political, transnational humanitarian effort with a distinctively Catholic ethos and spirit, providing a method of private collaboration and intervention separate from the national foreign policies of sovereign states, while working fully within the limitations of national and international laws and conventions.

While engaging principally in humanitarian relief efforts, either directly or through the provision of security solutions, we intend a robust business strategy to offer our services to existing humanitarian efforts who have need of private security solutions in those areas of the world which are high risk, as the principal foundation of our business strategy.

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At present, throughout the western world, there exists no such particularly Christian effort which blends security and defense with humanitarian aid, in part because classical charities or non profits are excluded from security and defense activities and programs and in part because in recent centuries the concept of security and defense as a humanitarian activity has all but been forgotten.

As part of our transnational strategy, we are currently seeking to establish subsidiaries overseas so as to increase the multifaceted advantages of an international presence and to take advantage of the unique resources and talents of Catholics who participate in our effort from throughout the Catholic world.

As a Montana Corporation directed by Catholics with deeply held religious beliefs we hope to provide unique solutions with an extremely high ethical rigor, in an age which sees increasingly religion as a security problem not a solution.  We are formed as a private military corporation, for profit, so that we might be capable in US law to apply for government defense contracts, fund the security and military needs of lawful Christian initiatives overseas and train and prepare volunteers who wish to serve with us on overseas missions. We are committed to being a corporation led by and employing principally US Military Veterans who see and wish to serve Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace.  In this way, we hope to offer veterans an utterly unique way to put their skills and experience to work defending their innocent and helpless brothers in Christ the world over.

Finally, Ordo Militaris Inc. of Montana is the successor in law to Ordo Militaris Inc. of Wyoming.*

Meet our co-Founders

Both our co-Founders have volunteered, without pay or remuneration, since August of 2016, out of their deeply held Christians beliefs concerning service and love of our brothers in Christ. Each holds the honorary status of a Knight Chevalier and Man-of-will in Our Order. Each is from a military family: Br. Bugnolo’s grandfathers served in World War I, one in the U.S. Army, the other in the Italian Royal Alpini. His father was in the U.S. Navy, and his brother was in Alabama and Massachusetts National Guard. A.J. Baalman’s grandfather served under General George Patton in World War II.

In their own words …. To contact our co-Founders, send your request to our HQ in Helena, MT.

Br. Alexis Bugnolo, O.M.C. K.C. M.W.

I am a Franciscan Brother of private vows, who observes the Rule of Saint Francis of Assisi. I was born in the USA and also hold Italian citizenship, which I inherited from my Grandfather. I hold a B. A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Florida at Gainesville (1986), and am a graduate of Our Lady of Grace Seminary (1988), Boston. I have studied at the Angelicum, Santa Croce and the Theological Institue of St. Bonaventure at Rome. I have published several books and translations of medieval authors. I live like a hermit.

The murder of Father Jacques Hamel in July, 2016, was the occasion for me to ask the Lord what I could do about protecting Catholics from Islamic Terrorism. In response, I founded Ordo Militaris Catholics and began promoting the idea of defending Christians from persecution by means of private interest and security services. I am currently the President of Ordo Militaris Inc. which I founded with A. J. Baalman in August of 2016. — If you have read the attacks on me by Father Matthew Schneider, see my rebuttals at my personal electronic journal, FromRome.Info for more information. — If you have read of attacks on our Order, myself or Ordo Militaris Inc. by members of the online agitation group know as NAFO, see my rebuttals during my interviews at OMC Radio TV, here.

Andrew J. Baalman, O.M.C. K.C. M.W.

My name is A. J. Baalman, I live in Western Kansas. Before becoming vaccine-injured and home-bound, I was preparing to go to West Point, received the packet to get a scholarship, the Post Office delivered it late; so I decided to go the community college route. My college experience is 1 full year combined at Butler Community College in El Dorado, Kansas and Colby Community College in Colby, Kansas. My fields of study were Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement.  Around this time my health was failing me and the medical advice and interventions I received gravely harmed my health and has caused me to be home-bound and on disability for not able to work. I am Station Manager over at OMC Radio TV, which is my personal apostolate.

After the martyrdom of Fr. Jacque Hamel, I was learning about my family history on my mother’s side and soon I learned I am related to the Royal Houses of Europe, especially those who led the Crusades.  I came to know one day about the idea of Ordo Militaris Catholicus when I saw something on Twitter by Br. Alexis and got in contact with him on Facebook about my interest in being a co-founder and then the papers were filed and the Order and Corporation came to be.  — If you have read the attacks on me and Br. Alexis by Father Matthew Schneider, see Br. Alexis’ rebuttals at his personal electronic journal, FromRome.Info for more information. — If you have read of attacks on our Order, myself, Br. Alexis or Ordo Militaris Inc. by members of the online agitation group known as NAFO, see my rebuttals during my interviews of Br. Bugnolo at OMC Radio TV, here.






© 2016 – 2024, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.

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