Ordo Militaris Books
FOR THE YOUTH: Ages 12-Adult
On Becoming Soldiers of the Cross, Again!
This is a fictional novel which takes a group of Christian youth from basic training to Iraq, in the war on terrorism. But on the way they become like the Crusaders of Old, under the spiritual direction of Father Jacques Hamel. It’s a great adventure which confronts the issues of the day from a profoundly Catholic point of view. pp. 134, with illustrations. Read the Author’s Preview of the Book, here.
(This is the actual cover of the Book)
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Publication Date: May 13, 2019. All proceeds go to the Order.
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What those who bought this Book said:
“I bought the book for my boys and they loved it. I would highly recommend it” — Peter: the father of 4 boys, from Idaho, USA.
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