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OMC Franchise Prospectus

Ordo Militaris Catholicus (hereafter “the Order”) is a religious association of Catholics founded for the defense of those who are persecuted out of hatred of the Name of Jesus, and organized after the manner of a military order, in which members can participate by pledging their time, talents or treasure.

In the U.S,A., members of the Order have founded Ordo Militaris Inc., a MT Stock Corporation to advance these goals.

Essential to the concept of the Order is both fraternity and a life of Christian Virtue. In a world which is increasingly hostile to Christians, such a fraternity will be sought out more and more.

But since a Military Order not only aims to defend others, but strives to care for its own, it is both necessary and essential to its growth, development and support to have centers of the Order throughout the world, where members can find that support.  In ancient times, these centers of support were called, “Commanderies” or individually a “Commandery”.  As then, so now, a military Order needs them to function.

Our Franchise Offers aim to create a global network of Christian Businesses offering a variety of Christian friendly services to Christian clients and to the general public, while making a public statement against terrorism against all innocents, especially Christians, by partaking of a global humanitarian organization which aims to defend them from persecution and aide those who suffer persecution.

These Franchise Offers regard points of sale for the (1) marketing of our products, goods, merchandise and franchises AND/OR (2) the offer of financial services to our franchise network AND/OR (3) the offer of hospitality and lodging to our members and the general public under the aegis of the Order, as well as (4) the right to collect Membership Dues of our members, AND/OR (5) the offer of defense and security services to the Christians our Order seeks to defend and protect.

Whether you are already a businessman, with an existing business, or whether you are considering entering into business in your own name or through an existing legal entity, our Franchise Offers may offer you the unique business opportunities and enhancements you are looking for.

For more information, watch OMC Radio TV interview Br. Bugnolo, our President, discuss our Franchise Offers, in this short informative video:

Franchise Agreement for Commanderies of our Order

For this reason, Ordo Militaris Inc., desiring to establish an international network of such centers in the fastest manner possible, within the context of modern jurisprudence, is offering to Franchise the concept of a Commandery of our Order so that Catholic investors the world over can with ease establish them and share in the community of the Order, even on this basis.

First Step, Obtain and Sign the Confidentiality Agreement for non disclosure

If you would like a copy of the Prospectus for Franchise offers, we ask you first to obtain and sign a non-disclosure statement, which will require you to keep in confidence the information contained in the prospectus. There is a nominal fee of $10 USD to cover the costs of mailing back to you a signed and sealed copy of the Confidentiality Agreement along with the Prospectus for the Franchise Offers. This is standard business practice to protect the intellectual property and business plans of corporations.

To obtain a copy of the unsigned the Confidentiality Agreement, write to Ordo Militaris Inc. at 55 W 14th Street Suite 101, Helena, MT, 59601 USA. Upon your completion of this application, send your completed notarized signed copy to our offices along with a check for $10 USA.

Once you return the signed Confidential Agreement, our offices will remit to you a copy of the Franchise Prospectus as well as a signed and sealed copy of the Confidentiality Agreement.

Thank you for your interest in our Franchises.

© 2019 – 2024, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.

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