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To Provide Humanitarian Support

Please consider a generous contribution!

Funds requested here are received directly by Ordo Militaris Inc., a Montana Corporation dedicated to humanitarian relief. Funds will be disbursed through official representatives of our Order on the ground in Ukraine and/or neighboring countries, as the security situation allows and/or requires.

You can contribute to this find, also via a bank wire, either from a US Bank, or from a Bank outside the USA, from the list specified below. When sending a bankwire, include the message UKRAINE, so that your monies can be set aside into this Fund.

Please note, that on Apple and Android Devices, you can use the WISE APP to make a payment via Bankwire, using Google Pay (GPay) or ApplePay.

You can also make a Payment via Bankwire from your Zelle Pay App.
Click the image to the right for more information.


For bankwires in USD sent from your Bank, in the USA:

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Routing # 084009519
Account # 9600004713610223
Account type: Checking
Bank: Wise, 19 W 24th Street, New York, NY 10010, USA

For Bankwires in USD from most countries outside of the USA*

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Swift/Bic: CMFGUS33
Account Number: 822000407002
Bank: Wise, 19 W 24th Street, New York, NY 10010, USA

For Bankwires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA:

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

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*Funds donated are not tax-deductible. Refunds may be requested via contacting our office in Helena, MT. All funds received will be set-apart exclusively for the purpose stated and no amount will be received or used by our corporation for other purposes. Donors can individually inquire as to the use of their gifts. Our list of donors, however, is not publicly available and we guarantee anonymity, as much as the law allows, to all who participate in this fund. No third parties are involved in the raising of these funds and your personal information will not be used for any other solicitations by our corporation or by third parties. — We are currently supporting the foundation of a Ukrainian Non-profit which will conduct the future fundraising, and will notify you as soon as they have the means to receive online donations.

© 2022 – 2023, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.

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