Help Armenia!

OMC MISSION TO ARMENIA The First Christian Nation, Armenia, is now under attack by an international alliances of Islamic Nations notorious for sponsoring terrorism: Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan. Little Armenia, with a population of 2.5 million is defending herself against Islamic nations of 310 million! On top of this, all the belligerent powers arrayed against […]

Basic Combat & Security Training Instructors

JOB AD — WANTED Basic Instructors for Youth Security Camp USA Instruction Details Ordo Militaris, Inc. seeks an experienced Instructors who will design, implement, and instruct a basic security training program for new recruits. The individuals as a group will: Train recruits in basic combat tasks and skills, hand-to-hand combat etc.. Train recruits in surveillance, […]

Our founder explains the Order & Its goals

Our founder explains the Order & Its goals Recorded by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart, at the Crusaders’ Conference, St. Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA, at the end of September, 2016. The actual talk, which is 44 minutes long, begins at the 26:55 minute mark in the video below. The MPG3 Video: recorded […]


7 Wege in uns zu investieren Zuerst sind wir eine Montana Corporation, die ermächtigt wird, Vorrat zu verkaufen. Derzeit haben wir 2 private Reihen von Optionen in Übereinstimmung mit dem SEC Paragraphen 506 ( c ) Unser Y01 zu Y99 Aktienbestand dient der Hauptaufgabe, ein Ausbildungslager und ein nationales US Hauptquartier aufzubauen. Um eine Kopie […]