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The First Christian Nation, Armenia, is AGAIN under attack by by the ruthless terrorist state of Azerbaijan which aims to wipe Armenia off the face of the map!

Little Armenia, with a population of 2.5 million is defending herself against an Islamic dictatorship backed by Rothschilds, Israel and misguided interests in the USA!

Armenia is the first nation to embrace the Christian Faith, in 303 A. D..

Armenia is one of the most isolated Christian republics today, having no allies which border her geographically.

She has suffered horrible pogroms by the Turks and a horrific Genocide of millions by the Turkish people at the end of World War I, with the absolutely-do-nothing-response of Great Britain, France, Italy, and the United States.

On top of this, today all the belligerent power arrayed against Christian Armenia is supplied with U.S. Military Hardware and U. S. foreign aid!

For this reason, our Order is zealous to come to the assistance of Christian Armenia in this fight!

We can legally help Armenians by providing humanitarian aid from the United States and most Countries.

The Ordo Militaris Catholicus is an International Association of Catholics founded in 2016, dedicated to defending Christians from persecution.

In 2022 A. D., our Order already proved its integrity by establishing and funding the Ukrainian non-Profit Humanitarian Relief Organization, Cross Azure. We have raised about $10,000 USD for that mission already.

In 2021, A. D., we were one of the first US based organizations to fund raise for humanitarian aid for Armenians, after the outbreak of the First Azeri War of Conquest. We raised more than $1500 USD for wounded Armenian veterans rehab.

Now, because ARMENIA too is a Christian nation under attack by a godless enemy, we are mobilizing to bring all the assistance we can to the Armenian People victimized by the Azeri Tyranny.

All funds donated will go to existing Armenian Charities, or, if we undertake such an endeavor, a new Charity in Armenia run by volunteers of our Order.

You can assist in our effort by

Sending Humanitarian Assistance to Armenia

You can send Humanitarian Assistance to Armenia through Ordo Militaris Inc., by PayPal, GooglePay, WisePay or Bankwire.

To send via PayPal:

To send via GooglePay or WisePay, download the Wise Mobile APP, and integrate it with GooglePay or your Bank Account, and then use our BankWire information to make your donation.

Or via Bank wire, from either inside or Outside the United States of America. For wires, YOU MUST indicate in the payment the reason for the transfer, using the CODE:   HELP ARMENIA

For Bank wires in USD to our Bank in the USA:

Bank wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA:

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

* Funds donated are not tax-deductible. Refunds may be requested via contacting our office in Helena, MT. All funds received will be set-apart exclusively for the purpose stated and no amount will be received or used by our corporation for other purposes. Donors can individually inquire as to the use of their gifts. Our list of donors, however, is not publicly available and we guarantee anonymity, as much as the law allows, to all who participate in this fund. No third parties are involved in the raising of these funds and your personal information will not be used for any other solicitations by our corporation or by third parties. — We will disperse these funds to Armenian charities and initiatives which proven results to bring the front to the victims on the Front.

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© 2022 – 2023, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.

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