As Twitter prepared to impose its new thought control rules on Dec. 18, we highly recommend that you archive your own twitter accounts, by going to SETTINGS, ACCOUNT > Request Archive of your Account
A man of strong faith in Christ regards it part of his own personal duty 2 see to the defense of Christ's people * *
There is nothing wrong with religion in the streets, but there is something very wrong about allowing a religion which calls for your extermination, slaughter, beheading into your country!…
If you fear taking up arms and risking your life to defend innocent Christians from slaughter by Jihadis, your father raised you wrong!
Christ commanded the Crusades, when He said: Love as I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friend
For this reason, whether initiated immediately or 100 years afterwards, a Christian liberation war against those who oppress Christians is always just and defensive.…
Catholic Priest from Alqosh, Iraq, Father Shamasha tells audience in Verona: ISIS had condemned us to death...…
If you want to follow a Catholic Priest who suffered persecution under ISIS, follow this priest >
The Justice of Our Cause -…
By the power of the Mystery of Christ's Incarnation and most Sacred Passion, the more we give of ourselves and our wealth to the needy, out of love of Him, the more His Life and Spirit flows in us and transforms us, leading us ever more strongly unto His Eternal Kingdom!
Jihad is an organized war against Christians. Crusade must also be organized, in its own way. Join us and recruit!…
We are founding a Southern California Chapter of Ordo Militaris Catholicus. If you live in S. California, contact us if you would like to be a member!
Until more of those who follow @MilitarisCath like the knight on the left become disciplined members of our order like the knights on the right, we will achieve nothing. Join our Order today and man up! + +
We need 81 more Lay-Members 12 more Squires & 13 more Knights 2 pledge 2B able 2 open r HQ * * JOIN US BY PLEDGING!
The greatest humanitarian work is the offering of defense and security services to those persecuted for being Christian. Until that is done, the persecution will never stop! That is how NECESSARY it is to get the WORD out and organize QUICKLY!… A #DeusVult
@littlerottas When the Crusades of old were fought, there were only 30 Million Catholics, at most. Now we should be able to accomplish 40 times as much!
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign – Ordo Militaris, Inc.…
Woe to the judges and court which refuse to defend even the right of a monument to God's Law to stand in a public place! Woe to them!…
If you want to grow the Order, so as to increase our capacity to help persecuted Christians, get a recruitment kit and start a local chapter!… #DeusVult! #PersecutedChristians
Nothing more cool and amazingly #DeusVult than to be able to organize the defense of Christians from Jihad, all the while Jihadis are hounded by the police and military of all nations for trying to organize Jihad! #DeoGratias!
We need 81 more Lay-Members 13 more Squires & 13 more Knights 2 pledge 2B able 2 open r HQ * * JOIN US BY PLEDGING!
OK WHO WILL BE THE FIRST to donate to our #DeusVult Campaign? Anyone with $10, $20, $50? What better cause could there be? +… + Lets spread the call to defend #Christians from #persecution!
Let us do all for His honor and glory!…
There are 7 ways to Invest with @Ordo_Militaris, Inc., to promote our holy call of #DeusVult for #persecuted #Christians everywhere!
Jeśli chciałbyś zostać członkiem naszego Zakonu Wojskowego, który jest zaangażowany w obronę katolików przed prześladowaniem, skontaktuj się z Marcin @macjellygh, aby uzyskać więcej informacji!
Ordo Militaris, Inc. — What we are all about >>
Our Compassion for persecuted Christians must have foresight, because if we only let our selves be moved by images of suffering caused by persecution and not persecution, we will never support their military defense and security and they will remain victims for our carelessness!
#DeusVult! — Latin phrase which means, God wills (it)! — First shouted out by Bl. Urban II at Clermont on 27 Nov 1095 calling 1st #Crusade
We encourage all those who wish they could do more, but cannot, to join us in this intercessory prayer to Christ Jesus, the King of all Hearts!
The Order has grown stupendously on social media during its first year, now its time to get serious and take steps to grow it exponentially in the real world through public advertisements. Help us spread the word!…
The greatest glory a Christian can obtain is the charity he shows to poor and needy Christians purely for the love of Jesus!
JESUS CHRIST He is the King of Glory — may we serve Him! His the Savior of mankind — may we follow him! Glory and praise be 2 U, Lord Jesus!
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign – Ordo Militaris, Inc.…
God blesses a few on Earth with wealth, so that they might have the occasion of meriting to reign as kings in Heaven on account of the works of charity they do for the poor and needy here below!
When your parents ask you what you want for Christmas, this year, tell them, you want them to pay your membership pledge in our Order + + #DeusVult
Listen to our Radio Program on The #DeusVult Capital Campaign 11/20 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR |…
MEMBERS! — We have initiated a Member Services Desk, where members can get questions answered and make inquiries. See our Website Contact Page for the phone number!
Unlike most humanitarian organizations, 100% of monies we raise for humanitarian projects go to the poor & need for which they are raised!
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
There comes a point when it becomes a necessity of personal identity and civic responsibility to distinguish yourself from the idiots of your own nation who are submitting to Islamic invasion: do it by becoming a member of our Order! (Cathedrals of Europe)
True fortitude in the face of Jihad does not consist in lamentation, protest, complaint or demonstration, but in contributing to military and security initiatives which aim to protect those attacked by Jihadis and to wipe them from the face of the earth! — Do it with us!
Love Jesus Christ and help His persecuted brethren! + + This is the whole spirit of our Order! Join us!
Would to God that Christians realize that when they only help the victims of persecution but do nothing to stop the persecution, that they are a sort of sadistic enabler of the persecutors, who laugh at us while taking pleasure in killing Christians, while we stand by and watch!
Many thanks to 41 donors who have given $5477 USD! 3 of which are pledging a total of $35 a month! WE EXCEEDED Our 1st goal ito raise $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa, by $477! A BIG THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS CRUSADERS!
we dedicated to defending Christian, where permitted, with force of arms. But we can't do it without ur support!
The Justice of Our Cause -…
If you want to follow a Catholic Priest who suffered persecution under ISIS, follow this priest >
You have been duped by a false version of Christianity if you think that there is anything wrong or lacking in perfection about defending persecuted Christians with military force!
Catholic Priest from Alqosh, Iraq, Father Shamasha tells audience in Verona: ISIS had condemned us to death...…
Our Holy Rule -
For this reason, whether initiated immediately or 100 years afterwards, a Christian liberation war against those who oppress Christians is always just and defensive.…
Wars are defensive, according to Catholic Just War theory, not because the defensive side does not initiate military hostilities, but because the defensive side seeks to restore the order of justice, which includes the freedom and liberty of innocent Christians.
@alan_rosario69 Vult! right?
Une église vandalisée en Gironde : c’est la routine !… via @BVoltaire Oui une mosquée vandalisée aurait fait la une des médias, voir un tollé ...mais là : une simple belle petite eglise catholique.... Mais ds quel pays vit-on ??!!! 🤕
One of the founders of the Trinitarians, the ransoming order: Saint Felix of Valois (1212) via @SBC_Catholic
This Tweet seems inconsequential, but it is our ratio essendi theologica, which will merit our faithful members to stand alongside St Michael the Archangel in the Kingdom of Heaven!…
We agree with @PamelaGeller 's call to break up the Social Media Giants, who are abusing their monopoly powers to promote Islamic takeover of the internet!…
The greatest humanitarian work is the offering of defense and security services to those persecuted for being Christian. Until that is done, the persecution will never stop! That is how NECESSARY it is to get the WORD out and organize QUICKLY!… A #DeusVult
Christian Men! To Arms — U R physical & spiritual heirs of Crusaders of old! Let US Unite & fight R ancient foe! * *
Veterans often ask us when our Order will be sending out soldiers on defense and security missions. We keep telling them, that until our followers on social media donate or invest, are hands are tied, because 8250 follow us, but 8200 r not yet serious about it!
Eritrean government is escalating its crackdown on religion
Central African Republic: Muslim Attack on a Christian Concert Kills Seven
#Egypt: Christians Request new Church to Honor 28 Killed in bus Attack
Christian leaders ask Nigerian President to halt ‘Islamization’
Woe to the judges and court which refuse to defend even the right of a monument to God's Law to stand in a public place! Woe to them!…
We ask your prayers for a #OMC_KC of our Order from France, who is very sick, and whose daughter is fighting brain cancer, his wife serious issues also
Every new member of Our Order is like a brick which cements with the rest to build an international fortress against Jihad. Join us by pledging and raise the shout of #DeusVult in all the world! + +
"For the past 3 years, a number of Western countries have pledged 2 help Christians in #Iraq & the #MiddleEast, who are greatly in need of aid 2 rebuild their homes. But so far, the #Christian community hasn't received "anything." #persecution #genocide…
#Hindu extremists beat #Christian #Pastor unconscious in southern India after ‘#Miraculous’ #Conversions of 5 families to #Christianity. #persecution #genocide #Faith #JesusSaves #GodIsLove…
#NorthKorea's War On #Christianity: The Globe's Number One Religious Persecutor - #Christian #Persecution #Genocide…
#Pakistani #Christian #girls are abducted, raped & forced to marry their rapists, convert to #Islam. #persecution…
The ongoing #killings & #rape of #Christian men, women & children in #Nigeria at the hands of #Muslim #Fulani herdsmen deserve to be called "ethnic cleansing". #persecution #genocide #EthnicCleansing #Faith #Worship #JesusSaves…
If you wish to support Ordo Militaris Catholicus even in the world to come, consider adding a codicil to your Last Will & Testament to grant the @Ordo_Militaris Inc a Legacy to carry on our work for years to come! #DeusVult
Recruiting new members of our Order is vital to its strategic growth round the world, as we need to raise the capital to found subsidiaries of @Ordo_Militaris Inc to serve as the foundation of our Religious Association in key Catholic nations. So please invite everyone you know!
For Christmas, what gift could be better than a membership in our Order? Make a pledge in their name! + +
We would be much nearer being able to send out veterans on military and security missions to defend persecuted Christians IF EVERYONE WHO RTed our Tweets became a member of our Order! + +
Looking for Zealous Catholics to purchase 10 shares of our T01 stock, so we can establish a National Chapter in Poland!…
One reason why there is still any Radical Islamic Terrorism, is that Christians hardly support any #DeusVult security or #Crusader initiative like @Ordo_Militaris Inc We were founded and are organized to undo that problem!
It will be really lame, when you are 80 years old, when your grandsons ask you where YOU were and what YOU did, to say, I only FAVed and RTed as they went off to war. Don't waste your life thinking that life is like TV, only to watch!
What does the Catholic Church think about the morality of going on a Crusade? — Read Innocent III, Quia Maior…
This year, Catholic world celebrates 800th anniversary of opening of the 5th Crusade, on Aug. 23, at Split, Croatia…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
Our official position in regard to the new Twitter rule, effective on Dec. 18th, against promoting violence, is that promoting the defense of Christians from Islamic violence is not promoting violence but rather promoting peace!
How the Ascension of Christ justifies Crusade…
The greatest work of mercy and compassion is providing persecuted Christians the peace and security which comes only from the just use of military force by Christians for Christians > Help us to achieve that goal!…
In the face of Jihad, you can do something: join an Order dedicated to defending Christians from terror #DeusVult
The great #Christian advocate of #peacemaking, #SaintFrancis of Assisi, considered it a duty and honor to go on the 5th #Crusade, cross enemy lines and preach the Gospel of Salvation to the Sultan of Egypt. So don't let anyone say that fidelity to Christ requires something less!
This #Thanksgiving make the #tabletalk the horrors which #Christians have suffered at the hands of #Muslims and how necessary it is to defend Christendom by a private initiative such as @Ordo_Militaris Ordo Militaris Catholicus: then invite everyone at the table to join!
Dear Followers from Europe: if you know of any local authority who has the care of a castle and would be willing to entrust its care to our Order, dedicated to the defense of persecuted Christians, please contact our HQ! We are interested!
2B a soldier pledged 2serve JESUS CHRIST is a Holy VOCATION a Noble WORK a Heroic PROFESSION & a Field of GLORY! B1>…
The desire to #MCGA (Make Christendom Great Again) must begin with a commitment to defend Christians from persecution. Do it with us, for the Love of Jesus Christ, the Eternal King of All Nations!
@OrdoMilitarisKS Great Thought!
#TuesdayThoughts Why not support a company, whose main goal it is to save lives of Christians before they are persecuted, tortured, raped, sold into sex slavery, killed in many ways by Islamic Terrorists, it is the right thing to do Support @MilitarisCath
Come on folks, we need your financial support here to raise the funds for the one paper that will take @MilitarisCath Advertisement for the Order, Please Help Us Raise $8,000! Go to our #DeusVult Campaign Link and #Donate #Catholic…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
It is utterly shameful for a citizen of a superior civilization to sit around and do nothing while his leaders open the gates to barbarian invasion; but its not much less shameful if that citizen demands to be paid to do something about it.
The true nobility of man is the nobility of spirit. And since there is but 1 true God, there is but one true Religion in which man can be ennobled. All Christians know that they need only to humble themselves to have it! We encourage one all all to embrace this nobility!
Pope Urban II Talks with Alexius Comnenus - First Crusade is the Justification for the Defense of Christians Today…
The mere thought that the enemies of Christ Jesus: Globalists, Marxists, Islamists, Freemasons, Facists, Modernists are loosing sleep over us, is an absolute delight!
There is nothing that will make a Modern Crusader sleep better, than knowing that oodles of Marxists & Jihadis are losing sleep over them!
The Last thing the Left wants is a Christian Crusade against ISIS, at it would restore Christian political power…
To #CRUSADE is not only a DIVINE and NATURAL right of the #Christian, but the most urgent political necessity of our time! #DeusVult
This is how the little ones atone for our sins! #DeoGratias!…
Moderns resist, Catholics crusade -- There is a big difference!
What we need is not #MAGA but #MCGA that is #MakeChristendomGreatAgain because only in Christ does every nation find its peace, greatness, prosperity, unity and nobility!
Bl. Pope Urban II called the First Crusade to stir Catholics to help their brother Christians in the Mid-East, a thing we need 2 do today!
Who are the members of Ordo Militaris Catholicus? — Catholics, Christians and other men and women of good will who have resolved to support a common effort to defend Christians from Jihad, with use of force, where allowable!
The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart contained the promise that the enemies of Christ would be overthrown: and we see it happening since Oct 13 2017: the downfall of Hollywood, the renunciation of extremism of the Prince of S Arabia, and now the downfall of Merkel
It was a work of honor and joy to be able to help in some small way, such a stalwart Christian town, which gives such a heroic example to all Christendom!…
If U want 2 become a true contemporary Crusading warrior against Jihadis, rescuing Christians this is path to glory>…
The actual only movement which is sound philosophically, morally and theologically is the Catholic Identitarian movement, for we are the adopted sons of God and our inheritance is the Kingdom of Heaven, if we but remain true to our identity!
Many thanks to all our followers from 2016 who helped us grow our Twitter followers from below 1000 in Nov. 2016 to 8250 in Nov. 2017, an increase of more than 800% 😇😍👏👏👏-- Now, to get them all marching together as members of our Order!
As sons of Crusaders, we should not grow slack or fearful after each terror attack, but double our resolve/effort 2come 2help of Christians!
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
A Warm Welcome to our newest #OMC_SQ Squire J.B. for his pledge of $615 USD to the Order. #DeusVult Valiant Squire! ⚔️
A #OMC_SQ is a Squire of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, and attains this dignity by pledging $50 a month to help the Order defend Christians
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
#OMC_LM = Lay Member of the Order Militaris Catholicus: Dignity of one who has made a donation $8.50/month 2 #OrdoMiltiaris @MilitarisCath
So long as the support of our Order is confined to Social Media, we will not be able to do anything, since 80% of Christians are not on social media. That is why the #DeusVult Capital Campaign is so important! Help the Order grow!…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Democrats refuse to abandon two sitting lawmakers with clear-cut evidence of sexual abuse, but they have the audacity to demand from us to abandon Roy Moore because of a forged yearbook.
Muslim Patrol jailed for harassing Non-Muslim British people in East London - Free Speech Time… via @ISupport_Israel
@srcoxlive OK, we had assumed a permit was granted...but you are right, in this case, that should not have been presumed.
If Hillary Clinton is not found guilty of something, the entire American Legal system will be irretrievably dishonored and eternally disrespected by the US citizenry.
If Hillary Clinton is not found guilty of something, the entire American Legal system will be irretrievably dishonored and eternally disrespected by the US citizenry.
Refugee case could topple Slovenia government…
President Trump and First Lady Melania are bringing back the nativity scene that was banned by the Obamas. It will be presented front and center in the White House. The theme is 'Christmas Traditions'. MAKING CHRISTMAS GREAT AGAIN.
We agree with @PamelaGeller 's call to break up the Social Media Giants, who are abusing their monopoly powers to promote Islamic takeover of the internet!…
For months, Facebook has been censoring, scrubbing and banning posts, comments and users who dare violate Sharia Law. And it’s getting worse.…
ISIS Calls for Assassination of Barron Trump After Posting His Personal Details Online…
The terrorist front group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) - connected to Hamas and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding case - is outraged that a school cancelled a Muslim speaker after parents complained.
UK Police Told to Monitor 20,000 Extremists More Closely After Manchester and London Attacks…
There is nothing wrong with religion in the streets, but there is something very wrong about allowing a religion which calls for your extermination, slaughter, beheading into your country!…
Sign up! -
Our Patron Saints -…
The world should be thanking @realDonaldTrump! The dark, sexually-perverse underbelly of Washington & Hollywood is being torn to shreds. Congressmen leaving office, hundreds of people coming forward, FBI rolling up the sex predators. Another Trump promise KEPT! #MAGA
We are founding a Southern California Chapter of Ordo Militaris Catholicus. If you live in S. California, contact us if you would like to be a member!
Sign up! -
Invest -
#ISIS "the greatest preacher for #Christianity in the world, as it as strengthened #Coptic #Church", says #Egypt bishop.…
German police detain suspected IS members in anti-terror raids
This Tweet seems inconsequential, but it is our ratio essendi theologica, which will merit our faithful members to stand alongside St Michael the Archangel in the Kingdom of Heaven!…
My husband and I are Lay Members. What about you?…
@deathofreason @Nerdspiracy Though the image kind of gives the impression that the words below should read: I need to advise you that You only have one moment left to talk about Jesus Christ!
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
If you want to start a national chapter in your Country, get a recruitment kit and listen to this show…
To care for Christians who have suffered persecution takes compassion (Raphael) To work to defend them from being persecuted take courage (Michael) To plan and prepare their defense in advance takes foresight (Gabriel) Do it all with us! @MilitarisCath @Ordo_Militaris #Deusvult
ISIS In Lebanon: The Courage Of A Christian Town On The Frontline of Jihad…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
A Warm Welcome to our newest #OMC_LM member V.A. for her donation of $100 USD to the Order.😊🎖️⚔️🛡️
In the dawn of eternity, oh how many of the Blessed realize that this was the greatest and most powerful weapon they ever took in hand!
4 Atheists giving is a mere act of welfare But 4 Christians its a sacred act whereby both giver and receiver is blessed by God!
In the face of Jihad you can be the one who compliantly submits, the idle one who is strategically out-maneuvered, the lame one who laments but does nothing, or the supporter of those animated by the spirit of the Crusaders of old! Its your choice! Which are you?
4 love of Thee, Lord Jesus Christ & in service of my persecuted brothers I take up Thy Cross & pledge my life & honor in a Crusade #DeusVult
Thomas, Count of Acerra, relative of #ThomasAquinas, attended 6th #Crusade, became bailiff of Jerusalem, Emperor's rep in Syria 1226-8
Civilians, retired veterans can join Our Military Order by making a monthly pledge! See our donations page for info.
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign – Ordo Militaris, Inc.…
So long as the support of our Order is confined to Social Media, we will not be able to do anything, since 80% of Christians are not on social media. That is why the #DeusVult Capital Campaign is so important! Help the Order grow!…
Remember, the Smart Phone is not called smart because it can do things for you, its called a smart phone because it is an excellent tool to so distract the masses, that the Globalists can more effectively control the thought and behavior of the masses!
Our Strategic goal for each national chapter of our Order is to be a HQ for fundraising, investment, recruiting and vetting of veterans, to establish a training camp and participate in overseas defense and security missions, while offering to public anti-Jihad training programs.
The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart contained the promise that the enemies of Christ would be overthrown: and we see it happening since Oct 13 2017: the downfall of Hollywood, the renunciation of extremism of the Prince of S Arabia, and now the downfall of Merkel
A suicide bomber attacked a mosque in northeastern Nigeria in a deadly assault that officials blamed on Boko Haram
Join us in praying to Our Lady, Help of Christians, patroness of r Order, that many might open their hearts to poor & needy Christians!
@MilitarisCath The defensive nature of the Crusades has long gone untaught to our youth. Time to fix that!
@MilitarisCath You are right. Persecution by anyone for any reason is Persecution and is Wrong because it is Evil. Humans therefore should do everything possible to stop the Persecutors even while coming to the help of the Persecuted. Otherwise Persecution will come to STAY,
The Greek Patriarch during the First Crusade entrusted it to protection of Sts George, Theodore, Demetrius and Blase…
Those who partake of the holy spirit of the Crusaders of old, know that it is a Christian duty to take up arms to defend Christ's people!
When each of us comes before the judgement throne of Christ, what excuse can we make for ourselves in the present age, if we do nothing, when our accuser brings this Charge against us? Let us think long and hard about it! With fear and trembling!…
@BishopUmbers @MilitarisCath Here on Brazil, we are with this problem. And here, have the silence of the autorities. churches are burned down and altars desecrated. Some evangelical denominations do not even consider us Christians. And it is these who invade our churches and vilepend them.
This is why we seek unpaid volunteers to grow our Order, dedicated to the defense of Christians from persecution, a persecution which is upon us and will grow stronger year by year so long as they see us compliant and submissive!…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia #insignia via @MilitarisCath
He who defends the work and people of Jesus Christ, is a servant of Jesus Christ! Be one with us + +
The chronic pandemic on Twitter is of the individual who comes to know that there is great evil in the world, but does nothing, and lives as if life itself were a TV show, to be only enjoyed in the watching. This is the heartlessness which the Globalists want embraced!
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Love Jesus Christ and help His persecuted brethren! + + This is the whole spirit of our Order! Join us!
We ask prayers for our #OMC_LM @sypekmarek who is recovering from major surgery! May our Lady of Częstochowa watch over him!
#Christians everywhere have the Divine, Natural and Moral right to resist #Jihad (conducted by war or immigration) with force of arms!
90,000 Christians WERE MURDERED in 2016 for being CHRISTIAN Stop the Genocide! — Stop the Slaughter! To Arms!
The advantage in helping our Order by means of investing in our stock, is that you keep your capital's value while allowing the Order to use your $ capital in its holy work, as needed for facilities! #DeusVult
Obtain your very own Recruitment Kit to setup chapters around the world with Ordo Militaris Catholicus,… Any questions, contact me or @wimvanmoer or @stinkybeachninjas…
Just as there was no internal threat of Islam when Catholic Europe fought at Vienna, Lepanto, Malta and Acre, so there would be no internal threat from Islam if it were not for the pest of their allies: the Freemasons, the Socialists, the Marxists, the Globalists!
You want this here? Sweden has become Europe’s ‘Wild West’. The failing multicultural utopia is a warning sign for all European countries: Import too many migrants with opposite values and you will lose control.…
American Islamists hold fundraiser in Virginia, call America “The land of Infidels”
Christ called the Crusades, when He declared: There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends
The Deus Vult Capital Campaign…
Any #Catholics in the #Netherlands or #Belgium and want more information on the chapter or want to join, contact @wimvanmoer……
While civilians (non military and veterans) make up 90% of our members, our membership is also open to serving military, men who serve with us. In addition, men who want to pledge their lives in service a monk knights are also welcomed for #DeusVult! For more info contact us!
You have been duped by a false version of Christianity if you think that there is anything wrong or lacking in perfection about defending persecuted Christians with military force!
The great #Christian advocate of #peacemaking, #SaintFrancis of Assisi, considered it a duty and honor to go on the 5th #Crusade, cross enemy lines and preach the Gospel of Salvation to the Sultan of Egypt. So don't let anyone say that fidelity to Christ requires something less!
Remember, the Smart Phone is not called smart because it can do things for you, its called a smart phone because it is an excellent tool to so distract the masses, that the Globalists can more effectively control the thought and behavior of the masses!
The chronic pandemic on Twitter is of the individual who comes to know that there is great evil in the world, but does nothing, and lives as if life itself were a TV show, to be only enjoyed in the watching. This is the heartlessness which the Globalists want embraced!
Most modern armies deform the potential for virtue among their Christian soldiers, since they teach them that their supreme loyalty is to their nation state, not to Jesus Christ, and that heroism consists not in defending the Faith, but the foreign policies of their own nation!
This is why we seek unpaid volunteers to grow our Order, dedicated to the defense of Christians from persecution, a persecution which is upon us and will grow stronger year by year so long as they see us compliant and submissive!…
When each of us comes before the judgement throne of Christ, what excuse can we make for ourselves in the present age, if we do nothing, when our accuser brings this Charge against us? Let us think long and hard about it! With fear and trembling!…
Its an act of pure religion, to donate capital for the defense and security of Christians from persecution. This is the purpose of all we do as an Association and in our PMC @Ordo_Militaris Inc. For that reason, Donations received by @Ordo_Militaris Inc are not tax deductible.
Looking for Zealous Catholics to purchase 10 shares of our T01 stock, so we can establish a National Chapter in Lebanon!… …
The most important part of our Order are our members. By pledging a monthly donation they are laying the foundation of a mighty defense and security effort for Christians persecuted from Jihad in a way that RTs and FAVs could never do. Join them !
The true nobility of man is the nobility of spirit. And since there is but 1 true God, there is but one true Religion in which man can be ennobled. All Christians know that they need only to humble themselves to have it! We encourage one all all to embrace this nobility!
Godfrey of Bouillon - Most Famous on First Crusade, sold Duchy to pay his way -- Example of Christian Warrior…
Blessed Pope Urban II - The great Pope who called the First Crusade, beatified by Pope Leo XIII…
Would to God that Christians realize that when they only help the victims of persecution but do nothing to stop the persecution, that they are a sort of sadistic enabler of the persecutors, who laugh at us while taking pleasure in killing Christians, while we stand by and watch!
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
In 1967, workers found skulls with bullets in them outside Yekaterinburg but were ordered to keep silent. After 1989, it was discovered the secret police had buried 20,000 victims of the Great Terror there. Today, a memorial was finally opened…
Our Patron Saints -…
Sign up! -
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
This is exactly why we NEED THE WALL. If they beat agents and kill them what will they do to everyone else here? TIME TO TAKE A STAND🇺🇸🇺🇸 Sincerest prayers & thoughts going out to these brave men and their…luNZ
@littlerottas When the Crusades of old were fought, there were only 30 Million Catholics, at most. Now we should be able to accomplish 40 times as much!
@littlerottas Hehehe! That was a good one. There are 1.2 Billion Catholics in the world, and we are no longer an influential force! Hahaha. That was a good one.
@littlerottas Hehehe! That was a good one. There are 1.2 Billion Catholics in the world, and we are no longer an influential force! Hahaha. That was a good one.
@littlerottas Get a Recruitment Kit and recruit volunteers, donors and investors so we can become operational!…
Never ceases to amaze, how the enemies of Christ are so conceited that they think they can not only control the minds of Christians, but triumph over Christ's Church!
This is how the little ones atone for our sins! #DeoGratias!…
Seven Years Confined: How Freedom of Information Litigation Is Shedding Light On The Case Of Julian Assange…
This is grotesque! -- We are referring to how the police are handling it, not to the injury...…
One by one the statues outside my church are either being stolen or desecrated. 😞
Anti-Christian bigotry and hatred has seeped into the blood stream of Australia. Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney laments the desecration of statues around his church...…
Afghan refugees 'thank' Germany for its hospitality and destroy their accommodation…
Our Patron Saints -…
Unlike most humanitarian organizations or Catholic news sites, our President/CEO gets a salary of $0.00 per year...
Unlike most Catholic organizations, our Board of Directors receives $0 in salaries. Our President volunteers 24/7 free of charge.
OK WHO WILL BE THE FIRST to donate to our #DeusVult Campaign? Anyone with $10, $20, $50? What better cause could there be? +… + Lets spread the call to defend #Christians from #persecution!
This #Thanksgiving make the #tabletalk the horrors which #Christians have suffered at the hands of #Muslims and how necessary it is to defend Christendom by a private initiative such as @Ordo_Militaris Ordo Militaris Catholicus: then invite everyone at the table to join!
The history of the First Crusade First International Christian Military effort to aid own…
Quantum Praedecessores — Pope Eugene II calls the Second Crusade, Dec 1, 1154 A D…
800th Anniversary of the Launch of the 5th Crusade, will be commemorated on Aug 23, 2017, at Split in Croatia…
Trump: We will unite the civilized world against Radical Islamic Terrorism and destroy it completely from the face of the Earth #Crusade
A Christian's response to Radical Islamic Terror should not B surrender or compromise with Islam or Sharia law but #Crusade & counter-attack
If you cannot or wont, Donate to support those who can and will #Crusade to defend Christians from Jihadis!
Through the intercession of Bl Louis IV, Landgrave of Thuringia, who attended the 6th crusade, may those blest by God support our Order!
So desirous was Saint Francis of Assisi of going on this Crusade that he attempted to stow away on a boat from Anconna in 1217!…
Blessed Pope Urban II Calls for a Crusade against Jihadis…
On this day 918 yrs ago, July 15 1099 A.D., the #Catholic Forces of the 1st #Crusade took #Jerusalem & liberated it from godless men!
@shirtrade We are not planning a crusade. We are dedicated to helping persecuted Christians, yes see
This is because the power to call a Crusade falls under the power to issue indulgences, receive vows and commute penances…
ISLAM has #PersecutedChristians for more than 1300 years. When is the world going to realize that Christians have moral right to #Crusade?
The First Crusade and The Many Miracles 08/03 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
On this day 918 yrs ago, June 7, 1099 A.D., the #Catholic Forces of the 1st #Crusade laid Siege to #Jerusalem, to liberate it from Jihadis!
June 28 1098 AD Battle of the Orontes The 1st Crusade under command of Sicilian Norman Bohemond of Taranto, breaks Muslim siege of Antioch
If U know of the 100000s killed by Jihad in recent years, but do not yet support Crusade against them, U R suicidal.
Faith Goldy "I am here to call for a Crusade", "If you are a Christian & want to do a military crusade, go for it!"…
We ask all our Followers who agree with what we are doing, to do your part spreading the Order by RTing and FAVing our tweets to yours!
@chedz007 @wim_van_moer @MilitarisCath @StinkyBeachNnja @amt6470 @ValiantWoman45 @GeCurieux @ChariiDavid @Philip_Stag @brandondeshaw @MandrakeRadio @JeffreyMDavids1 @wendybabiak @VOCRadioRobDoc @New_Christendom those of us there at Gab, I did a poll for shows for advent and Christmas, since my poll answers were a bit too long, I decided to number them, those who give the most numbers wins.…
@OToole_Photos This is 100% the Truth!
@MilitarisCath One aspect of Christian self-defense is preventing mass Islamist immigration and refugee resettlement. All Christian patriots should FIGHT for immigration reduction legislation.
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
The ranks of those who followed Christ as a Crusader R many: let us follow them so as to reign with them in glory!…!
If Twitter completely implodes on Dec 18th on account of the application of their new thought control rules, where do Catholic and Christians go? Any Ideas, reply here...>
The Catholic soldiers of yesteryear gave us example not only of what it meant to be a soldier, but to be a Christian.
Many of them who have gone before us pray for us! Let us pray for them, who have gone, but still need our help!
With all the Saints who adore the Most Holy Trinity in Heaven, let us shout out today, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Sabaoth!
Its an error of FreeMasonry that violence is unjust or its execution a vice. The Catholic teaching is that unjust violence is unjust, and the inclination to practice unjust violence is a vice. But taking pleasure in using just violence against the wicked, is a virtue.
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
It is utterly shameful for a citizen of a superior civilization to sit around and do nothing while his leaders open the gates to barbarian invasion; but its not much less shameful if that citizen demands to be paid to do something about it.
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
The fact that Jihadis in the West are receiving welfare freely from the state, attacking only civilians and voting for the politicians who enable them, makes them de facto paid assassins of the common citizenry, and political brownshirts for Islamic take over!
The Justice of Our Cause -…
Its 1 thing to know how to fight, another to know what 2 fight for. For this reason a Christian should not neglect to be faithful to Christ!
Those who support or volunteer with Our Order share the same glory of the Crusaders of old! — Be indeed a Crusader, not a modern wannabe!
The official twitter account of our Chapitre Français will be @OrdoMilitarisFR
Christian persecution Oct 26 2017 A.D:: Egyptian Copts terrified by 1,000-strong mob of Muslims protesting reopening of Christian Church…
A Warm Welcome to our newest #OMC_SQ Squire J.B. for his pledge of $615 USD to the Order. #DeusVult Valiant Squire! ⚔️
Listen to our Radio Program on The #DeusVult Capital Campaign 11/20 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR |…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
DEAR FOLLOWERS, if Twitter should ban our account, please see our website at for info regarding our other social media accounts which will take up the slack.…
@pentalupi_dhpjr Little did they know that they were standing in His presence!
In Europe, we have active civilian recruiters to set up chapters in Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, French speaking countries, and Sardinia. Seeking volunteers to start chapters in Poland, Italy, Spain, UK, Portugal, Hungary, Austria etc. We invite you to join us!
'Merkel is finished!' AfD leader's stark warning to beleagured Merkel after talks COLLAPSE
The Justice of Our Cause -…
With this campaign we being in earnest to build up the Order and seek to grow our numbers exponentially. Help light the fire of #DeusVult!…
The greatest mercy is to give #persecuted #Christians the peace and security they deserve! Help us get the message out!…
Listen to my new episode The Deus Vult Capital Campaign at #BlogTalkRadio
Dear Followers, who will have the honor of making the first donation to our #DeusVult Capital Campaign?
🚨 France Seeks To Ban Muslim Street Prayers In Paris After Clashes! #BanStreetPrayerss #MarineLePenn…l
This is huge! Means the people might get some help after all and stop this mess in Germany, Pray to St. Bruno the Great, St. Albert the Great and other great German Saints! @MilitarisCath…
Sign up! -
Italian Priests fight back: “What’s the meaning of hosting a Muslim in a Church?”…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
There is no Christian nation more lame and effeminate, than the one which allows Muslims to take it over without a fight!
Edition de Verdun | Intrusion islamiste au carmel de Verdun…
Members of @MilitarisCath I love Gloria TV, if you don't follow me, please do, it's free and easy to setup an account.…
Invest -
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
so who will be the ones to seriously invest with us? Who will make the donation thermometer red and not white? Come On Folks! Donate, Invest, so we as a group can come together and Save The Lives of Christians Against Islamic Terrorism! #Donate #DeusVult…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Looking for Zealous Catholics to purchase 10 shares of our T01 stock, so we can establish a National Chapter in Spain!… …
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Christian Faith and Religion is the ethical and traditional context of Western Civilization, if you gut that, Western Civilization loses its bearings and collapses. And that is what is at risk when you put your government in the hands of Socialists oblivious of that context
First Step: Getting the word out -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Dear Followers from Europe: if you know of any local authority who has the care of a castle and would be willing to entrust its care to our Order, dedicated to the defense of persecuted Christians, please contact our HQ! We are interested!
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
Let us remember to pray for the soul of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the First & only Catholic President of the USA, treacherously assassinated!
While civilians (non military and veterans) make up 90% of our members, our membership is also open to serving military, men who serve with us. In addition, men who want to pledge their lives in service a monk knights are also welcomed for #DeusVult! For more info contact us!
#Pakistan called to repeal its notorious #blasphemy law. See how this could help #Christians. Read more: ^ws
Monday's Show on the @VeritasRadioNet has changed, it is on our new Campaign The #DeusVult Capital Campaign… 9 AM Central, 10 AM Eastern @MilitarisCath
Nothing more cool and amazingly #DeusVult than to be able to organize the defense of Christians from Jihad, all the while Jihadis are hounded by the police and military of all nations for trying to organize Jihad! #DeoGratias!
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in Peace! #Veterans #WWI #Greatwar #War2EndAllWars #Ainse The war in which the manliness of Europe was drained away!
would really like to open a physical HQ staffed by our Veteran volunteers to grow the order & respond to the ever increasing interest in the Order for recruitment, membership, investment etc. But WE CANNOT do it without you! This is a #DeusVult! +… +
Programs of Ordo Militaris Radio – Ordo Militaris Radio…
We need 81 more Lay-Members 12 more Squires & 13 more Knights 2 pledge 2B able 2 open r HQ * * JOIN US BY PLEDGING!
God is so opposed to pacifism that He sent St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret, to command St. Joan of Arc to take up the sword!
Dear Followers, who will have the honor of making the first donation to our #DeusVult Capital Campaign?
@OrdoMilitarisKS Thats old news aggregated on an advertisement site to catch the unwary...
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
In just 3 hours, there will air our Radio Program on The #DeusVult Capital Campaign 11/20 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR |…
The Tweet From @MilitarisCath… and I have more to add, on the first day, I began to share the Faith with quote photos of Saints, I only got one through their system, so they've begun to block Catholic Photos.
Invest -
Taking up the cross by pledging our Holy Rule is the greatest path to glory as a Christian soldier! #DeusVult #Faith
Our Patron Saints -…
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
@LMJCsTT Their interface makes one think that they are using a membership blog format, but their .TV seems a strange moniker for a social media site.
Sign up! -
@LMJCsTT Hmm, very interesting, but it seems to be very small community, and maybe would be overwhelmed if we brought over our 8500 followers.
The fact that Jihadis in the West are receiving welfare freely from the state, attacking only civilians and voting for the politicians who enable them, makes them de facto paid assassins of the common citizenry, and political brownshirts for Islamic take over!
The Order has grown stupendously on social media during its first year, now its time to get serious and take steps to grow it exponentially in the real world through public advertisements. Help us spread the word!…
ISIS' Christmas threat to the Pope: Terror group threaten vehicle and gun attack on the Vatican - Mirror Online…
Our Order offers to the Divine Majesty of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit a unique act of religion, whereby we consecrate all we do in the defense and security of persecuted Christians to Him out of pure love of Jesus Christ Our Sovereign Lord, Master and Savior!
Its an act of pure religion, to donate capital for the defense and security of Christians from persecution. This is the purpose of all we do as an Association and in our PMC @Ordo_Militaris Inc. For that reason, Donations received by @Ordo_Militaris Inc are not tax deductible.
We have not authorized the republication of our tweets on any platform which does this for financial gain and have therefore sent a Cease and Desist Letter to to stop republishing the tweets of all the accounts of our Association.
The desire to #MCGA (Make Christendom Great Again) must begin with a commitment to defend Christians from persecution. Do it with us, for the Love of Jesus Christ, the Eternal King of All Nations!
In our Order, this error will be undone, and we will teach just the opposite, so that we may be a transnational Christian force for good in this world!
Christian Faith and Religion is the ethical and traditional context of Western Civilization, if you gut that, Western Civilization loses its bearings and collapses. And that is what is at risk when you put your government in the hands of Socialists oblivious of that context
Do it with us! Join by making a pledge! + + As a Lay-Member, Squire, Knight, Baronette, Baron etc.…
Though (Gabai = the speaker in a Synagogue) presents itself as an alternative to Twitter, its user policy contains the same grievous masonic errors of thought control as Twitter, as it appears to be nothing but another prison to capture those fleeing from twitter.
In Europe, we have active civilian recruiters to set up chapters in Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, French speaking countries, and Sardinia. Seeking volunteers to start chapters in Poland, Italy, Spain, UK, Portugal, Hungary, Austria etc. We invite you to join us!
@j_osvath Its possible, but we do not have the facilities to produce an audio advertisement yet. It will have to wait.
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
@TheGeeMan007 @OrdoMilitarisKS True, that is why some measures must be taken so that this precedent does not become a domino effect.
@MyBrianLeyh @PamelaGeller Just goes to show you how un-informed ISIS is regarding what Catholics think and feel.
@TheGeeMan007 @OrdoMilitarisKS Contemplative nuns are rather impervious to mental and emotional abuse, but it is a lesson, they should have a porter guarding the door to their chapel and hopefully the bishop takes action!
Its an error of FreeMasonry that violence is unjust or its execution a vice. The Catholic teaching is that unjust violence is unjust, and the inclination to practice unjust violence is a vice. But taking pleasure in using just violence against the wicked, is a virtue.
Our Patron Saints -…
Our official position in regard to the new Twitter rule, effective on Dec. 18th, against promoting violence, is that promoting the defense of Christians from Islamic violence is not promoting violence but rather promoting peace!
@Stimfisk They are restricting views of one of our member-promoters...
(5) It's clear that the Gulf Cooperation Council is arming and training the Lebanese army. The goal is not to FIGHT Hezbollah but to REMOVE Hezbollah's offensive capabilities.
If Twitter completely implodes on Dec 18th on account of the application of their new thought control rules, where do Catholic and Christians go? Any Ideas, reply here...>
Though (Gabai = the speaker in a Synagogue) presents itself as an alternative to Twitter, its user policy contains the same grievous masonic errors of thought control as Twitter, as it appears to be nothing but another prison to capture those fleeing from twitter.
In our Order, this error will be undone, and we will teach just the opposite, so that we may be a transnational Christian force for good in this world!
If you want to start a national chapter in your Country, get a recruitment kit and listen to this show…
Our Holy Rule -
Most modern armies deform the potential for virtue among their Christian soldiers, since they teach them that their supreme loyalty is to their nation state, not to Jesus Christ, and that heroism consists not in defending the Faith, but the foreign policies of their own nation!
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
When a Christian nation allows the establishment of even 1 Sharia court, it announces to the world that it is ripe for Islamic conquest and that its own laws are inferior to the madness taught in the Koran.…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
If you cannot distinguish the Gospels from Das Capital, then you think there is no problem today in the Church; but if you can, you realize that in all probability those causing them are not in the Church! 😏
Woe to the Cardinals and Bishops and clergy, who forget the solemn words of Jesus Christ in this dark hour of mass apostasy: He who denies Me before men, I shall deny before My Father Who is in Heaven!
@ultraconcept @Rocorganization Haha, we did not chose it for that reason, but because we want to imply that a local chapter there will spread the values we espouse in our Order's blue cross, which is Christian & Marian!
Woe to the Cardinals and Bishops and clergy, who forget the solemn words of Jesus Christ in this dark hour of mass apostasy: He who denies Me before men, I shall deny before My Father Who is in Heaven!
Sign up! -
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Looking for Zealous Catholics to purchase 10 shares of our T01 stock, so we can establish a National Chapter in Spain!… …
Help Ordo Militaris Catholicus Get Operational -…
Invest -
#CatholicGab Help Ordo Militaris Catholicus, who is a #Catholic Defense Initiative that defends all #Christians from Islamic Terrorism and they are privately funded and needs your support.…...…
Our Strategic goal for each national chapter of our Order is to be a HQ for fundraising, investment, recruiting and vetting of veterans, to establish a training camp and participate in overseas defense and security missions, while offering to public anti-Jihad training programs.
Si vous parlez français et souhaitez adhérer à notre Ordre militaire, veuillez contacter @Philip_Stag @OrdoMilitarisFR
If you would like to join our Sardinia Chapter, send us a DM for more information!
Who would like to be part of a Chicago Chapter of our Order? DM us to make yourself known! #DeusVult
If you would like to join our Pennsylvania Chapter, please send us a DM for more information!
If you would like to join our Colorado chapter, send us a DM for more information!
We are starting a State Chapter of our Order in Virginia, all interested should contact @gruntjust4u for more info!
We are starting a Chapter in SE Michigan, send us a DM if you would like to join!
A Warm Welcome to our newest #OMC_LM member V.A. for her donation of $100 USD to the Order.😊🎖️⚔️🛡️
CRUSADER ROSARIES — Where the sacred is also cool…
@Fentysgyal We are not operational, so we cannot yet take action on this news, alas.
Christ taught 4 great truths, all of which we need to practice if we shall one day stand before Him: Repentance, Faith, Hope and Charity!
Many thanks to all our followers from 2016 who helped us grow our Twitter followers from below 1000 in Nov. 2016 to 8250 in Nov. 2017, an increase of more than 800% 😇😍👏👏👏-- Now, to get them all marching together as members of our Order!
@DianeGore13 Alas, that is all we can do now. Pray especially to the Lord Jesus to send St. Michael, patron of France and first defender of Christendom, to set a guard of Angels round about them!
@DianeGore13 Most religious are required by their consecration to Our Lord, never to take up arms. Its because they are called to follow Jesus very closely and walk in His footsteps. Its a question of love, not old-fashioned ideas.
@DianeGore13 Its cases like this where women soldiers in the Order would be very useful and appropriate, and more acceptable to nuns, who keep the observance of cloister.
@DianeGore13 Its against their vocation. Rather, its time for Catholics to man up and defend Convents, Churches etc. their own civilization!
Remember members of @MilitarisCath if you need questions answered, renew your membership, become a member, or need help in regards to your chapter founding, call our Members' Help Desk 1-406-202-8948
CRUSADER ROSARIES — Where the sacred is also cool…
Christian persecution Oct 26 2017 A.D:: Egyptian Copts terrified by 1,000-strong mob of Muslims protesting reopening of Christian Church…
#Muslim Privilege!! 🚨 Prayer rooms set up in Texas Schools! Stop This NOW! When countless#Teacherss have been Fired for#Christiann prayers🇺
VIDEO: Muslim migrants say 'Germans are disgusting. They should disappear'
Western Europeans flee from Islam and set up colonies in Hungary…
Fellow police made my life torture for trying to stop Muslim child rape gangs
Great message by Father Banni, who is based in #Baghdad, #Iraq, regarding his visit to the oldest church in Karbala, Iraq. #IraqiChristians
We need 81 more Lay-Members 13 more Squires & 13 more Knights 2 pledge 2B able 2 open r HQ * * JOIN US BY PLEDGING!
Argentina says it may have received signals from missing sub
@gruntjust4u @RogerRatzazz13 Thanks!
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: via @MilitarisCath
@RosaryChaplet33 Make a pledge of your choice at
The advantage in helping our Order by means of investing in our stock, is that you keep your capital's value while allowing the Order to use your $ capital in its holy work, as needed for facilities! #DeusVult
@TheBenno70 @KristJan1197 We do not imitate them, we imitate the good ones...…
@RosaryChaplet33 In all our publicity, when we say men, we nearly always use it in the generic sense of the Latin homo, hominis, human being, not vir, viri, male human being.
@MandrakeRadio May God and all the Saints of France prevent this!
@RosaryChaplet33 We have dame chevaliers! Yes. About half of our members are true daughters of Joan of Arc.
@KristJan1197 We are not a Militia. See our website. And we can only provide defense and security services where allowed by law. We are organized to defend Christians from Muslims, though, that is true.
@StinkyBeachNnja @OrdoMilitarisKS @wim_van_moer @amt6470 @ValiantWoman45 @GeCurieux @chedz007 @ChariiDavid @Philip_Stag @brandondeshaw @MandrakeRadio @JeffreyMDavids1 @wendybabiak @VOCRadioRobDoc @New_Christendom It looks possible only for our members, not our HQ or PMC, since it excludes things which in a liberals mind would justify cancelling the account immediately. Read the user agreement. Its horrible.
@OrdoMilitarisKS @StinkyBeachNnja @wim_van_moer @amt6470 @ValiantWoman45 @GeCurieux @chedz007 @ChariiDavid @Philip_Stag @brandondeshaw @MandrakeRadio @JeffreyMDavids1 @wendybabiak @VOCRadioRobDoc @New_Christendom Well their user agreement is just as hostile if not moreso, since they exclude advertisement and commercial activity.
@OrdoMilitarisKS @StinkyBeachNnja @wim_van_moer @amt6470 @ValiantWoman45 @GeCurieux @chedz007 @ChariiDavid @Philip_Stag @brandondeshaw @MandrakeRadio @JeffreyMDavids1 @wendybabiak @VOCRadioRobDoc @New_Christendom Its a good precaution, though HQ does not have the staff to keep @MilitarisCath and a gab account running simultaneously.
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Remember, the only Reason that President Clinton, after his impeachment by the House, was not found guilty by the Senate, was that back then the Senate was not that hypocritical!😄😆😁
DEAR FOLLOWERS, if Twitter should ban our account, please see our website at for info regarding our other social media accounts which will take up the slack.…
@StinkyBeachNnja @OrdoMilitarisKS Good advice, but HQ does not have the staff to do that right now.
We ask your prayers for a #OMC_KC of our Order from France, who is very sick, and whose daughter is fighting brain cancer, his wife serious issues also
USA: Rabbi solicits donations for Hamas-linked CAIR…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
ISIS' Christmas threat to the Pope: Terror group threaten vehicle and gun attack on the Vatican - Mirror Online…
I honestly can’t understand why any country with an unemployment rate over 5% allows for any immigration whatsoever. Why import workers when your own people don’t have a job?
Do you keep Holy water in your house?
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
When a Christian nation allows the establishment of even 1 Sharia court, it announces to the world that it is ripe for Islamic conquest and that its own laws are inferior to the madness taught in the Koran.…
@steelandfire2 That is very true! though we were referring to other battles and regions.
Just as there was no internal threat of Islam when Catholic Europe fought at Vienna, Lepanto, Malta and Acre, so there would be no internal threat from Islam if it were not for the pest of their allies: the Freemasons, the Socialists, the Marxists, the Globalists!
The Justice of Our Cause -…
@harrison_partch We must intend to love, believe, hope and be faithful. God does the rest in us unseen, yes..
VIDEO. Nantes: Un homme armé d'un pistolet braque un prêtre pendant la messe…
Okay Folks, we did an excellent job for our El-Kaa Lebanon Appeal by raising over $5,000+, can we count on you to raise $8,000 To Put An Ad In The Paper In Washington DC?… #donate #fundraiser
Sign up! -
Men of faith are strong, because it is only in accepting and doing the will of God, that a man is put in contact with infinite Power.
With this campaign we being in earnest to build up the Order and seek to grow our numbers exponentially. Help light the fire of #DeusVult!…
Dear nascent chapters in Ireland, France, Poland, Sardinia, Navy, Colorado, Pennsylvania & Chicago: Virginia is printing 50 more posters as we speak to to a massive publicity blizt down near West Point, Va. — Don't let VA make you eat their dust! #DeusVult!
If you are interested in working with other citizens of the Emerald Isle to found a National Chapter of r Order in Ireland, DM us!
If you would like to join our French Speaking Chapter contact @Philip_Stag and follow @OrdoMilitarisFR
Our Holy Rule -
Looking for zealous Catholics from Hungary interested in founding a Chapter of our Order, in Hungary, dedicated to defense of Christians!
Waarde katholieke vrienden uit Nederland: Zin om een OMC chapter op te starten? Contacteer @wim_van_moer #DeusVult! @MilitarisCath
Waarde Belgische katholieke vrienden: interesse om een OMC chapter op te richten? Contacteer @wim_van_moer #DeusVult! @MilitarisCath!
Dear Members, we can dream about what we will do, but we cannot do anything until we complete our first round of fundraising: the $10 million dollar capital campaign to have the facilities to offer defense and security services & training. Time to stop dreaming and start asking!
If you would like to join our Chapter for servicemen and veterans of the US Navy, send us a DM for more information!
cannot emphasize too much, how necessary to beginning operations it is, that Members consider investing with the Order so we can have the facilities to provide the defense and security services that persecuted Christians need! !
If you have not yet become a member of our Order, it would be an honor to have you! + + #DeusVult
The greatest mercy is to give #persecuted #Christians the peace and security they deserve! Help us get the message out!…
Christ promised a reward for every act of charity toward His Disciples, even so little as a glass of water Mt 10:42…
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray 4 the men of the West, that they might have the courage to come to the defense of their persecuted brothers!
Considering the level of zeal Christians have to defend themselves from Jihad, one would think that they think all those TV images of slaughtered victims of Jihadis are theatrical or fake. Just how out of touch with reality has a culture of incessant entertainment made us?
If its a crime to attempt to genocide the Jewish race in concentration camps or the Armenian race in their own villages, why is it not a crime of genocide to attempt the extermination of European Whites by politically impelled Islamic or African immigration?
If the Christian West is seen as a refuge of peace and safety for the poor and needy of the rest of the world, then why are not the indigenous citizen-heirs who uphold those values which make it such, allowed to decide its destiny and use?
A big thanks to all who contributed to this work of Mercy and Compassion for our brother and sister Christians in El-Kaa, Lebanon!…
Please #Donate to The #DeusVult Capital Campaign of @MilitarisCath and help us raise $8,000… #Catholic
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
These Cloistered Carmelite Nuns in Verdun France… were mentally & emotionally attacked by terrorists, thankfully not physically hurt. Help us at @MilitarisCath raise funds to offer security to nuns like these.
Considering the level of zeal Christians have to defend themselves from Jihad, one would think that they think all those TV images of slaughtered victims of Jihadis are theatrical or fake. Just how out of touch with reality has a culture of incessant entertainment made us?
Until more of those who follow @MilitarisCath like the knight on the left become disciplined members of our order like the knights on the right, we will achieve nothing. Join our Order today and man up! + +
We would be much nearer being able to send out veterans on military and security missions to defend persecuted Christians IF EVERYONE WHO RTed our Tweets became a member of our Order! + +
We ask all to join us in prayer to Jesus Christ our God, in the Holy Spirit that He might send us the men & materials we need 4 r holy work!
@audreyannbolin @NikoTheFarmer We are a humanitarian organization and that was the conclusion of our fund raiser for the Christian refugees and poor of El Qaa >…
@yeahremia @A_de_St_Germain O Lord, give us once again a Blessed Urban II! +… +
Dear Members, we can dream about what we will do, but we cannot do anything until we complete our first round of fundraising: the $10 million dollar capital campaign to have the facilities to offer defense and security services & training. Time to stop dreaming and start asking!
We are blocking the @Discover Card because they blocked a large donation to our Order via PayPal for no reason, except to be nasty to a Christian org which aims to defend Christians from persecution. We suggest you cancel their card!
Totally agree. But we also need to find out who has funded the Jihadis in Syria, who have butchered Christians & Muslism without a scruple, and bring them to trial for crimes against humanity!…
Muslims in Libya are Auctioning Blacks from Africa as SLAVES…
Why Do Christians Despair of resisting Globalists and Islam? 11/14 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Our Compassion for persecuted Christians must have foresight, because if we only let our selves be moved by images of suffering caused by persecution and not persecution, we will never support their military defense and security and they will remain victims for our carelessness!
@HungaryHelps @MilitarisCath Please pray for the last strong hold of Christianity in the Middle East - Lebanon. A tiny place with so many that want a piece of.
The man of valor begins by following, RTing and Faving, progresses with donating, pledging and investing, distinguishes himself by volunteering & serving, and attains glory by fulfilling all his promises!…
Sign up! -
Veterans often ask us when our Order will be sending out soldiers on defense and security missions. We keep telling them, that until our followers on social media donate or invest, are hands are tied, because 8250 follow us, but 8200 r not yet serious about it!
The greatest work of mercy and compassion is providing persecuted Christians the peace and security which comes only from the just use of military force by Christians for Christians > Help us to achieve that goal!…
A Chilling Warning to the West from the Archeparch of Mosul…
@WhiteNorth2 @POTUS If nothing the govt does works well, and the govt is elected by the people, then nothing the people do works well, and if that is the case, you should emmigrate!
@OrdoMilitarisKS @dforler @Ordo_Militaris Its not only rubbish its blasphemy, as if the cup Christ used could be the source of evil.
This is amazing, the new King of Saudia Arabia is restoring a 900 year old church and giving it back to the Maronites of Lebanon… @MilitarisCath @TheKingDude @amt6470 @StinkyBeachNnja speak about miracles.
French Interior Minister says there are 300,000 illegal Muslim migrants in France
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
@yeahremia @A_de_St_Germain O Lord, give us once again a Blessed Urban II! +… +
Today's Program is on Blessed @jhnewman and his sermons and writings on Christian Prayer…
Sign up! -
Just when you thought the Democrat Party was absolutely sick, twisted and perverted, you wake to find that its full of witches who imagine themselves as lovers of every GOP who is ready to win an election!
A Chilling Warning to the West from the Archeparch of Mosul…
VIDEO. Nantes: Un homme armé d'un pistolet braque un prêtre pendant la messe…
Edition de Verdun | Intrusion islamiste au carmel de Verdun…
A big thanks to all who contributed to this work of Mercy and Compassion for our brother and sister Christians in El-Kaa, Lebanon!…
Honor and glory to those who make noble promises and fulfill them! - Shame and eternal disgrace who make them but do not fulfill them!
God ordains just wars so that the offenses of wicked men be rooted out — Giovanni de Legnano, 1320 A.D. > Listen at…
@MilitarisCath SE Michigan needs it. I'm originally from there, being overrun by Muslims.
This is the ideological lineage and explanation why the governments of Europe are trying to genocide white Christians from Europe.…
We serve Christ, the Lord and Savior of All men in holy work of defending & liberating Christians from persecution
First Step: Getting the word out -…
@Ordo_Militaris If you are NOT a member, but HAVE RTed or FAVed this tweet, we warmly invite you to do the Honorable and Noble thing of becoming a Member! Its a #DeusVult for us to welcome you!
If you admire, respect, agree, support, favor or are inspired by the work we are organizing to do, please Tweet out your endorsement or commendation of our Order and name us in the tweet @MilitarisCath so we can RT it! Thank you!
Crusaders prepare thyselves! Crucem sanctam subiit! -- Templar battle chant! -- Listen to it as U read R tweets!…
Ordo Militaris Catholicus is a defense & security initiative by Catholics for the defense of persecuted Christians, organized as a Military Order, working through private military & security companies in a global network of alliances.
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and we will never go wrong. He will perfect our Faith and crown r works of charity with blessings!
It was a work of honor and joy to be able to help in some small way, such a stalwart Christian town, which gives such a heroic example to all Christendom!…
If you care about the security of Christians in lands plagued by ISIS, please consider a donation this Christmas
Let us double our prayers as the health of Marek has declined so much that he felt obligated to resign from the Order. Now we need several zealous Poles to replace him, if our Chapter there is to go forward!…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
True Christian charity is distinguished from secular humanitarian work in 4 ways: 1) It is done primarily for love of Jesus Christ, not for the poor 2) It is offered to those truly in need 3) It has no political agenda 4) It does not steal from one to give to other.
If you have some land you could donate or donate the use of, we are looking to set up training camps for our men. DM us for more info!
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
Canada must not open ties to #Iran a terrorist sponsoring country who received a big helping hand from #Obama… @HamsedaCA @realclearisrael
The Roman Empire fell for two reasons. The elite class became corrupt and detached from the citizenry and the empire became overrun by barbarians/immigrants. sound familiar?
Prospective Catholic Investors: Take a look at @Ordo_Militaris Inc's Dividend Declaration… offering 5% dividend
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Eternal Father, I offer You the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, sinners in the universal church, & those in my own home & family. // Saint Gertrude
Tell your friends! — @Ordo_Militaris Inc is probably the only corporation on earth where you can invest to fight jihadis and defend Christians by force of arms.…
Evil prospers when good men do nothing. If u have not yet done anything 2 fight Radical Islamic Terrorism Make a donation today!
Every new member of Our Order is like a brick which cements with the rest to build an international fortress against Jihad. Join us by pledging and raise the shout of #DeusVult in all the world! + +
@silvestromedia We would love to put an advertisement for our Association in the National Catholic Register, but have been refused by the EWTN CEO. Maybe you could intercede with him for us?
@captmal7771 A National or Local chapter is the way to lay the foundation. Without an organization, individuals can do nothing effective.
Let us pray for the Conversion to the Christian Faith of the new King to be of Saudi Arabia, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign – Ordo Militaris, Inc.…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Robert Mueller No Longer Investigating Trump? Was the 1 responsible for purge of any mention of Islam from FBI training manuals…
@janeratta1 No Catholic Church is headed by the Vatican. The Head of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ, was, is, always has been, always will be.
Many in GOP campaigned on promise to defund Planned Parenthood, the company of human butchery, but did nothing. This proves that even many in GOP serve Blood thirsty Elites & only pander 2 the people at election time. That they R also sexual predators, then should not surprise!
Dear @POTUS we formally petition you to nationalize FICO, Experian and Equifax, who have no right to maintain personal credit information on the citizens of the US and control their personal reputations without resort to judge or jury, this violates basic constitutional rights!
Yes, the US Military does spy on you on Social Media, and the evidence was left right out in the open!…
If you wish to understand this world, you need only to remember 1 thing. All the enemies of Christ Jesus All the enemies of the Catholic Church All the enemies of virtue & justice Are hypocrites!
„Przeciętny europejski wykształciuch nie może znieść hasła »My chcemy Boga«” #wieszwiecej #Salondziennikarski…
'No to Brussels!' EU summit provokes FURY as hundreds of protesters demand Swedish EXIT
🆘‼️👮#Belgiumium: this week! clashes between the police and aggressive rampaging Moroccans at the "Place de la monnaie" (bibliothèque de Bruxelles) #Brusselsels. Oh yes, the European Parliament has everything under control!
UK’s top counterterror officers urge media to rein in coverage of Islamic State and jihad terror attacks
@WhiteNorth2 @POTUS It has a bad taste in the UK, but its done differently in the USA. It can be a more dominant regulation, non private ownership, kind of like a public utility or charity, with locally elected mutually vetoing control officers to keep it out of political hands.
Blocking the extreme anti-Catholic bigot @EnglandsMadiba who accepts the propaganda of the Reformers as more infallible than the Gospels.
Many thanks to 41 donors who have given $5477 USD! 3 of which are pledging a total of $35 a month! WE EXCEEDED Our 1st goal ito raise $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa, by $477! A BIG THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS CRUSADERS!
@EnglandsMadiba Its really sweet that you an Anglican say that Catholics gave up on Jesus Christ, when we kept his Church, his Vicar, his Sacrament, esp the Eucharist where He is truly really and substantially present 24/7 body, blood, soul and divinity to be with us and us with Him!
@Edouard_MAURIN @WestmonsterUK Critique... we say in English.....ok...makes sense....French irony can be very dour...
@EnglandsMadiba We said "And"....but perhaps you did not read of the orgies he proposed between ex priests and ex nuns?
@WhiteNorth2 @POTUS Nationalization does not mean govt ownership, necessarily. Clearly it has to be more of a legal system than a govt agency or dept and certainly not run by political appointees.
@EnglandsMadiba And Luther is a heretic.
@Edouard_MAURIN @WestmonsterUK Here seems to be the source…
MOST OF OUR TWEETS Twitter never shows you, you need to come to our timeline @MilitarisCath and read them for yourself. Please RT the ones you like!
If you wish to understand this world, you need only to remember 1 thing. All the enemies of Christ Jesus All the enemies of the Catholic Church All the enemies of virtue & justice Are hypocrites!
Twitter says it 'does not tolerate divisive rhetoric' but has verified the official account of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood: @Ikhwanweb
True repentance, in the sense our Lord and Master Jesus Christ taught it, requires not only repentance from moral error and vices, but the utter rejection of worldliness as a political, social, economic objective, agenda, policy, rule or law for life.
Libya: Muslims selling black migrant slaves for as little as $400
Finsbury Park Mosque trustee is senior member of Hamas proving @TRobinsonNewEra right yet again. Any comment @piersmorgan? I daresay you need a bit of time to remove the egg from your face before you script your since apology to Tommy. We'll wait here ...…
Our Rule is for the men who serve with us in defense and security roles and for the men who pledge themselves to the Order for life as knight monks!…
Many in GOP campaigned on promise to defund Planned Parenthood, the company of human butchery, but did nothing. This proves that even many in GOP serve Blood thirsty Elites & only pander 2 the people at election time. That they R also sexual predators, then should not surprise!
The Character Assassination of Roy Moore: It’s True Intent…
This is the ideological lineage and explanation why the governments of Europe are trying to genocide white Christians from Europe.…
Socialism< Communism < Marxism < Karl Marx = Atheist Askhenazi "Jew" So when you vote for a Socialist, you are voting to be ruled by the mind of an Atheist Askhenazi, who are historically known for extreme anti Christian, anti-White racism.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Good question…
The Salvation of Europe lies neither in Communism, nor Nazism, nor Socialism, nor Capitalism, but in Christianity and Faith in Christ!
“Without Christians the Middle East will not be the same Middle East that we know” Waldemar Cislo, leader of Polish Aid to the Church in Need
You can understand the tremendous anger the common Christian has against Jews, when corporations founded by Jews like FICO can ruin an honest persons credit without cause and then demand $ to repair their own crime! Its a sort of Jewish Mafia out to enslave Christians w impunity!
We suggest to all our members and followers, that they boycott and cancel their policies with Nationwide, whose Bank attacked our corporation by unilaterally and for no bad behavior, closing our accounts in September without notice, in violation of their client user policy.
If you believe you are a victim of FICO, Exerpion or Equifax, you can file a complaint with the @CFPB at…
If eating this one dish was made an obligation of EU Citizenship, there would be no need for much of the current anti-terrorism national security measures!…
@POTUS Its also a threat to national security, since companies like FICO were founded by individuals who are not Christian and do not share our values as regard property and possession and human dignity.
Many thanks to 40 donors who have given $4477 USD! 3 of which are pledging a total of $35 a month! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Many thanks to 40 donors who have given $4477 USD! 3 of which are pledging a total of $35 a month! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Yes, the US Military does spy on you on Social Media, and the evidence was left right out in the open!…
Trump’s Failing Revolution -…
@POTUS Its also a threat to national security, since companies like FICO were founded by individuals who are not Christian and do not share our values as regard property and possession and human dignity.
@stweetnsour @Discover Not on this transaction, the Donor has a perfect credit score!
If the Christian West is seen as a refuge of peace and safety for the poor and needy of the rest of the world, then why are not the indigenous citizen-heirs who uphold those values which make it such, allowed to decide its destiny and use?
Our Holy Rule -
If eating this one dish was made an obligation of EU Citizenship, there would be no need for much of the current anti-terrorism national security measures!…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
Sign up! -
Invest -
Dear @POTUS we formally petition you to nationalize FICO, Experian and Equifax, who have no right to maintain personal credit information on the citizens of the US and control their personal reputations without resort to judge or jury, this violates basic constitutional rights!
If you believe you are a victim of FICO, Exerpion or Equifax, you can file a complaint with the @CFPB at…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
And to cap out the Fraud which FICO is involved in, when they ask $ to let you know how they have damaged your reputation, they include a footnote which says that lenders and credit institutions might get a different score on you from FICO than thte one you pay to see!
You can understand the tremendous anger the common Christian has against Jews, when corporations founded by Jews like FICO can ruin an honest persons credit without cause and then demand $ to repair their own crime! Its a sort of Jewish Mafia out to enslave Christians w impunity!
@BoustanyMazen Charity is the greek for Love.
Nella #Libia in preda al #terrorismo #islamico si pratica la #schiavitù come faceva #Maometto che fu il più grande schiavista dell’Arabia…
We suggest to all our members and followers, that they boycott and cancel their policies with Nationwide, whose Bank attacked our corporation by unilaterally and for no bad behavior, closing our accounts in September without notice, in violation of their client user policy.
First Step: Getting the word out -…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
“Religious freedom can not be defended only by words.We have to provide reliable conditions to our persecuted brothers and sisters in the Middle East” Marek Jedraszewski, Archbishop of #Poland and Ryszard Legutko opens the 3rd European Congress for Defending Christians
The first panel of the III European Congress for Defending Christians - not the first time Poland and Hungary join their forces
The mere thought that the enemies of Christ Jesus: Globalists, Marxists, Islamists, Freemasons, Facists, Modernists are loosing sleep over us, is an absolute delight!
Our Rule is for the men who serve with us in defense and security roles and for the men who pledge themselves to the Order for life as knight monks!…
@HCKGyanganj Its no sin to shoot an animal! But it should be done for reasonable motive, not out of joy in killing for killing sake.
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
The Justice of Our Cause -…
God have mercy upon them!…
There comes a point when it becomes a necessity of personal identity and civic responsibility to distinguish yourself from the idiots of your own nation who are submitting to Islamic invasion: do it by becoming a member of our Order! (Cathedrals of Europe)
Our order stands up for victims of sexual abuse, in Church or State, the perps must go. No toleration of molestation of boys or girls, men or women by anyone! Report, dont hide or remain silent! Think of future victims which can be saved!
A Nation which has denied Christ & its Catholic heritage for 500 years will find little motivation to withstand complete submission to Islam
We encourage Christian Fathers to raise their sons as men from the age of 12, and not according to modern effeminate standards
Do you think this story will hit mainstream media?…
@alKhidr888 @fredlbarr @JohnZwicker1 Christians should not be ashamed to defend themselves, but and the same time we should not be ashamed to organize internationally to train and organize to defend ourselves! That is what Ordo Militaris Catholicus is all about!
There will come a point, if it has not already been reached, when the costs and inconvenience of defending Western Civilization from within from Islamic Terror will exceed the costs and inconvenience in transporting all the Muslims in the West back to their homelands!
What is wrong with the White Identitarian Movement? — While lot of what they say is true about the malign racist agenda of the left against whites, most in that movement fail to realize that the real target is Christianity, not skin color, and that Christ is their true identity.
What is wrong with the Alt-Right movement? — It was founded by sodomites to take over the Right and Far-Right movements from within by undermining their support from next generation, thus guaranteeing the victory of sodomite revolution.
What is wrong with the Kek movement? — It belittles the solemnity, gravity and sacrality of religion and tries to make that acceptable by sustaining otherwise good conservative causes.
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Sign up! -
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
Considering how many Democrat women in the last 13 months have falsely accused GOPers of sexual harassment, VP Pence is double wise never to meet a woman while alone!
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
The only reason Democrats can get away with their constant, blatant falsehoods is the overwhelming majority of the media (print, broadcast, social) are democrat operatives, not objective news gatherers/reporters. That's what I'm sick and tired of! #RealTalk #WayneDupree
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
There is an Islamic Website which is spreading Sharia across American by supplying prayer times for every IP which visits it
ONLY $536 to go TO REACH OUR FIRST GOAL for immediate Winter Necessities of the poor Christians and Christian refugees of El-Kaa, Lebanon!…
Our Patron Saints -…
We are starting a Chapter in SE Michigan, send us a DM if you would like to join!
Let us pray for the Conversion to the Christian Faith of the new King to be of Saudi Arabia, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
Sign up! -
We need 82 more Lay-Members 13 more Squires & 13 more Knights 2 pledge 2B able 2 open r HQ * * JOIN US BY PLEDGING!
Invest -
Just one of the very many signs in the Old Testement that the 1 God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (3) is the Holy Trinity (1) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (3)…
@PhaedrusAnimus yes, just search for Kek and any religious word such as Pope, Bishop etc.
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The actual only movement which is sound philosophically, morally and theologically is the Catholic Identitarian movement, for we are the adopted sons of God and our inheritance is the Kingdom of Heaven, if we but remain true to our identity!
Considering how many Democrat women in the last 13 months have falsely accused GOPers of sexual harassment, VP Pence is double wise never to meet a woman while alone!
The hypocrisy of Washington has no bounds. So many denouncing Roy Moore when they are guilty of doing much worse than what he has been accused of supposedly doing. Shame on those hypocrites.
For these reasons, we believe that each of these three movements were founded by the Masonic Lodge to advance their agenda even as the Hand of the Lord moves against them in the final blow!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
What is wrong with the Kek movement? — It belittles the solemnity, gravity and sacrality of religion and tries to make that acceptable by sustaining otherwise good conservative causes.
What is wrong with the Alt-Right movement? — It was founded by sodomites to take over the Right and Far-Right movements from within by undermining their support from next generation, thus guaranteeing the victory of sodomite revolution.
What is wrong with the White Identitarian Movement? — While lot of what they say is true about the malign racist agenda of the left against whites, most in that movement fail to realize that the real target is Christianity, not skin color, and that Christ is their true identity.
This is the example we Catholics must follow… @MilitarisCath
Barcelona unveils new anti-terror measures in response to August attack…
Many thanks to 39 donors who have given $4464 USD! 2 of which are pledging a total of $22 a month! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Many thanks to 38 donors who have given $4414 USD! 2 of which are pledging a total of $22 a month! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Let us double our prayers as the health of Marek has declined so much that he felt obligated to resign from the Order. Now we need several zealous Poles to replace him, if our Chapter there is to go forward!…
@SebGorka @BobbyCantrell8 @MooreSenate @GOP @SenFranken @DNC Sexual immorality and perversion are considered meritorious in the Democrat Party. That's the explanation.
More classified emails from HRC to Huma that she intended to get rid of. Was she responsible for funneling weapons to NATO backed rebels in Lybia with Al Qaeda ties? Time to investigate. via @JudicialWatch
@alKhidr888 @fredlbarr @JohnZwicker1 All we can say as Catholics is that this behavior of his does not appear motivated by the Gospel, since Christ never commanded it, asked for it, or encouraged it, but told us rather to avoid doing works of piety so that all might see and praise us for them!
@alKhidr888 @fredlbarr @JohnZwicker1 All we can say as Catholics is that this behavior of his does not appear motivated by the Gospel, since Christ never commanded it, asked for it, or encouraged it, but told us rather to avoid doing works of piety so that all might see and praise us for them!
There will come a point, if it has not already been reached, when the costs and inconvenience of defending Western Civilization from within from Islamic Terror will exceed the costs and inconvenience in transporting all the Muslims in the West back to their homelands!
If its a crime to attempt to genocide the Jewish race in concentration camps or the Armenian race in their own villages, why is it not a crime of genocide to attempt the extermination of European Whites by politically impelled Islamic or African immigration?
Islamic State threatens “Christmas blood” at the Vatican…
Saint Gabriel, the Archangel, Ambassador of the Most High, call men to arms to defend Christians from godless Terrorists!
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
As example of thousands proves, some men cannot be their best, without joining the Army: how much more so, without becoming a Crusader!
Las Vegas shooting victims file more lawsuits, press for answers | Fox News…
Blocking @geomatica44 which is a bot run by the cult "Jehovah Witnesses"
In a secret deal hundreds of ISIS terrorists & their families were allowed to escape from Raqqa, Syria. How many enslaved Iraqi Yazidi & Christian women were taken with them?…
Children are drawing little crosses and #Christian symbols to reconstructed houses in #Telsqof | #HungaryHelpsInIraq #HungaryHelps
What most Westerners do not know, because they are not fluent in arabic, is that the most racist group on the face of the earth, who hate Blacks, are Muslim Arabs, most of whom are allies of the DNC!
A few days ago, Catholic Poland celebrated its national independence day. 2 Major London Newspapers called those who attended "Facists" and "Nazis"😠 Wonder what they would have called those who celebrated the founding of the Third Reich?🤔(HT to
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
@AuxRight Racism is NOT at all natural. It was invented by the Germans and Dutch disciples of Kant, who held that morality is inherent in the human mind, differing solely on basis of genetic characteristics. Used to justify slave trade. Discriminating on basis of race was unknown before!
God have mercy upon them!…
Men who begin to fight the Church for the sake of freedom and humanity end by flinging away freedom and humanity if only they may fight the Church.
Chinese communists force Christians to "voluntarily" renounce Jesus for Communist leader, Xi Jinping Cardinal Parolin wants to compromise with Chinese communists over underground Church.…
Bp. Joseph Li Side, an 'underground' bishop, died this morning aged 97. Please pray for him. A pillar of traditionalism, true fidelity to the See, in the Chinese speaking Church. Please pray for the Chinese Church, beset by enemies without & within…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
Syriac Orthodox Bishop in Lebanon, on Christian Refugees from Syria: Christ now asks us to help these people!…
The Character Assassination of Roy Moore: It’s True Intent…
BONKERS: French academic suggests creating Islamic state, dual system of law within the country to avoid civil war.…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
@CitadelMark @HungaryHelps The Obama Adminisration sent the guns, the Trump administration sent the aide. Unlike Russia, the USA is not a one man regime which endures for decades. It flip flops according to votes.
Jeśli chciałbyś zostać członkiem naszego Zakonu Wojskowego, który jest zaangażowany w obronę katolików przed prześladowaniem, skontaktuj się z Marcin @macjellygh, aby uzyskać więcej informacji!
@gruntjust4u @DefendEvropa The West needs to realize that Muslisms do not have a system of morality which is based on rejecting depravity, but only on doing the will of the divinity they worshipo who is whimsical, tricky and loves death and sex.
MOST OF OUR TWEETS Twitter never shows you, you need to come to our timeline @MilitarisCath and read them for yourself. Please RT the ones you like!
Dear #OMC_LM Members who joined our Order in the Fall of 2016, and pledged by check or lump payment: your pledge is up for a renewal! Please continue your noble work of supporting the defense of Christians through us!
The UN must disban and quit telling independent people and countries what to do. Has the UN told Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, etc to change their migration laws?…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Roy Moore. Innocent until proven otherwise. Al Franken. Innocent until proven otherwise. I don’t wiggle on this issue for political points. Accused doesn’t mean guilty. #franken #MooreSenate
IRAQ: 9-year-old girls could be forced to marry under new Islamic law, in a bill that also incl…… via @barenakedislam
Notice -- Dont use Discover Card with PAYPAL, as we have reports of Discover blocking payments made through PAYPAL for no reason at all.
Our Order is solidly Catholic and Christian, which is why this week alone we have been targeted by Jihadis, Aryan Racists, Marxist Liberals and pro-Sodomy groups.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
@CitadelMark @HungaryHelps No, that is not true. the USA has send $1 Billion in US Aid to the Christians of Mesopotamia.
So if you are a Christian who "supports Israel" take a look into this and temper your zeal, without diminishing your opposition to the terrorism promoted by all the Islamic groups in the area.…
We recommend you pray to the Lord Jesus about it for now, and when you graduate High School, check out our BCT program to see when its going to be offered, and make your decision then.…
The DNC new strategy to win in elections is to strong arm corporations to deny services to their political opponents even if it ruins their lives, jobs, careers or families! — The DNC should change "Democrat" to "Demonic"...
We are blocking the @Discover Card because they blocked a large donation to our Order via PayPal for no reason, except to be nasty to a Christian org which aims to defend Christians from persecution. We suggest you cancel their card!
@Discover You did what you did, and your company knows what they did and why, and so we will not divulge further information because your corporate credibility is 0% with us!
@Discover You did what you did, and your company knows what they did and why, and so we will not divulge further information because your corporate credibility is 0% with us!
Blocking the ractist @AuxRight who followed our HQ to attempt to dissuade military recruits to our Order. We call on all members to block him.
cannot emphasize too much, how necessary to beginning operations it is, that Members consider investing with the Order so we can have the facilities to provide the defense and security services that persecuted Christians need! !
@gruntjust4u It would be a delight to train them, to liberate their own and give these cruel Muslims a strong kick in the butt
Blocking the ractist @AuxRight who followed our HQ to attempt to dissuade military recruits to our Order. We call on all members to block him.
@AuxRight @MortalToil Dear @MortalToil do not listen to @AuxRight he is a racist troll and not a Catholic. We recommend you block him, as we are doing now.
@AuxRight Racism is NOT at all natural. It was invented by the Germans and Dutch disciples of Kant, who held that morality is inherent in the human mind, differing solely on basis of genetic characteristics. Used to justify slave trade. Discriminating on basis of race was unknown before!
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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Invest -
Our order stands up for victims of sexual abuse, in Church or State, the perps must go. No toleration of molestation of boys or girls, men or women by anyone! Report, dont hide or remain silent! Think of future victims which can be saved!
Its becoming more and more clear that the very existence and continuance of Western Civilization requires the cleaning out of sexual predators, perverts and sleazes from all the halls of power in Church and State!
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Christianity saved the west and is now its only hope. #DeusVult
@Discover Too Late, the individual in question cancelled his Discover Payment and is going to write a check instead! Perhaps you should check to see if there is anyone in your org who has put Christian organizations on a No Pay list, as part of the DNC program to persecute Christians!
@harrison_partch No, we meant that we cannot fav that name of Lazar...on account of what he did
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
I know most of you aren't keeping score but a lot of these individuals that were the biggest Trump haters are being entered in the definition of KARMA on a daily basis. Never seen anything like this before. It's like a party! #RealTalk #WayneDupree
Saint Raphael, the Archangel, who stands before the throne of God interceding for his people, inspire men to imitate you in bringing help and liberation to persecuted Christians!
I believe Sen. Al Franken's accuser and her allegations. Franken should step down as Minnesota Senator immediately #RealTalk #WayneDupree
Muslim Mayor who wont do a thing to stop Radical Islamic Terror in his City against Christians, now bans Christians from protesting the slaughter of Children in his City!…
Sign up! -
When your parents ask you what you want for Christmas, this year, tell them, you want them to pay your membership pledge in our Order + + #DeusVult
Notice -- Dont use Discover Card with PAYPAL, as we have reports of Discover blocking payments made through PAYPAL for no reason at all.
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Visiting a new school in the #Christian district of #Erbil which was built w/ Hungarian assistance.Refugee children have already started the school year here who we also had the chance to meet
Just got back to #Budapest and will fly to #Krakow in a few hours to attend 3rd European Conference for Defending Christians. Can't wait to see there many familiar faces! @acn_int @janfigel @EwelinaUO
Rebuilding the #NinevehPlains will be a massive project requiring substantial funding. Reconstruction & indigenous communities' return are closely interlinked. Without this reconstruction, the future of #Christians in #Syria & #Iraq is questionable.
[VIDEO] Young volunteer doctors of St Joseph Hospital in #Erbil speak about their work with refugees. They cure for free more than a hundred ppl daily w/ expensive drugs thanks to #HungaryHelps #HungaryHelpsInIraq
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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@harrison_partch Ok, I cannot fav your tweet for that reason.
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
So if you are a Christian who "supports Israel" take a look into this and temper your zeal, without diminishing your opposition to the terrorism promoted by all the Islamic groups in the area.…
The modern claim of "Jews" to the Holy Land is based on Biblical claims, but the Bible does not promise that land to Ashkenazis, who make up 90% of the "Jewish" population of Israel. The real sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are the Sephardic Jews, and they get a bad name from it
What most Westerners do not know, because they are not fluent in arabic, is that the most racist group on the face of the earth, who hate Blacks, are Muslim Arabs, most of whom are allies of the DNC!
@harrison_partch Uh, whom do you nominate, there are so many candidates?
GOD through TRUMP is exposing ALL THE EVIL in America and government ! He pulled back the curtains !!! Thank you Jesus! @seanhannity @TuckerCarlson @WayneDupreeShow @mitchellvii…
Never ceases to amaze, how the enemies of Christ are so conceited that they think they can not only control the minds of Christians, but triumph over Christ's Church!
Does anyone know if Muslim religious law allows the enslavement of Muslims, or should we presume these Blacks are all Christian or pagans?…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
ISIS executes an 18 year old Christian Youth, in cold blood (video, extremely graphic)...…
This is a marketing scheme to pin your IP...…
@Centaur1954 Those are the deep roots of that party of hatred...
Blocking @Reb_Tb who in all likelyhood is a US agent working out of the US Embassy in Warsaw
Muslim Mayor who wont do a thing to stop Radical Islamic Terror in his City against Christians, now bans Christians from protesting the slaughter of Children in his City!…
Totally agree. But we also need to find out who has funded the Jihadis in Syria, who have butchered Christians & Muslism without a scruple, and bring them to trial for crimes against humanity!…
@marc63fr They can never destroy our faith or Faith!
WATCH Pamela Geller on Rebel Media: Muslim Barbie and Glamour Magazine’s Terror “Women of the Year”
@Centaur1954 Why should they, the history of the Left is a history of a group which owned slaves, profited from them, started a civil war to protect them, deprived them of civil rights when they were freed, then spent 70 years hypocritically pretending they are the proBlack freedom party!
@MilitarisCath God send down vengance upon these monsters
👀 the past is repeating itself. Pay…w
Each and every donor, benefactor and supporter of R Order who enables R men to go and fight Jihadis, shares in the nobility of R holy work!
#WednesdayWisdom #wednesdaymotivation Today's Show: St. King Louis IX As Christian Father @MilitarisCath…
Our Holy Rule -
#MondayMotivation #TexasChurchMassacre #Atheist #bluepillmen #RedPill "He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze." 2 Samuel 22:35 #DeusVult
@gruntjust4u @DefendEvropa The West needs to realize that Muslisms do not have a system of morality which is based on rejecting depravity, but only on doing the will of the divinity they worshipo who is whimsical, tricky and loves death and sex.
Ordo Militaris Inc. is offering a $50 dividend, listen in for more information!…
Oh to have a chapter of our Order in Catholic Poland, it would be the hearth of a mighty flame in the work of helping persecuted Catholics defend themselves!…
Swedish woman Raped by Syrian migrant commits Suicide after Prosecutor drops her Case
The Christian man on earth who is truly free, is the 1 who serves Christ solely, purely for the love of Him, seeking no recompense among men
Its sanity, objectivity and true science to doubt those politicians who claim the world is warming or cooling as result of man. Its not perverse to oppose "climate scientism" which is Marxism posing as climatology! To say it is perverse is to reject Jesus Christ|
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Today's Gospel reading was about Jesus healing the 10 lepers. Leprosy is a disease which disfigures the body. Likewise, sin disfigures the soul -- and society, too. Let us join Poland in their chorus: "We want God!" May we be led away from sin -- for our families & our future 🙏
A historical center of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, #Germany faces an increasing problem with radical Islam: 34 German Islamist organizations at
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
ONLY $696 to go TO REACH OUR FIRST GOAL for immediate Winter Necessities of the poor Christians and Christian refugees of El-Kaa, Lebanon! +… +
Many thanks to 37 donors who have given $4314 USD! 2 of which are pledging a total of $22 a month! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Las Vegas shooting victims file more lawsuits, press for answers | Fox News…
This morning at 10 AM NYC Time, a unique Catholic investment opportunity for Sons of the Crusaders in retirement!…
Its sanity, objectivity and true science to doubt those politicians who claim the world is warming or cooling as result of man. Its not perverse to oppose "climate scientism" which is Marxism posing as climatology! To say it is perverse is to reject Jesus Christ|
Our Patron Saints -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Private Armed Forces and Global Security: A Guide to the Issues by Carlos Ortiz, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble®…
@MilitarisCath What your doing is great I will do what I can to help
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
@Theweaves68 @Ellie71026368 @aldotcom The Christians of Lebanon and Syria, unlike many others, see their lands as their own and part of their identity as a people, so they are inclined to return to their homelands as soon as possible and would not welcome the idea you make.
We recommend you pray to the Lord Jesus about it for now, and when you graduate High School, check out our BCT program to see when its going to be offered, and make your decision then.…
If you admire, respect, agree, support, favor or are inspired by the work we are organizing to do, please Tweet out your endorsement or commendation of our Order and name us in the tweet @MilitarisCath so we can RT it! Thank you!
Hungarian security expert: Muslims don't want to integrate, they want to take power…
Dear #OMC_LM Members who joined our Order in the Fall of 2016, and pledged by check or lump payment: your pledge is up for a renewal! Please continue your noble work of supporting the defense of Christians through us!
Don't Disarm the Potential Heroes Who Can Stop the Bad Guys… #Newsmax via @Newsmax_Media
ISIS executes an 18 year old Christian Youth, in cold blood (video, extremely graphic)...…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Who are the members of Ordo Militaris Catholicus? — Catholics, Christians and other men and women of good will who have resolved to support a common effort to defend Christians from Jihad, with use of force, where allowable!
In the Judge Moore affair, we have seen how the Left has a number of document forgers. Maybe questions should be reopened about that White House distributed alleged Hawaii Birth Certificate, which the Maricopa Sheriff said was a 100% forgery.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
If you would be interested in starting a Chapter of our Order in the state of North Carolina, send us a DM
What we are all about, and what we are organizing to do!
Private Security Companies run by Christians are cordially invited to consider joining our Crusader Holy League for the defense of persecuted Christians. Contact the offices of @Ordo_Militaris Inc for more information
Its now a matter not only of charity, but of the honor of the Order, that we complete this first goal, lest we seem impotent to do even a little good completely and fully!…
Private Security Companies run by Christians are cordially invited to consider joining our Crusader Holy League for the defense of persecuted Christians. Contact the offices of @Ordo_Militaris Inc for more information
Ordo Militaris Catholicus is a defense & security initiative by Catholics for the defense of persecuted Christians, organized as a Military Order, working through private military & security companies in a global network of alliances.
Private Armed Forces and Global Security: A Guide to the Issues by Carlos Ortiz, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble®…
States, Citizens and the Privatisation of Security - Elke Krahmann - Google Books…
You can contact the offices of Ordo Militaris Catholicus by mail at 302 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 403, Helena, MT 59601 or call us at 1 (406) 300-4045
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Polish granny destroys mainstream media after fascist claims: They're liars!…
One reason why there is still any Radical Islamic Terrorism, is that Christians hardly support any #DeusVult security or #Crusader initiative like @Ordo_Militaris Inc We were founded and are organized to undo that problem!
#NewYorkTerrorAttack NYC needs to dump its #MarxistMayor and elect a #Crusader to defend the City! Its time for #DeusVult security!
We hold to catholic morals on just war doctrine, and so we disagree in principle with the assertion that might makes right! #DeusVult
This morning at 10 AM NYC Time, a unique Catholic investment opportunity for Sons of the Crusaders in retirement!…
Help your fellow Christians and donate! You don't have to donate a ton.…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Why Do Christians Despair of resisting Globalists and Islam? 11/14 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
And their apologists say its not an invasion!…
Germany: Two hundred churches damaged and Christian symbols destroyed in just one region…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Tune In Thursday For A New Special Program Being Started By Order Militaris @MilitarisCath…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
The DNC new strategy to win in elections is to strong arm corporations to deny services to their political opponents even if it ruins their lives, jobs, careers or families! — The DNC should change "Democrat" to "Demonic"...
Hillary Clinton: Any investigation into my crimes would be an "abuse of power" like in a "dictatorship."…
Twitter "verification" now explicitly an epaulet.…
Many thanks to 36 donors who have given $4264 USD! 2 of which are pledging a total of $22 a month! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
@Ordo_Militaris If you are NOT a member, but HAVE RTed or FAVed this tweet, we warmly invite you to do the Honorable and Noble thing of becoming a Member! Its a #DeusVult for us to welcome you!
The Order is working to found foreign chapters, so that they can give the help to Christians which the US State Department is refusing @Ordo_Militaris permission to give, since May letter of Br Bugnolo to Tillerson, has never been answered!
Harvey can stay verified though under twitters terms of service. I guess raping women isn’t an issue for them
Its now a matter not only of charity, but of the honor of the Order, that we complete this first goal, lest we seem impotent to do even a little good completely and fully!…
@LauraLoomer Its called the RICO act… and in includes the concerted efforts to prevent free commerce and exercise of economic liberty to participate in the market of goods or services.
This is really rich. Spenser is Lebanese. He cannot, by definition be a white supremacist!…
@katekate2late @LauraLoomer You need to study up the case law on the RICO act, honey!
Dios mío 😢�…CL
Finally! After U.N. loses US $ for doing nothing to protect Christians, UN concedes Christians are persecuted…
@LauraLoomer And the number of nasty trolls replying, RTing and FAVing their replies to this one comment of ours, makes us think that if you named Twitter in the suit, and req the ips of these trolls, youd find a good number of them on the pay of Soros and
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: -…
Declaration of Dignities: Feb. 21, 2017 A. D. -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Dear @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr Hey what is up at the US State Department? >>…
@Ordo_Militaris See letter here…
In the Judge Moore affair, we have seen how the Left has a number of document forgers. Maybe questions should be reopened about that White House distributed alleged Hawaii Birth Certificate, which the Maricopa Sheriff said was a 100% forgery.
Chant of the Templars - Da Pacem Domine (Esemble Organum) - Sung after a day of battle…
Templar Knights Chant: Salve Regina - YouTube…
This is really rich. Spenser is Lebanese. He cannot, by definition be a white supremacist!…
@LauraLoomer There is a US Federal Statue against Racketeering, and you can sue for mega $. Have your lawyer look into it, as these companies appear to be attacking you for the exercise of your profession.
@LauraLoomer There is a US Federal Statue against Racketeering, and you can sue for mega $. Have your lawyer look into it, as these companies appear to be attacking you for the exercise of your profession.
Islamic State threatens “Christmas blood” at the Vatican…
MUST WATCH: @Nigel_Farage Exposes George Soros and his ‘open society members’!
This is intolerable, Dear @POTUS America should do something about this!
@bergis35 ??
Finally! After U.N. loses US $ for doing nothing to protect Christians, UN concedes Christians are persecuted…
The few Christians left alive in Iraq are now being persecuted by mandatory "inter-Religious Dialogue"…
There are 7 ways to Invest with @Ordo_Militaris, Inc., to promote our holy call of #DeusVult for #persecuted #Christians everywhere!
For Christmas, what gift could be better than a membership in our Order? Make a pledge in their name! + +
The few Christians left alive in Iraq are now being persecuted by mandatory "inter-Religious Dialogue"…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
If you wish to support Ordo Militaris Catholicus even in the world to come, consider adding a codicil to your Last Will & Testament to grant the @Ordo_Militaris Inc a Legacy to carry on our work for years to come! #DeusVult
Libya's Slave Auctions And African Genocide: What Hillary Knew | Zero Hedge…
⚠ Voici le danger que représentent les enfants nés sous Daech... et qui reviennent en France #Daech #Daesh #Syrie...
MEMBERS! — We have initiated a Member Services Desk, where members can get questions answered and make inquiries. See our Website Contact Page for the phone number!
@Politics1Speaks CNN changes the narrative to fit their agenda, where applicable, but we know of no agenda to blame the Libya which Hilary created for reviving slavery.
Muslims in Libya are Auctioning Blacks from Africa as SLAVES…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
The Ordo Militaris is coming to a CRUSADE near you, join today!…
We ask prayers for our #OMC_LM @sypekmarek who is recovering from major surgery! May our Lady of Częstochowa watch over him!
Our Patron Saints -…
Sign up! -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
@heifer109 @GrittaMarcus Somewhere, there must be a cartoon of a baby throwing a tempertantum and threatening to impeach his dad who is about to spank him!
Its becoming more and more clear that the very existence and continuance of Western Civilization requires the cleaning out of sexual predators, perverts and sleazes from all the halls of power in Church and State!
Trump did not call it a swamp for nothing!…
@saucypatriot @barenakedislam And to think, not 20 years ago, White French pedophiles were shamed into committing suicide for their crimes! — Guess the Macron govt has a work around on that one. His wife will be pleased indeed!
WIDESPREAD OUTRAGE As France Considers Making "13" The Age Of Sexual Consent, The Result Of Rampant Muslim Pedophilia There.… via @barenakedislam
Invest -
@politiciandirec Your link goes to an entirely different article..
If the neighborhoods were that poor they would have never emmigrated and set out for France...!…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
@Ordo_Militaris See letter here…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
@EnglandsMadiba @WestmonsterUK The UK govt brought them there. Let's not pretend that they are scared of them. They brought them to scare the population of the UK into submission!
The Order is working to found foreign chapters, so that they can give the help to Christians which the US State Department is refusing @Ordo_Militaris permission to give, since May letter of Br Bugnolo to Tillerson, has never been answered!
Three physical attacks on GOP lawmakers, including a shooting. And don't forget the shooting of the Family Reseach Council. And the firebombing of the GOP HQ in NC last fall. Where is the press feeding frenzy about left-wing hate? Welcome Back Rand Paul
DENMARK: Jihadi stripped of citizenship and expelled from country. Meanwhile UK allows over 400 ISIS fighters back in...…
Shows Coming Up – Ordo Militaris Radio…
May God our Father bless us all, as Christ wills Syriac Prayer "Abun D'Bashmayo" (The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic)…
Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest! and in the hearts of men take rest! That warriors they may become, to win glory for the Son!
Jesus Christ reigns forever as the Omnipotent Lord of All, those obeying him receive protection, rebelling punishment, both men and nations!
We seek to recruit the men who love Jesus Christ more than their own country, and their brothers Christians more than own conveniences
Chief effect of error is 2divide men; in the truth of Christ Christendom alone is united, thus all must accept the true Faith 4 true unity!
Men we recommend you read up on Gallantry, and return to the traditional practice of showing it to all women, as is proper
Would to God that there be as many brave Christian men to fight against Jihadis, as there are maniacal evil Muslims to wage Jihad! #DeusVult
We invite single men, who R retired, to consider pledging your service & wealth to the Order for life, in a glorious Christian dedication
One is the valor of the men who go off to war, another of the man who supplies and supports. Each can be member of our Order #DeusVult
May Saint George, patron of warriors, and Saint Andrew the first Apostle to call men to Jesus, ever protect the United Kingdom from Islam!
If Christians want to save Christendom, they need to look to no 1 for the $ and men and materials. God the Most Holy Trinity has given them!
Dear Christians men, if you kneel before the Lord and ask Him for courage 2 fight Jihadis, He will give it to you in abundance! #DeusVult
@MilitarisCath Let us pray to Jesus Christ our God, in the Holy Spirit that He might send us good men & materials!
Boys dream and play knights, but men brave whatever it takes to become one.
Recruiting Young Men To Protect and Liberate Christians From Islamic Terrorism 07/04 by Ordo Militaris Radio…
Our greatest disappointment with Twitter is how few men of valor can be found on it! + + Pledge to join!
Its beyond the competence of any government of men to demand or require that honest citizens disarm themselves...…
We are a military religious order too, so if there are any men who want 2 live in chastity and donate all their goods to the Order, join us!
These are the men whose example of fortitude, courage and generosity in the face of Jihad are an everlasting example to Christians of all times and places!…
Devvy Kidd -- Where Have All The Men Gone?…
We call on devout Christian men and women who follow us on Twitter, to join r Order and become part of the solution to Christian persecution
Ex-Muslim Professor: Rape Gangs Inevitable, Muslim Men Live In Britain As If It Was Pakistan - Breitbart…
Zimbabwe crisis: Mugabe 'under house arrest' after army takeover
On September 12, 1683,the army under the command of Polish King Jan III Sobieski defeated the army of the Ottoman Empire led by Kara Mustafa
There is no Christian nation more lame and effeminate, than the one which allows Muslims to take it over without a fight!
Oh Holy Archangel St Raphael, Patron of travelers, of families, and of Christians in the Mid-East, on this Thy Feastday, intercede for Them!
Our Patron Saints -…
Today Portsmouth Council @portsmouthtoday voted 2 try & ban @BishopEgan of @PortsmouthRC from praying in one spot in his City. Happy Birthday Bishop Egan, thank you 4 your support of Mums in need.
French-Swiss cement maker investigated over alleged payments to Islamic State…
Shows Coming Up – Ordo Militaris Radio…
Monday, Nov 20: To Open Polish Head Quarters, Part One 11/20 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR @Ordo_Militaris @OrdoMilitarisRP…
And their apologists say its not an invasion!…
@Wildharv We have very different motives in our work, and anyhow, he is now running for the US Senate from Wyoming.
Oh to have a chapter of our Order in Catholic Poland, it would be the hearth of a mighty flame in the work of helping persecuted Catholics defend themselves!…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Recruiting new members of our Order is vital to its strategic growth round the world, as we need to raise the capital to found subsidiaries of @Ordo_Militaris Inc to serve as the foundation of our Religious Association in key Catholic nations. So please invite everyone you know!
Our Y01 Series Stock is to raise funds to purchase and organize a Basic Combat Training Camp – Ordo Militaris, Inc.…
@MissJacqaline Mind you, they were taught this, because countless souls think they saw an apparition but were deceived, since in such things its hard to know the first question that should be asked, was it of God or of the Devil or of human imagination or invention. And nearly 99% is the latter
And they said that Communists and Nazis were not sisters!…
@MissJacqaline Alas many priests speak this way, not out of disrespect, but out of bad formation, since they dont want to diminish the superiority of divine faith in God revealing, which is salvific, they disparage the obligation of trust in the Saints reigning now with God, when they visit us.
@MissJacqaline Ugh! Just think how said such a statement would make Our Lady if She overheard him saying it to you!
Since she is our Mother in Christ, why wouldn't we believe and trust everything she says?…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
Sign up! -
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
If you want to grow the Order, so as to increase our capacity to help persecuted Christians, get a recruitment kit and start a local chapter!… #DeusVult! #PersecutedChristians
And they said that Communists and Nazis were not sisters!…
Our Holy Rule -
Strong borders make Hungary one of the safest countries in the world…
Why is Judge Moore guilty until proven innocent, but Hilary Clinton is innocent even when proven guilty?
Tomorrow's Show is serious, will be a lot of reflecting and hopefully cause some changes for the better… 9 AM Central, 10 AM Eastern
You have raised 83% of our goal of $5000 USD for winter necessities — Help us reach the Goal! #DeusVult!…
Now, we challenge each of you who have RTed or Faved this tweet to consider purchasing just 1 of our T class stock!…
Help the Catholics of El-Kaa Lebanon, surrounded on all sides by Muslims; caring 4 1500 Christian Syrian refugees!… +
Tell your friends! — @Ordo_Militaris Inc is probably the only corporation on earth where you can invest to fight jihadis and defend Christians by force of arms.…
Rev. Mother, Mother Angeleen Umezurike (pictured below), Srs. Amabilis Onuoha, and Kate Nweke, and their driver kidnapped in Nigeria. -- Msgr. Gerard Lopez They are Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy. Pray, pray, pray 🙏
We wish to thank in a special way those who have pledged $1 a month, for having the integrity to back their RTs and FAVs with a real participation in our work. Now for the rest of you 8000+ followers...🧐 HQ cordially invites U 2 do same, so we can begin to send vets on mission!
Fr. Nasrallah, of El-Kaa, Lebanon, just called our offices in Helena, MT, USA, to say "Thank you!" to all our members who are sending help!
On this saying of Jesus there is no dispute! Let us give confidently, then 4 the Christians of #ELKaa…
As #Christmas approaches, Why not omit 1 gift, & instead make a small donation? ->> @MilitarisCath for Christian Refugees in #Lebanon… +
Help the #Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon! – Ordo Militaris, Inc.…
Cardinal Burke makes final plea to the Pope to answer the ‘Dubia’ One Year After Their Publication… Says Crisis in Church has grown to enormous proportions due to Francis failure to confirm the Faith
We encourage all those who wish they could do more, but cannot, to join us in this intercessory prayer to Christ Jesus, the King of all Hearts!
Jesus becomes Ur very life when u make ur life the putting in practice of His example of self sacrifice and charity!…
Catholic Pastor in Texas encourages concealed carry on Sundays to protect his flock…
Why is Judge Moore guilty until proven innocent, but Hilary Clinton is innocent even when proven guilty?
A few days ago, Catholic Poland celebrated its national independence day. 2 Major London Newspapers called those who attended "Facists" and "Nazis"😠 Wonder what they would have called those who celebrated the founding of the Third Reich?🤔(HT to
MANY THANKS to all our members and benefactors, who enabled the Order's foundation in Aug 29, 2016 and saw it through its first year existence! Ad multos annos!
Preciosa iniciativa. Esta Navidad acuérdate de los cristianos perseguidos y hazles también a ellos un regalo. #IamNunt 🎁…8
Don't be dissuaded by Marxist rhetoric! It can be and is a GREAT WORK of Charity to invest to defend Christians from persecution, even if its only a "loan" of capital not a donation.
If you cannot afford a donation to our El-Qaa Appeal, please ask your family, friends, and acquaintances to consider making a donation!
When it comes to defending Christians from Jihadis, there is only 1 thing lacking: the will to do it!
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
Today's Show We will Discuss Why Do Christians Despair More Today Than In Olden Days of the Church, also see how it became widespread, and what St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, St. Bonaventure and St. Anselm has to say on this… 9 AM Central, 10 AM Eastern
Dear President, from what we hear you are in the 90s!…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
"A near total absence of ... orthodoxy"…
Day by day the explicit, public, manifest and outrageous heresies, blasphemies and sacrileges pour from the Vatican — Day by day the silence of influential Catholics to the call for a #CanonicalCorrection becomes more and more indefensible!
Dear clergy to not confuse your duty to rebuke sinners in private with your duty to rebuke public sinners. Those in private who show no inclination to repent can be left without a rebuke, outside the confessional; but those in public who endanger the whole Church MUST be rebuked!
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
If you want to know the true Catholic faith read books like St Bonaventure's Treatise on the One and Triune God…
NOTABLE ATROCITIES against CHRISTIANS reported in 2016: ISIS Kills Scores in Retaken Syrian Town: Report…
Many thanks to the religious brother, who donated $2000 to our El-Kaa fund. As a holy man without an income or job, he has given an example to all of us in generosity!
@Twitter You guys need to solve the problem of the FAV button, which is now being used both to indicate a LIKE and a NOTA BENE which is often a confusing equivocation
The French State has officially become tolerant only of Islam: laicism and Christianity are out!…
In Syrian Christian Town, ISIS Mass-Executed 116 People Before Assad's Army Closed In…
The blessings of the Most High God upon all who generously and for the love of God assist our Order!
We do not use and will never use Crowding Sites, which take 3 to 12% of your donation. 100% of humanitarian funds we raise go to the purpose intended -- no commissions. @Ordo_Militaris Inc even pays the PayPal fees.
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
ISIS attacked the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon, the day after their agents slaughtered Father Jacques in France >…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
#WorldKindnessDay How about a donation to Christians who are menaced and forgotton on all sides?…
If you want God's mercy, be yourselves merciful to those Christians in need whom you know or meet or hear of!
We ask Catholics to help the Catholic Parish of El-Kaa, where 5 blown up by ISIS & need help hosting 1500 Refugees…
Insure and protect your wealth, family, town and nation, with an investment to defend Christian Civilization
By purchasing our T stock, you can help the Order to buy up land in El-Kaa so that it is not sold 2 Islamic Militias…
In our Order the false dichotomies of secularism, capitalism, socialism, economic materialism are undone, since we meld defense and security with humanitarian concerns, and humanitarian use of for profit structures entirely for service of Christ.
We do not use and will never use Crowding Sites, which take 3 to 12% of your donation. 100% of humanitarian funds we raise go to the purpose intended -- no commissions. @Ordo_Militaris Inc even pays the PayPal fees.
ONLY $746 to go TO REACH OUR FIRST GOAL for immediate Winter Necessities of the poor Christians and Christian refugees of El-Kaa, Lebanon!…
#CrusaderMotivation Listen To Ordo Militaris Radio's Program today on helping potential chapters get setup… @MilitarisCath
Our Holy Rule -
Friend of mine is in Belgium these days, sent me a photo of the field where Fr Willie Doyle was killed and where his missing body lies buried somewhere. May he pray for us. May he be raised to the altars as Saint.
Hungary PM: 'United States of Europe' Plotters Using Mass Migration to Create Post-National, Post-Christian Super-state
Children are the future of every community. After the terror and brutality of #ISIS life starts to return to this little #Christian village, #Telsqof #HungaryHelpsInIraq #HungaryHelps
God bless and God speed!…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Its pretty shameless when a cleric preaches contrary to what Christ taught. But its more shameless when a layman criticizes him for it but refuses to call for his #CanonicalCorrection!
Just as leeches cannot exist without blood, so Communists and Socialists without state welfare programs to benefit themselves and to buy votes.
11 Catholic Churches are robbed and profaned in France, rate of attacks increase greatly since 2015…
In our Order the false dichotomies of secularism, capitalism, socialism, economic materialism are undone, since we meld defense and security with humanitarian concerns, and humanitarian use of for profit structures entirely for service of Christ.
Georgetown University caught inviting a Nazi from Islamic world to speak at conference…
Admiration of Hitler, Lenin, Mao, Pol pot, Castro, Soros, Obama, Sanger, Degrelle etc., is a disqualifying factor for being a member of our Order.
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
If you want God's mercy, be yourselves merciful to those Christians in need whom you know or meet or hear of!
Cdl. Sarah: Some people ‘exploit the Word of God’ to promote multiculturalism, immigration
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
#WorldKindnessDay How about a donation to Christians who are menaced and forgotton on all sides?…
@chrissussdorf @montimai If She was a Christian the DNC and MSM would convene an Inquisition of the likes you have never seen before!
The “Women of the Year” supports child marriage, female genital mutilation and stoning gays and Lesbians to death.…
These are the men whose example of fortitude, courage and generosity in the face of Jihad are an everlasting example to Christians of all times and places!…
Some city where Nationwide Bank is Headquartered🙄... you know that Bank which tried to seize the entire assets of@Ordo_Militariss back in Sept. Hmm. Coincidence?🤔…4Eu
@PatriotSteve4U @MilitarisCath His name will be added to those remembered this month at our weekly Requiem Mass on Friday at 11am. May David Mitchell Caruso rest in peace
Some city where Nationwide Bank is Headquartered🙄... you know that Bank which tried to seize the entire assets of@Ordo_Militariss back in Sept. Hmm. Coincidence?🤔…4Eu
@EnglandsMadiba Etc in English means "et cetera" which is Latin for "and all the others"
Our Patron Saints -…
The West needs a new generation of Christian journalists to oppose ideologically and verbally every MSM push to Islamic conquest.
They set the standards and the example for all of us who followed them in their footsteps of service. #VeteransDay
Don Erasto Pliego de Jesus era sacerdote in #Messico. Il #13novembre 2015 fu assassinato perché ostacolava il crimine locale. Ricordiamolo!
Please help me honor USMC Sergeant David Mitchell Caruso, 25 from Naperville, Illinois. He was K.I.A. November 9, 2004 by enemy fire in Anbar Province, Iraq. R.I.P. my warrior brother. #MilitaryHero
ISIS Group Issues Threat Before Paris Anniversary, Vows to Kill Kids…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
#13novembre: Beati Petâr Vitcev, Pavel Džidžov e Josaphat Šiškov, sacerdoti e martiri in #Bulgaria nel 1952. Non dimentichiamoli!
If you would like to setup a chapter, today's radio program is for you:…
“An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties.” -Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI
This month: To those making a monthly pledge of $100 USD as a (#OMC_KC) we are offering the gift of a Flag of R Order (3' by 3' Heavy Nylon)
#Duesseldorf This is what Radical Islamic Terrorism looks like when it strikes your home town..(note in France it may be illegal to RT this)
@MilitarisCath @Rocorganization @realDonaldTrump Exactly. It Goes Further back.....An article ran years back reported that Bloomberg was funding all anti-gun movements- to the point of funding lawsuits against all gun stores that sold a gun in a crime. DEEP POCKETS. He is a LONG term adversary of Free Christians.
@Rocorganization @realDonaldTrump Why is Bloomberg so obsessed about disarming Christians...?
@Rocorganization @realDonaldTrump Why is Bloomberg so obsessed about disarming Christians...?
Public commendations to @LarryDean58 for his avid RTing of the Order's tweets today!
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Now that a religious brother without job or income donated $2000 to the El-Kaa fund, HQ asks if there are any followers with more means than him who have not yet made a donation, who would for the love of Jesus help us reach our goal, another $850 to go?…
@JDMMorris @Pontifex We would like to KNOW!
Sign up! -
@brandongroeny To understand those awards, you need to add "Marxist" before "Year"!
Colin Kaepernick being named "Citizen of the Year" reminds me of when Bruce Jenner was named “Woman of the year” Dems live in an alternate reality, folks!
Now, we challenge each of you who have RTed or Faved this tweet to consider purchasing just 1 of our T class stock!…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Prayer request for Sisters kidnapped in Nigeria—Aleteia…
Many thanks to 36 donors who have given $4264 USD! 2 of which are pledging a total of $22 a month! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Dear nascent chapters in Ireland, France, Poland, Sardinia, Navy, Colorado, Pennsylvania & Chicago: Virginia is printing 50 more posters as we speak to to a massive publicity blizt down near West Point, Va. — Don't let VA make you eat their dust! #DeusVult!
@facebook has blocked Our Radio Page From Posting, It does this by showing the error page in the link. I went to share for our listeners on Facebook, they will not allow our shows to be posted. @MilitarisCath @TheKingDude @gscarp12 @StinkyBeachNnja @VOCRadioRobDoc
#Syriac #Christian town of #Bartella, #Iraq, has received little aid to restore their town, plus non-Christian PMU there gives Iraqi Christians many problems. We will keep working to find them help.
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@StGalgano The truth is that God called St. Glagano to put down the sword, not because the use of a sword is evil, but because he often had used it out of passion, not virtue, and that by putting it down he repented of that. That makes him a good Catholic soldier, if but a penitent one
Blocking @StGalgano for blaspheming St. Galgano in that he denies that he was a good Catholic and using his name to promote Pacifism.
@StGalgano We know well the life of St. Galgano, and you are correct you do not represent his spirit or virtue in your responses here. So please stop using his sacred name to push your personal opinions!
🚨Breaking🚨 Admitte#Antifaf#Resistst movement terrorist Christopher Langer of Debary threatened to kill first responders using WMD - Bomb making materials found in the home that the 31 year old lives in with his parents -catching another one of these creeps
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
With this kit you can found a local chapter! — Note DON'T order this Kit just because you have a desire to have one of our flags!…
Popular Mobilization Forces, Iran, and the Kurds. h/t @SecStudiesGrp
Please consider donating to help @MilitarisCath @Ordo_Militaris operational and if you invest, please invest with us. This way we can get locations opened, men trained for humanitarian missions and protect Christians from Islamic Terrorism
At least 214 people dead in Iran-Iraq earthquake…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
Don't be dissuaded by Marxist rhetoric! It can be and is a GREAT WORK of Charity to invest to defend Christians from persecution, even if its only a "loan" of capital not a donation.
Looking for Zealous Catholics to purchase 10 shares of our T01 stock, so we can establish a National Chapter in Lebanon!… …
Many thanks to 35 donors who have given $4254 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Looking for Zealous Catholics to purchase 10 shares of our T01 stock, so we can establish a National Chapter in Poland!…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
If you cannot afford a donation to our El-Qaa Appeal, please ask your family, friends, and acquaintances to consider making a donation!
@SteveSGoddard @cronewil @NASA Maybe on January 1, 2018, @POTUS could send him a congratulatory note on an official pink slip!
Just as leeches cannot exist without blood, so Communists and Socialists without state welfare programs to benefit themselves and to buy votes.
True fortitude in the face of Jihad does not consist in lamentation, protest, complaint or demonstration, but in contributing to military and security initiatives which aim to protect those attacked by Jihadis and to wipe them from the face of the earth! — Do it with us!
True Christian charity is distinguished from secular humanitarian work in 4 ways: 1) It is done primarily for love of Jesus Christ, not for the poor 2) It is offered to those truly in need 3) It has no political agenda 4) It does not steal from one to give to other.
ISIS Group Issues Threat Before Paris Anniversary, Vows to Kill Kids…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
God blesses a few on Earth with wealth, so that they might have the occasion of meriting to reign as kings in Heaven on account of the works of charity they do for the poor and needy here below!
To care for Christians who have suffered persecution takes compassion (Raphael) To work to defend them from being persecuted take courage (Michael) To plan and prepare their defense in advance takes foresight (Gabriel) Do it all with us! @MilitarisCath @Ordo_Militaris #Deusvult
Blocking @NormanLordsBack for saying there is nothing morally objectionable, as a Catholic, to be a member of the Waffen SS or praise what they tried to do.
@NormanLordsBack @OrdoMilitarisKS They you are 100% ignorant of what it means to be a disciple of Christ Jesus.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
@OrdoMilitarisKS @NormanLordsBack who was infamously fond of saying, during his years of exile in Spain: Do you have any regrets about serving the Third Reich in the Waffen SS? -- Only that we lost!
@8thAFmedic69 Send us a Direct Message for more info
Public commendations to @LarryDean58 for his avid RTing of the Order's tweets today!
#RoyMooreChildMolester When Roy Moore stood up for God & the 10 Commandments he became a target of the Godless left. Only a fool would believe this is NOT ANOTHER witch hunt intended to bring down a Conservative Christian. To Liberals, a Christian is WORSE than a Child Molester.
Our Patron Saints -…
11 Catholic Churches are robbed and profaned in France, rate of attacks increase greatly since 2015…
Many thanks to 34 donors who have given $4154 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
In the face of Jihad you can be the one who compliantly submits, the idle one who is strategically out-maneuvered, the lame one who laments but does nothing, or the supporter of those animated by the spirit of the Crusaders of old! Its your choice! Which are you?
We wish to thank in a special way those who have pledged $1 a month, for having the integrity to back their RTs and FAVs with a real participation in our work. Now for the rest of you 8000+ followers...🧐 HQ cordially invites U 2 do same, so we can begin to send vets on mission!
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
The Catholic village of E-Kaa, Lebanon has 3 neighbors: Syria to N and E, Hezbollah to the S, and a town of Sunni Muslims to the W.
#CanonicalCorrection #FilialCorrection #CorrectioFilialis Catholics at Rome urged to call for the Correction!…
Without a doubt, a Church of the Anti-Christ!…
Remove the spaces to make a hashtag, which you can click to uncover a real hell hole of pyschosis. # Isla mopho biaAwa rene ssMo nth
Sign up! -
@StGalgano Your comment which is totally off base, is very surprising by someone who purports to represent St. Galgano, a devout Catholic soldier!
Prayer request for Sisters kidnapped in Nigeria—Aleteia…
At least 214 people dead in Iran-Iraq earthquake…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
The blessings of the Most High God upon all who generously and for the love of God assist our Order!
Our Patron Saints -…
This nut never read Aristotle's Politics.…
@MilitarisCath Our hearts weep for Lebanon. God in JESUS bless you and your Efforts to help dear Lebanon
Sign up! -
Contrary to a poorly researched article that is making its rounds on Twitter, Yazidis are NOT Christians NOR Muslims. They venerate the Angel whom we call St. Raphael, as their mediator with the Creator.
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Because FOX NEWS is rife with sexual harassment and assault? And does not want to stir those potatoes!…
Invest -
The French State has officially become tolerant only of Islam: laicism and Christianity are out!…
@a_gontarz Great Idea. Who knows what untold BILLIONS of tax payers money for National Security could have been saved if everyone entering the country was required to eat a piece of bacon! — This is the Kind of Crusader Wisdom which needs to go mainstream.
@a_gontarz Great Idea. Who knows what untold BILLIONS of tax payers money for National Security could have been saved if everyone entering the country was required to eat a piece of bacon! — This is the Kind of Crusader Wisdom which needs to go mainstream.
With this kit you can found a local chapter! — Note DON'T order this Kit just because you have a desire to have one of our flags!…
Remove the spaces to make a hashtag, which you can click to uncover a real hell hole of pyschosis. # Isla mopho biaAwa rene ssMo nth
Now that a religious brother without job or income donated $2000 to the El-Kaa fund, HQ asks if there are any followers with more means than him who have not yet made a donation, who would for the love of Jesus help us reach our goal, another $850 to go?…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
@dforler @OrdoMilitarisKS @Ordo_Militaris This is a poorly done, unsourced report, by someone who could either be a citizen journalist or a Chinese propaganda agent. Who knows.
Contrary to a poorly researched article that is making its rounds on Twitter, Yazidis are NOT Christians NOR Muslims. They venerate the Angel whom we call St. Raphael, as their mediator with the Creator.
With all due respect to the ancient Order of Malta, if you b a knight in that Order, but see the need for the military defense and security of persecuted Christians, fulfill that part of your vocation with us! Who are dedicated to that principally and are not ashamed to do it!
Verbum veritatis!…
Met with President Putin of Russia who was at #APEC meetings. Good discussions on Syria. Hope for his help to solve, along with China the dangerous North Korea crisis. Progress being made.
@Rocorganization @AntonioSocci1 He is spelling out what all informed Catholics already see.
Nun who died in backlash over Benedict XVI’s Regensburg address declared martyr
@coxcom12 That's just not true. Assad does not go around murdering Christians because they are Christians. No one has ever claimed that in the press, or do you have a source for that accusation?
Its pretty shameless when a cleric preaches contrary to what Christ taught. But its more shameless when a layman criticizes him for it but refuses to call for his #CanonicalCorrection!
@crico111 In English a priest who has the principal authority in the local church is called a Pastor, proper name; and a Bishop or Pope is also called a pastor as a generic name. Pastor is Latin for Shepherd!
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
@dforler @seanhannity @BillOReilly @TuckerCarlson One of the twists is to show the leader of the Templars as a fornicator. The sex.-obsessed mutually raping Hollywood types cannot imagine a world of chastity for a minute!
If you would like to join @MilitarisCath Louisiana's Chapter, send THEM an DM for more informatoin!
@PaulERondeau @sevans1375 You forgot, After "crippled" to add "faithful"....
The BBC does not push out news. It churns out relentless propaganda, aimed at destabilising the Government, de-railing Brexit and sanitising radical Islam,
Oh how soon we forget the MILLIONS dead from the Cultural Revolution. China's system has NOTHING to teach the world…
@dforler @Ordo_Militaris @OrdoMilitarisKS Knight fall is another twisted historical revisionism. The grail was not part of their quest. All in Middle Ages knew it was kept in Valencia, still is there!
#Manchester This is what #Radical #Islamic #Terror looks like when it comes to your town through open borders! (widely censored image in UK)
Are you going to wait until your politicians allow the Jihadis come and massacre you in your own town?
#London This is what #Radical #Islamic #Terrorism looks like when it comes 2 ur home town #Parliment #Car #Attack #Stabbed #Police (Reuters)
Don't fall into error of praising Napoleon, when his troops entered town they shot Catholic clergy religious & burnt R churches #Persecution
Over 300,000 Tweets & RTs were received by the @WhiteHouse with our insistence/demand for the assignment of a #UraniumOne Special Counsel.
First Step: Getting the word out -…
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump My longer term followers have known nearly every detail that has since become “news” regarding the entire #RussiaGate conspiracy, including the names of everyone responsible and their role since last April.…
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump With the release of Wikileaks Vault 7 & 8, it is now impossible to dismiss the CIA strategy to “hack” individuals, corporations and elected officials and then blame the intrusion on Russia.
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump Yesterday, speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, Trump blasted former U.S. intelligence officials by name, including former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former FBI Director James Comey.…
Someone just hacked Twitter's USA trends, placing كاس_العالم_حيوحشنا_٥ momentarily at the top of the list!
Looking for zealous Catholics in the Big Apple to form a local Chapter of our Order, dedicated to defending Catholics from Jihad. DM 4 info!
If you would like to join our Louisiana Chapter, send us a DM for more informatoin!
If you would like to join our Ireland Chapter, send us a DM for more information!
Christians who are massacred in Church by Jihadis, are Christians who needed to know sooner the glorious example of the Crusaders of old and why it should be imitated!
@MilitarisCath Viva CHRITO REY!!!!!
@Saffik6 @TarekFatah There was no outcry, because probably no Muslims were injured in the stampede! (sarcasm)
Mob of 20,000 Muslims burn down a Hindu Village in Bangladesh after allegations that 'Prophet Mohammed [had been] insulted' in a Facebook post.
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Many thanks to the religious brother, who donated $2000 to our El-Kaa fund. As a holy man without an income or job, he has given an example to all of us in generosity!
SHARE IN THE GLORY of those who help us complete the last 17% toward our first goal of raising $5000 for immediate winter necessities of the poor Christians in El-Kaa!…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
The Catholic Village of El-Kaa is found in that part of Lebanon which is nearly surrounded by Blue on all sides, targeted for take over.…
Ola de #cristianofobia en Francia: roban y profanan once iglesias católicas.
@StFerdinandIII He is perhaps referring to Ashkenazis, who are not racially Jews and who emigrated en mass from Russia in recent decades.
@ItalyMFA @EastMedMonitor Nice. But we think that tweet is more appropriate for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.😉
Admiration of Hitler, Lenin, Mao, Pol pot, Castro, Soros, Obama, Sanger, Degrelle etc., is a disqualifying factor for being a member of our Order.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Residents of Virginia, USA > this is your invite to found a local chapter of our Order!…
Blocking @patria_ancestra for arguing that it was not morally reprehensible for Catholics to be members of the Waffen SS.
These are the true Catholic Heroes of Germany in World War II…
Blocking @Future_Marine_M for saying that the moral monster, Degrelle was a Catholic hero.
@Future_Marine_M @patria_ancestra He was a disgrace to his race and to his Church!
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Long Read: what we can learn from the cardinals who survived Communism by Jonathan Luxmoore
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
The Left's support of individuals like this leaves no doubt as who are the true Neo-nazi's of Europe!…
El-Kaa Lebanese Christian village hit with eight suicide attacks in one day…
Our Holy Rule -
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Blocking @patria_ancestra for arguing that it was not morally reprehensible for Catholics to be members of the Waffen SS.
@patria_ancestra Why? They are both Anti-Christian godless, socialistic, political ideologies founded on hatred of some class and pushed by individuals seeking only their personal gain!
You should ask why your favorite Catholic news source, blog, site is refusing to cover this story by Tosatti, the eminent Vatican reporter…
Lettera Aperta ai Veri Cattolici di Roma…
Many ask HQ, what more can I do? I am a member, I made a donation to the El-Kaa Mission. Answer: Y not start a local chapter? Get a Kit!
Let us pray for the conversion of all to the One True Faith of Christ, without Whom there is no hope or salvation in all of creation!
Christ wants Christians to live in a Christian state. He expects you to use your example, faith, talents and treasure to make it happen!
Our Lady of China, help the persecuted Church and all the people in China. Help all those suffering under communism. Hasten the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart. Amen.🙏
Tens of thousands of Polish patriots march on independence day shouting "We Want God". Poland is standing strong!…
@L1B3RT4R10 In English the proper name is Pole, Poles, though you can use the substantive Polish, both alas are equivocal: pole is also a vertical standing stick, and polish is a substance to smooth a surface like wood.
@patria_ancestra There are also many believing Catholics in hell, but they too were not faithful!
Catholic Pastor in Texas encourages concealed carry on Sundays to protect his flock…
Our Holy Rule -
The most important part of our Order are our members. By pledging a monthly donation they are laying the foundation of a mighty defense and security effort for Christians persecuted from Jihad in a way that RTs and FAVs could never do. Join them !
@CatholicBrony better yet, the masonic tools...
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
El-Kaa, Lebanon is in the same neighborhood as the great #Crusader Fortress of Krak des #Chevaliers (now within Syrian borders)
Our Patron Saints -…
Now, in France, the State Council (@Conseil_Etat ) has decided that Christmas Creches must be forbidden in public buildings on behalf of Laicity. Poor France! Her State Council ignores laicity allows & protects religious demonstrations.…
Our Patron Saints -…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
@Kimbraov1 Moderate Muslims & Radical Muslims:read the same Koran, worship the same Allah, believe and adhere to the same Sharia law & worship in the same Mosques. When caches of weapons and radicalized Imams preach at some of these. Do the moderates report? NO. Difference between the 2=0
That is a crime of national treason!…
Detection of #Ruthenium 106 in France and in Europe in late September : Results of IRSN’s investigations and updated information on the plausibility of the origin of the release…
The Left's support of individuals like this leaves no doubt as who are the true Neo-nazi's of Europe!…
@TomaszLysiak @ulmusthic @MailOnline The Daily Mail is just jealous that by preserving your nationhood and Catholic Faith you enjoy the peace and security that they threw away with Henry VIII and the Masonic Lodges which cruelly rule the British now as slaves of Islam.
Round them up, every last one of them!…
If you are a Christian Triumphalist — you believe Christianity is the only true religion and all mankind would be better off, Christian, without apologies — then your personal destiny is to be Catholic, because that is what we are in essence!
Today is the 344th Anniversary of the Victory of Polish Catholic forces over the Muslim Turks at the Battle of Khotyn (1673)… #DeusVult #DeoGratias!
We believe the real reason Judge Moore is SO hated by DNC and GOP, is that he represents a Christian candidate of the likes that can utterly destroy the establishment and realign America from Masonic allegiance to Christ's Allegiance.
@MilitarisCath I am reaching out, calling on and offering to begin the foundational work of a VA chapter. I am close to Williamsburg, we can get together for a meal and discuss a plan of action. Hope is not a plan for success.
Residents of Virginia, USA > this is your invite to found a local chapter of our Order!…
@TomaszLysiak @ulmusthic @MailOnline The Daily Mail is just jealous that by preserving your nationhood and Catholic Faith you enjoy the peace and security that they threw away with Henry VIII and the Masonic Lodges which cruelly rule the British now as slaves of Islam.
Incredibile lies about polish March of Independence commemorating our patriots at National Independence Day! Daily Mail calls polish ordinary people, thousands of polish citizens „fascists”. Shame on You @MailOnline…
@alKhidr888 @fredlbarr @JohnZwicker1 Christians should not be ashamed to defend themselves, but and the same time we should not be ashamed to organize internationally to train and organize to defend ourselves! That is what Ordo Militaris Catholicus is all about!
What will you and your family be doing tonight in the safety of your own homes? Much more than Christians in other parts of the world. Give, donate or join today.
Many thanks to 34 donors who have given $4154 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Sign up! -
As anyone can see, the colors and form of each Cross, that of the Order of Malta, and our own, is different and very distinct.
Have you ever seen the Maltese Cross? If so you would know that it is distinctly different than our own, and that your question prepossesses a dishonest judgement!…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Trump blocks international support for abortion groups at G7 meeting
Catholics understand the kind of Crusade we speak of: risking one's life 4 r br Catholics in distant lands persecuted 4 the Faith #DeusVult
The Crusaders' Kingdom of Jerusalem was not established by a government, but by the Catholic Faith of the Crusaders with the Pope's blessing
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It is without a doubt the will of Jesus Christ that Christians come to military defense of those Christians who are persecuted by Muslims!
The defeat of Islam is a beautiful thing in eyes of Catholics: Father Vivaldi celebrated it 200 years ago this month…
Many thanks to 33 donors who have given $4134 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Invest -
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
If you love Jesus Christ and His People, you will love what we propose to do. Help us to do it!
Lebanon in crosshairs as Saudi-Iran tensions soar - BBC News…
The Catholic village of El-Kaa lies on frontiers of the Syrian Civil War being just south of Qusayr, Syria (Homs District). They need help!
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon… via @MilitarisCath
Which local chapter will have the honor and glory to be the first erected? — If you have ordered a Recruitment Kit, get to work recruiting! If not, there is still time to be first!
Christian Faith requires that we obey all just civil laws, but 1st of all that we are loyal to Christ Jesus before all governments on earth!
I invite all of my followers to consider helping us expand our new Order to protect our faith and other Christians @MilitarisCath .
There is nothing a Marxist hates more than a Christian who knows his Faith and refuses pacifism and indoctrination!
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Jesus will reckon the charity we show the poor in El-Kaa as charity shown Himself. Therefore let us b generous!…
We call upon Catholics who R professionals, to help El-Kaa, because just as U R more able to give to the poor so the Lord expects more of U!…
I love these guys, Catholics who do great charity work and are a military order. As a Catholic, i approve…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Saint Maron, One of Many Saints of #lebanon come to the aid of @MilitarisCath to found chapters there to defend Christianity from Terrorism
Report on recent victorious Anti-ISIS offensive conducted by Lebanese Army in region of El-Kaa, Lebanon…
We invite all who wish to defend #Christendom from #Jihad to become a member of our Order by a donation/pledge * *
Please Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon… via @MilitarisCath
It is the duty of every #Christian, who is able, to take up his sword to defend #Christendom, if not, to support those who do #DeusVult
In truth, it is in the national interest of every nation to favor Christians and promote Christianity, because it alone is the religion which comes from the true God.
"To lose Lebanon is to lose the only Middle Eastern country where Christians live in peace and equality"…
A Catholic Mlitary Order 2 defend our own is just right holy, approved and in accord with the will of Jesus Christ…
"When governments fail to protect Christians, it becomes a necessity for Christians to defend themselves!"…
Put the #Blessings God gave you to work To defend #Christians from Jihadis!
We THANK u 4 ur RTs & Favs, but only if u DONATE or INVEST with us can U HELP us 2 FIGHT Jihadis & DEFEND Christians
Saint Michael, the Archangel, first defender of the Christendom on Earth, call men to arms to defend Christians from godless Terrorists!
We are at 83% of our goal, keep going and help us to raise $100,00 to help get everyone there food, clothing…
If you are not yet a member of our Order, it would be an honor to have your pledge of support ✠ ✠
Christian valor is not a masculinism which believes and trust that the flesh can do anything if trained well, but a humility which knows that with God one can achieve incredible things, and without Him nothing!
Congratulations! Our Prayers go with him!…
If you are a Christian Triumphalist — you believe Christianity is the only true religion and all mankind would be better off, Christian, without apologies — then your personal destiny is to be Catholic, because that is what we are in essence!
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
3,000 Muslims a year are converting to Catholicism in France.... "Who Knew?" by Gary Patter via @SBC_Catholic
Today is the #FeastDay of Saint Martin of Tours. May we share generously with others the material and spiritual gifts given us by Christ!
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in Peace! #Veterans #WWI #Greatwar #War2EndAllWars #Ainse The war in which the manliness of Europe was drained away!
Wonderful to spend time with military families at JBER #Alaska. Thank you for your service! #HappyVeteransDay
Like their father, who was a murderer and liar from the beginning (John 8:44) #Charleston #Nashville #SunderlandSprings…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
The Anthem of the Republic of Venice, adopted after their victory over the Turks in 1716 at Corfu… (Vivaldi Iudith T)
would really like to open a physical HQ staffed by our Veteran volunteers to grow the order & respond to the ever increasing interest in the Order for recruitment, membership, investment etc. But WE CANNOT do it without you! This is a #DeusVult! +… +
First Step: Getting the word out -…
How Facebook & Google Threaten Public Health... And Democracy | Zero Hedge…
Congratulations! Our Prayers go with him!…
@MilitarisCath @MPlummer89 Amen !
First Step: Getting the word out -…
With all due respects, we'd prefer to hear her sing in English.... wait, no Latin, would be even better!👏�…Fe
@winsonics @RobbieEngland78 @MooreSenate @POTUS Yes, this unbridled hatred of the man makes manifest the real malign spirit behind the Swamp. They cannot endure anyone who would recognize God's laws as the foundation of true liberty!
@winsonics @RobbieEngland78 @MooreSenate @POTUS Yes, this unbridled hatred of the man makes manifest the real malign spirit behind the Swamp. They cannot endure anyone who would recognize God's laws as the foundation of true liberty!
This is why as a Christian its your divine duty to oppose and reject Marxism, Socialism, Progressivism, Scientism, Humanism and Islam and all other ideologies which vaunt themselves as superior to Christ Jesus!…
@ChariiDavid Do you honestly think that book will defend you from Jihad? Any book which claims the name of Catholic but does not urge the military defense of Catholics from Jihad, is suspect at best, worthless in time.
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
On May 25, 2018, the #Catholic world will celebrate 447th anniversary of signing of the #HolyLeague against #Islam. God grant it be renewed!
Without Deportation, The enclaves of chaos will grow until then engulf entire cities and nations...…
With all due respect to the ancient Order of Malta, if you b a knight in that Order, but see the need for the military defense and security of persecuted Christians, fulfill that part of your vocation with us! Who are dedicated to that principally and are not ashamed to do it!
Veri Catholici calls for the Canonical Correction of the Pope…
This is why as a Christian its your divine duty to oppose and reject Marxism, Socialism, Progressivism, Scientism, Humanism and Islam and all other ideologies which vaunt themselves as superior to Christ Jesus!…
True repentance, in the sense our Lord and Master Jesus Christ taught it, requires not only repentance from moral error and vices, but the utter rejection of worldliness as a political, social, economic objective, agenda, policy, rule or law for life.
What we need is not #MAGA but #MCGA that is #MakeChristendomGreatAgain because only in Christ does every nation find its peace, greatness, prosperity, unity and nobility!
Though the blood of Christians won our America's independence and defended that liberty through all the seasons of generations since then, we must recognize that after Obergefell v Hodges God & the Christian interpretation of the US Constitution has been officially rejected!
How the Christians of El-Kaa pray: the Greek Catholics of Lebanon…
In truth, it is in the national interest of every nation to favor Christians and promote Christianity, because it alone is the religion which comes from the true God.
We ask your support in memory of Fr #JacquesHamel to defend the Catholics of the world against Jihadis! #Catholic
#ThingsWillBeBetterIf more people decide to go to Mass, Adoration, and Confession.
@RogerRatzazz13 @StinkyBeachNnja Follower! We invite to become a member...
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Rapazes cristãos✝️, quem pode começar aqui no Brasil? #DeusVult…
@Alexander_Avg Think of becoming a civilian member, then, instead, see our pledging page at
"We are Christians - #Aramaic Charity Organization" is rebuilding the home of #Syriac #Christian girl Christina Abada in #Qaraqosh, #Iraq. Christina was abducted by ISIS for 3 yrs.
We totally agree, if by immigration you mean Muslim immigration.…
Any Catholics in #Virginia want to join our Virginia Chapter of @MilitarisCath contact our Virginia Chapter Founder @gruntjust4u
Kuwait urges citizens to leave Lebanon immediately…
The Latest: UN chief urges peace, stability in Lebanon - ABC News…
Its part of the Marxist agenda to create a Propaganda State whereby the MSM Replaces the courts, the churches, and the thought of every citizen!…
Our Holy Rule -
The Catholic Faith is God's remedy for all the ills of this world, even Radical Islamic Terror, which it cures through Crusades #DeusVult
There is no one who is more ignorant of Christian morality than the one who despises the Crusaders of old, while advocating butchery of his own children and the Islamic destruction of his own civilization!
Great, but when are you going to get to #UraniumOne and #HilaryEmails or the forged #ObamaBirthCertificate used in nationwide #voterfraud?…
Why is it that there is a near 100% correlation between neighborhoods with termite, cockroach, bedbug and Democrat infestations ?
HQ approves this tweet! If you are in Virginia, USA, and would like to join a local Chapter of our Order, contact this US Vet ASAP!…
Our Patron Saints -…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
@MilitarisCath Slavery, forced sex, destruction of worship locations and executing people who do not agree with your beliefs is terror. Guess what? It is happening right now to Christians all over the world.
BREAKING: Intel Officer Reveals How Obama Will Be ‘First President In History’ To Be Hit With A FELONY INDICTMENT @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn…
Terror Threat : ISIS already active in ASIA. Al Qaeda Jund al-Tawheed wal Khilafah (JTK)#ISIS now #ARSA #Rakhine…
Our Patron Saints -…
HQ approves this tweet! If you are in Virginia, USA, and would like to join a local Chapter of our Order, contact this US Vet ASAP!…
@gruntjust4u Try attaching that to our Virginia Tweet!
@Wajax95 You are warmly encouraged to get a Recruitment Kit and start one!… Click the image on that page to listen to the Radio program explaining how to go about it!
Sign up! -
Maybe celibacy isn't the problem after all?…
Why is it that there is a near 100% correlation between neighborhoods with termite, cockroach, bedbug and Democrat infestations ?
Today is the 344th Anniversary of the Victory of Polish Catholic forces over the Muslim Turks at the Battle of Khotyn (1673)… #DeusVult #DeoGratias!
Invest -
The Crusades were not waged by some government. They were a call of faith from the Popes, which Christians replied to for Christ's sake.
@MilitarisCath Absolutely....and those Calls were justified just Calls
That would be true, if there was a third party.…
Great, but when are you going to get to #UraniumOne and #HilaryEmails or the forged #ObamaBirthCertificate used in nationwide #voterfraud?…
By the power of the Mystery of Christ's Incarnation and most Sacred Passion, the more we give of ourselves and our wealth to the needy, out of love of Him, the more His Life and Spirit flows in us and transforms us, leading us ever more strongly unto His Eternal Kingdom!
Prayers For Souls In Purgatory To Help Them Reach Their Heavenly Home…
Iraqi Muslims converting to Christianity because of ISIS atrocities – Let’s keep praying for them -…
@ShamelessPapist If you do not live and breathe for the honor and glory of God, everything you do is in vain, esp Twitter!
May all Catholics killed in hatred of the Faith, from Saint Stephen 2 Martyrs of Syria/Iraq, obtain 4 r Order what we need 2 save Christians
To keep the Faith today, its necessary to understand how Christianity is under attack from Modernism within, Marxism & Progressivism without
Since Every threat to liberty comes from some invented ideology, the only true security for liberty is the Faith of Christ!
Dont fall into the error of thinking that without the right Faith and virtue, you can be courageous, heroic or honest. God alone is good.
The crisis of the West is caused by the crisis of Christian Faith, unless u repent & believe the Gospel of Salvation, u cannot have courage!
Come Holy Spirit, Lord and vivifier of souls! — We cannot be saved but by Thy gifts of Faith, Hope, Charity and all virtues!
If we Christians are to live by Faith, for Christ, we must stop serving interests of all who are opposed to Christ & r Christian heritage
The sin of modern man is preferring the lies and forgetfulness of wicked and perverse men, to the Faith and traditions of their forebears!
There is no one who is more ignorant of Christian morality than the one who despises the Crusaders of old, while advocating butchery of his own children and the Islamic destruction of his own civilization!
Great, but only Christians have Faith. Jews have observance, Muslims submission, Buddhists denial, Hindus & Shinto traditions…
@tjginnynm @RuCaspe If you had Faith in Christ, you would never praise any other religion, but see them as deceptions and dead observances
The Catholic Faith, as the Doctors and Fathers understand it, and the Crusader Saints practiced it, is the ultimate Red Pill!
Questions about faith and obedience in regard to Papal novelties, answered magisterially by Seifert…
We R called to a greater heroism than the Crusaders of old, since by faith we heed the call of Christ in an age without Christian leaders
Poland accepts Traditional Catholic Faith: Poland will not accept refugees from Muslim countries…
We live in an age when silence in the face of attacks on r Holy Faith & on r brothers and sisters in Christ, is not prudence but cowardice!
2016 AD: 1 Christian was murdered every 6 minutes out of hatred for his Faith. Wud that there be 1 every 6 minutes who helped 2 defend them!
The correct reaction to #Charlotteville is to stop voting for secularists, vote only for those who support #ChristTheKing & His true Faith!
All Christians who allow political correctness to temper their faith in action, despise Christ and seek the favors of the world.
If you love holding the right and Orthodox Faith, then you in conscience must reject those churches which approve of Divorce or 3 marriages!
There is something wrong with your Christian Faith if you worry about Halal certification but ignore Crusading!
@captmal7771 @PamelaGeller In a civilized land, the father would have the right to give the teacher a hard fist to the right cheek!
Roy Moore’s wife says she’s going to sue the Washington Post for ‘defamation’ over sexual abuse allegations…
If a tribe can’t condemn wicked acts from within, the risk level is high that it’s a wicked and condemnable tribe.
The holiest place in Christianity: the tabernacle in your parish church. #RealPresence #Eucharist
Today is Martinmas, the feast of St Martin of Tours. Martin sharing his cloak with a beggar, from a window in Canterbury Cathedral:
Its part of the Marxist agenda to create a Propaganda State whereby the MSM Replaces the courts, the churches, and the thought of every citizen!…
UK: School forces 12-year-olds to write letter about converting to Islam, stepfather slammed as “racist” for complaining
Its a very dangerous thing when a Military Contractor starts pushing the social-facism of the Left!…
It will be really lame, when you are 80 years old, when your grandsons ask you where YOU were and what YOU did, to say, I only FAVed and RTed as they went off to war. Don't waste your life thinking that life is like TV, only to watch!
Its the Christian Vocation and Divine Destiny of Poland to defend the Catholic Faith outside of Poland. Fulfill it with us!…
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@Wajax95 In the mean time Think of becoming a civilian member, then, instead, see our pledging page at
@Alexander_Avg Think of becoming a civilian member, then, instead, see our pledging page at
@OrdoMilitarisKS The BBC is a state run outfit, it supports British Foreign Policy and is entirely controlled by the UK govt, though it may claim otherwise. It does pursue strictly Masonic principles and goals in its propaganda
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
We ask all our members + followers to seek alms from 1 & all for the Order and its holy work to defend and liberate persecuted Christians!
Lebanon becomes next target of Saudi Arabia’s folly - The Globe and Mail…
Which are the banks most often used by #MuslimBrotherhood and other Islamist organizations in the West? We've gathered some information at
Syria, Yemen and now Lebanon: Will the Saudis' latest gamble prove another reckless failure? - Middle East News -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Syria, Yemen and now Lebanon: Will the Saudis' latest gamble prove another reckless failure? - Middle East News -…
Lebanon in crosshairs as Saudi-Iran tensions soar - BBC News…
The Latest: UN chief urges peace, stability in Lebanon - ABC News…
Car has slammed into a crowd of people outside a school in Toulouse, south-west France. The AFP news agency quoted French police as saying it was a possible “vehicle attack”…
Denmark: Migrant gang war out of control with 42 shootings since June…
Our Holy Rule -
Kuwait urges citizens to leave Lebanon immediately…
@charliekirk11 @ConservaPeach We think Sander is referring to qualifications in the sense of knowing how to play the system, steal electricity and welfare, & get a 3rd house..
Ordo Militaris Inc. is offering a $50 dividend, listen in for more information!…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
@MaestredeCampo @fr_higgins There seems to be no other explanation except for perhaps the prostitution and drug culture it brings...
18 minutes till show on dividends, tune in and learn how they help investors… @MilitarisCath
@SneakyChi @DarkTriadMan Gentlemen, don't blame English for the Norman Conquest. The French can't spell any Latin correctly!
It is shameful and cowardly, for a Christian soldier to disdain the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which he was redeemed, saved!
If Muslims are not afraid to wage Jihad against Christians, Christians shudnt be ashamed or afraid to organize Crusade to defend Rselves!
The Alt-Left hates Christians because we impede their "freedom" to whatever they want. But they love Islam. This is a mental disorder.
38 Minutes till our Dividend Show… @MilitarisCath Tune In To Help You Invest with @Ordo_Militaris
Ordo Militaris Catholicus a besoin de votre soutien, pour assurer la défense et protection des Chrétiens en zone de guerre. Bienfaiteurs, Mécènes, Donateurs voyez avec Frère Alexis et ou bien @MilitarisCath Merci
@OrdoMilitarisKS @ProtecttheFaith @amt6470 They want a bill to make UK pay big money to leave. As if the EU were some sort of Mafia do as we say or else club!
If you want to invest with Ordo Militaris but have no idea what a dividend is, today you will learn what a dividend is. Tune at 9 AM Central, 10 AM Eastern…
Territoire de Belfort : l’église de Lachapelle-sous-Rougemont pillée…
Victory: PayPal removes ban on Jihad Watch…
Indonesia: Islamic State raising money through WhatsApp, Twitter, Bitcoin and PayPal
Though the blood of Christians won our America's independence and defended that liberty through all the seasons of generations since then, we must recognize that after Obergefell v Hodges God & the Christian interpretation of the US Constitution has been officially rejected!
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First Step: Getting the word out -…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Busy exterminating their own race and defending the exterminators, while importing psychopaths en masse, it seems!…
@RorateCaeli The spirit of the Iscariot is strong among them!
@Doug29749996 @Sissy_USMC Why Let God get all the fun?
@JulietaPedrosa Brazilians can do it and should do it, we can only give direction. One of them needs to get a Recruitment Kit and start at it.…
Invest -
For the Love of Jesus Christ Do something more than RT or FAV 2 defend persecuted Christians Against Jihad! * *
Why do democrats rejoice to expose pedophiles among Republicans, but call the exposé of their own as such acts of hatred & racisim?
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The man of valor begins by following, RTing and Faving, progresses with donating, pledging and investing, distinguishes himself by volunteering & serving, and attains glory by fulfilling all his promises!…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
Contact @wim_van_moer for more information!…
Christian valor is not a masculinism which believes and trust that the flesh can do anything if trained well, but a humility which knows that with God one can achieve incredible things, and without Him nothing!
Saint Raphael, the Archangel, who stands before the throne of God interceding for his people, inspire men to imitate you in bringing help and liberation to persecuted Christians!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The atrocities they supported, funded, armed and imported but only revealing them to the public is a crime!…
Our Patron Saints -…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Holy Rule -
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
We are at 83% of the $5,000 goal for the El-Kaa Lebanon Fundraiser, keep going to blow past $5,000…
@MilitarisCath That's why Catholics r generally despised. We must not be seen to fight for our faith or our countries. Any discussion inevitably brings up an indignant "well, look at the crusades!" I.E. How dare we try to defend Christianity! Now we respect every other faith, except our own
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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You have raised 83% of our goal of $5000 USD for winter necessities — Help us reach the Goal! #DeusVult!…
Many thanks to 33 donors who have given $4134 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
The atrocities they supported, funded, armed and imported but only revealing them to the public is a crime!…
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Many thanks to 31 donors who have given $2119 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Words fail when saints and heroes fall. We gathered last night to extend our deepest sympathies to the families of the fallen & injured. The Bible tells us that, “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted" & that will be our prayer for them from this day forward. #SutherlandSprings
First Step: Getting the word out -…
NO LONGER under this @POTUS will we provide funds through ineffective programs at the @UN. NOW the USAID will directly fund programs to help persecuted religious minorities in regions of the world where they need help.
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help us raise the $5 million to establish a basic training camp for volunteers to defend Catholics from Jihadis…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
You have it in your power to bring the spirit of the Crusaders back & restore to Christendom a force to defend her
Pope Benedict XVI: States have the right to defend their borders and regulate the entrance of migrants…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
"Most Americans have forgotten key aspects of Russia's 20th-century history, a tragedy of unspeakable human losses"…
Bahrain Orders its Citizens to Leave Lebanon 'Immediately'…
Help the #Christians of El-Kaa, #Lebanon! -- We've passed 33%, onward to 50% #DeusVult Crusaders!…
We are at 42% of our Fundraiser Appeal for the #GreekMelkite #Catholics of El-Kaa Lebanon…
Not many Catholic parishes have had 5 parishioners blown up by ISIS and r hosting 1500 Christian refugees from Syria…
Our Holy Rule -
Making War a Capitalist Enterprise- Will it be Dangerous to Liberty? Yes: Ambassador Alan Keyes…
FRANCE: Around 19,000 now on terror watchlist. Huge rise, big threat, radical Islam must be defeated!…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
Whistleblower Schoolteacher: Mass Migration, Radical Islam Making Education Impossible
Bahrain Orders its Citizens to Leave Lebanon 'Immediately'…
Germany: Islamic Groups Sue Regional Government to get More Influence in Schools
@Flossie1940 Great! then If you have not yet done so, we would ask you to please consider making a donation to the El-Kaa Appeal!
At El-Kaa, the Christians worship at the Churches dedicated to St. Elias the prophet and St George the great Martyr! -- May they bless us!
Canadian govt pays #AlQuaeda operative $10.5 million Canadian dollars for violating his "charter rights"!…
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Canadian govt pays #AlQuaeda operative $10.5 million Canadian dollars for violating his "charter rights"!…
@LMJCsTT We said P-ess because she is so preachy...
@8thAFmedic69 @andr33j @Kingjames8289 See the article. ^
Listen to our Blog Talk Radio program on El-Kaa, Lebanon ,its needs, sufferings and how we are aiming to help with our Fundraiser!…
High priestess of the Church of Burkha excommunicates r Order! 😀😬😀😬😁😂�…/HvEfL9BV3n
Let us pray for @realDonaldTrump that he might have the courage to speak to Li Ping about the persecution of Christians in the "Peoples' Republic"!
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
@ProtecttheFaith Let's not give up on either of them. Defeatism is something even Churchill the Mason decried!
Disturbing reports that Peshmerga have arrested 4 Christians from Tesqopa, Iraq, for "criticizing the KRG." 2 were released & 2 still in jail. @HaiderAlAbadi @PMBarzani @VP @brett_mcgurk We are reaching out to KRG for comment & call for the immediate release of the jailed men.
Ordo Militaris Catholicus a besoin de votre soutien, pour assurer la défense et protection des Chrétiens en zone de guerre. Bienfaiteurs, Mécènes, Donateurs voyez avec Frère Alexis et ou bien @MilitarisCath Merci
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Media has blood on their hands will answer to Christ for His martyrs. Pray for them USA.…
Many often ask, why are Catholics and not protestants doing what Ordo Militaris is doing? We think its because the Crusades occurred before the Reformation. Something to think about.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
@Pflegebengel1 @EthubWerner Why to you hate the truth and love sodomy?
@Wajax95 If you read our article on our Insignia you will find the answer to your question.
High priestess of the Church of Burkha excommunicates r Order! 😀😬😀😬😁😂�…/HvEfL9BV3n
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
@SLSmith000 You are a loon, a complete nutcase!
@lasermail You have not even read the tweet, or our website, or perhaps you just dont understand the English exemplary exhortation!
Our Holy Rule -
Remembering The November Revolution in 1917…
@IceRafter @fr_higgins You sound just like those Hollywood pharasees who decry praying, in those interludes where they are not raping one another
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon… via @MilitarisCath
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
In other words, there is something in the spirit of the "Reformers" which rejected the tradition and example of the Crusades. And that explains 80% of the problems of Europe today!
In other words, there is something in the spirit of the "Reformers" which rejected the tradition and example of the Crusades. And that explains 80% of the problems of Europe today!
Many often ask, why are Catholics and not protestants doing what Ordo Militaris is doing? We think its because the Crusades occurred before the Reformation. Something to think about.
Increasingly reports about gangs selling illegal narcotics in Europe all share a common trend, and its not just the faces: Islam is a drug culture!…
Increasingly reports about gangs selling illegal narcotics in Europe all share a common trend, and its not just the faces: Islam is a drug culture!…
Christians who are massacred in Church by Jihadis, are Christians who needed to know sooner the glorious example of the Crusaders of old and why it should be imitated!
@fr_higgins Thank you Father, for pointing out that ideology can drive men mad!
@Doug29749996 @Sissy_USMC Why Let God get all the fun?
Programs of Ordo Militaris Radio – Ordo Militaris Radio…
If U have not yet decided to help Christian refugees from Syrian Civil War, ask urslef Y U cant afford $10 donation!…
IF YOU HAVE NOT YET made a donation to our El-Kaa mission appeal, please do so. WE are only at 25% and have 75% of the way to Go!
We invite all 8000+ followers to become members of our Order dedicated to defend Christians against Jihad! +
Y01 Series Prospectus – Ordo Militaris, Inc. Investing to defend Catholics from terror...…
O Eternal King of all Kingdoms, defend us!…
Lamentation complaint & shouts will never defend against sword bullet or bombs Only soldiers can do that 4 U! @MilitarisCath + #DeusVult!
If U R a Christian who knows Christians r being persecuted by Jihadis BUT do NOT urge and support their military defense, U are A COWARD!
May God have mercy upon the 20+ million innocent victims of the Bolsheviks!…
@rlj_robert ? Explain.
May God have mercy upon the 20+ million innocent victims of the Bolsheviks!…
If you would like to join our Chapter for servicemen and veterans of the US Navy, send us a DM for more information!
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
If you would like to join our French Speaking Chapter contact @Philip_Stag and follow @OrdoMilitarisFR
If you would like to join our Sardinia Chapter, send us a DM for more information!
If you would like to join our Ireland Chapter, send us a DM for more information!
If you would like to join our Pennsylvania Chapter, please send us a DM for more information!
If you would like to join our Louisiana Chapter, send us a DM for more informatoin!
If you would like to join our Colorado chapter, send us a DM for more information!
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
If you have ordered a Recruitment Kit, send us a DM, and we will create a tweet to recruit members in your State or Country!
Contact @wim_van_moer for more information!…
Our Patron Saints -…
Sign up! -
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
Let us pray for @realDonaldTrump that he might have the courage to speak to Li Ping about the persecution of Christians in the "Peoples' Republic"!
@SamNA77 @OrdoMilitarisKS We hope to found a chapter of our Order, dedicated to defending Christians from Jihadis, in Lebanon. Please let your friends know! Invite them to follow @MilitarisCath
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
#SunderlandSprings Dear Christians, though we be a Catholic organization, we are dedicated to defending all who are persecuted for the name of Christ.
@MnogaUspiechow We can discern regardless of what happened, that the 2013 conclave did the will of George Soros!
Lamentation complaint & shouts will never defend against sword bullet or bombs Only soldiers can do that 4 U! @MilitarisCath + #DeusVult!
WE ASK OUR 1500+ MEMBERS WORLD WIDE to make a donation to @MilitarisCath to fight against ISIS & defend Catholics!
As Christ pledged Himself to mankind 4 r salvation, why not pledge urself or a donation to defend His people
If you have not YET donated to defend Catholics, NOWS THE TIME to ante-up and show that your faith and RTs are true
Remember that its neither Tweets nor Favs which will defend Christians from Jihad (e.g. expenses 4 Christian Militiaman in Iraq $800 per mo)
Good Louis IV, be our great benefactor and help us raise the funds we need to defend Christians everywhere!…
Saint Joan lead forth the Angels of God from on High and fight to defend Christians persecuted by Jihadis on Earth!…
Ordo Militaris Catholicus is unique in the world as a Religious Military Association dedicated use of military force 2 defend Christians
We're a Religious Association sponsoring a security defense initiative to defend Christians with military force: We need YOUR support!
Can anyone explain why citizens are still obliged to obey a state or pay taxes to it if it wont defend its borders from hostile invasion?
If you are #Catholic #Military #Veteran and have zeal to defend and liberate #Christians from Jihadis, u will want 2 be in on @MilitarisCath
Most Knightly orders today ask their members to donate for humanitarian works; We ask for that and to liberate & defend Christians w force!
Christian integrity requires that if you RT our call to men to sign up and risk life to defend brother Christians, that u 2 make a donation!
Our donors and investors imitate @realDonaldTrump BECAUSE they WIN ! WIN ! WIN ! by supporting VETS to defend CHRISTIANS against JIHADIS!
Ordo Militaris Inc. is a private military corp designed to help Vets defend Christians fight Jihadis, and help U help them, all legally
Dear Clergy if you publicly defend those who break the reasonable and just laws of your nation, you are sinning gravely preaching falsehood!
Radical Islamic Terrorism only works with a victim potential population which does not defend, resist, fight back or take just revenge & ban
We are organized as a private military corporation 2 defend & liberate such Christians: help us with a donation/investment…
Donate to defend Christians from Jihad #OrdoMilitaris #Donate #Paris #Nice #Duesseldorf #Berlin
#BoycottHawaii A Nation which cannot defend itself against #Radical #Islamic #Terrorism is a nation which has surrendered to #Jihad #Islam
WE ASK ALL R FOLLOWERS to join us in praying🙏 in the Name of the Lord Jesus that He might grant us all we need to liberate & defend His own!
Our Training Camp will be necessary 2train a new breed of Christian warrior, who draws His sword for Christ 2 defend the innocent! #DeusVult
May all the #Christians martyred for the Faith at the hand of Muslims, intercede to defend the world from #Radical #Islamic #Terror & #Jihad
For this reason Christians must defend themselves & make great sacrifices, and stop waiting for someone else or govt to do something 4 them…
Its the DUTY of every CHRISTIAN to defend those in imminent danger of death by Jihad with armed force! #DeusVult * *
Therefore we ask as a sign that you have faith in Christ, to donate at least $1 a month to defend Christians! **…
Hep us set up our Training Camp, where our men will learn the arts of spiritual and martial warfare, to defend Christians from persecution!
Those with the courage 2 take up the Cross & bear R insignia 2 defend Christians are the truest heroes and most Christian warriors of R age!
A Crusade is a Christian holy war to defend the innocent persecuted by Jihadis. As such it is the most sacred, holy and just of all warfare
There R Christians who will shine like stars of Heaven for all eternity. Among these R warriors who gave their lives 2 defend their brothers
Oh Christians, how many of our forefathers died in wars which had less urgent and just a cause than to defend Christendom from Jihad!
In spiritual or temporal warfare, prudence dictates that you NEVER surrender your weapons. Have faith in Christ & defend yourselves!
The Time Has Come To #Defend & #ProtectChristians from #IslamicTerrorism Come & Support @MilitarisCath
To defend USA from Islamic Takeover, we will begin 2 offer military training to Christian general public if Congress approves pro-Sharia law
Let us pray to Saint Michael the Archangel to defend all our members, supporters from the evil attacks of trolls and hackers on Twitter.
In Mt 26:52 Our Lord speaks of those who begin violence unjustly. In Luke 22:36 advises 16% to bear arms 2 defend themselves from them.
The right ordering of Christian society requires that every man know how to defend himself, his family and Christ's Church. Do it with us!
We ask all members 2 vote for political parties which oppose Islamic immigration into Christian Lands and who defend Christians from Muslims
Christians today R being killed @ record numbers because Christians, unlike in all ages past, are waiting for non Christians to defend them!
Christians often complain about being persecuted in the West, but they have only to flex their arms to defend their own, to take the lead!
We are an international association of Catholics/Christians who believe that as adopted sons of God we have the divine right 2 defend r own!
We R seeking an initial capitalization of $10 million, to have facilities & subsidiaries to support soldiers in field to defend Christians!
Despite what some say, the Crusaders of old never had the goal to dominate or kill innocent Muslims, only to defend & liberate Christians.
As true Catholics, we hold that Christians have not only the natural right to bear arms but the divine right to Crusade to defend r own!
Do women really think the political parties which turned them into whores with contraceptives and abortion, will defend them from Islam?
Where in the world can you be a knight who contributes to doing what the Crusaders of old really did? Defend & assist persecuted Christians!
Just as no 1 Crusader captured Jerusalem by himself, so R work to help & defend Christians from Jihadis requires the combined effort of all!
They want Christians to disarm and do nothing to defend themselves from mass slaughter and genocide and destruction of churches
Socialists, Revolutionaries & Freemasons have pounded Catholics for 300 years, but we alone know how to defend Europe from Islam. Join us!
The modern soldier's greatest deficiency is in a Christian military formation which teaches him to defend Christians and act independently.
Don't listen to Marxists, even if they are Bishops, who say you should not use war to defend or liberate Christians from persecution!
Its simple logic. If your leaders support, defend and import a religion which promises to kill you, your leaders R planning to kill you!
@dforler @Ordo_Militaris There are a lot of Christians who at the temptation of the Devil have embraced pacifism and reject duty to defend their own against violence
If you wish to defend Christians from Islamic persecution, you need 1st of all 2 focus and put aside other interests, causes, etc. #DeusVult
Until Christians have their own military and security forces which serve to defend them exclusively, they will have no peace from Muslims.
Why is it beginning to look like all those who want unbridled Islamic immigration are pedophiles or friends/protectors of pedophiles?
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
This is why the worship of Jesus Christ every Sunday is a necessity of true liberty!…
Christians everywhere must regard as traitors & enemies of Jesus Christ all those who oppose or obstruct the military defense of Christians
Teach your daughters the truth: that there is no salvation but in Jesus Christ, so that your granddaughters might dress correctly!
The Christian who truly believes in Jesus Christ will not be satisfied with thanking Him with his lips, but will do so with his whole being!
In His Mercy, Our Lord Jesus Christ promised in Lk 11:41, that all who donate to the poor will be cleansed of punishment 4 their sins.
Many dont realize that if they but knelt down, repented of their sins, & promised to live for Jesus, their life would B totally transformed!
29 Slaughtered Coptic Christians, Including Children, Were Asked by ISIS to Deny Faith in Jesus but Refused…
#SacredHeart of #Jesus, may you ever bless, protect and keep all the members, benefactors, donors and investors in the Ordo Militaris! Amen!
The scourge of Islam, in human history, has every revealed that unless you side with the true God, Jesus Christ, you have no defense.
Christians should never forget that unlike Islam, we, with the power of Christ Jesus, can conquer without violence, guns or murder.
The Left is the enemy of Jesus Christ Disassociate with every "Christian" leader who says otherwise!
Remember, when we call Jesus the Lord God Sabbaoth, that means the "Lord God of Hosts" or Armies. Jesus is way pro Military!
Let us pray to the #SacredHeart of #Jesus, for the conversion of even the darkest of sinners: Jihadis, from their devilish cult!
Our Baptismal duty binds us to have no one but Jesus Christ as our Lord and Master and Savior, not even a Saint or Cardinal or Pope.…
Let us pray 4 the conversion of all who opposed the will of Jesus Christ, the protection and welfare of His people throughout all the earth.
Let us pray that the Lord Jesus raise up in the Catholic Church today many clergy who are ardent anti-Marxists and preach against G Soros!
Don't forget to pray for the eternal salvation of all, including Muslims, by faith in Christ Jesus and repentance from all their sins!
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord... The Apostles' Creed Part Three 08/08 by Ordo Militaris Radio…
Let us pray the Lord Jesus by the power of His Holy Spirit raise up holy priests who preach #Crusade against those who persecute Christians!
We call on all our Followers, and indeed upon all Catholics and Christians, to transfer your prime loyalty from your nation to Christ Jesus!
Our Holy Rule -
Jesus told us to follow in His footsteps, thus just as He promised to be with us always, so we should be near to the needy in their want!…
If U have a zealous love 4 the Lord Jesus, U do not need 2B reminded that He will reward U 4 Ur charity 2 the poor, U know/do it already!
The hands of Christians who come to the help of needy Christians are without doubt the very Hands of Jesus consoling His own!
#HolyLeague we need a #HolyLeage against Jihad by terror & by immigration! Let it be, O Lord Jesus!…
The Melkites of El-Kaa, Lebanon gather to worship the Lord Jesus, in the Church of St. Elias at the heart of their village.
#Fatima100 O my Jesus 4give us R sins save us from fires of Hell lead all POOR souls 2Heaven esp those most in need of Thy Mercy! (original
The Order does everything to help persecuted Christians or to raise the means to help them. The best charity is what is done for the love of Jesus!
@lasermail As Catholics what can we think but that the EU is an evil and malign institution aiming to destroy the Christian heritage and peoples of Europe. Exit!
Ordo Militaris Catholics is an international defense initiative under care of @Ordo_Militaris Inc USA to protect Christians from Jihadis.
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Germans are making contingency plans for the collapse of the EU. Let’s hope we are, too | The Guardian…
Join us in Twitter Campaign 2 convince @EWTN CEO Michael Warsaw to lift his ban on Ordo Militaris advertising in the NCR newspaper! by RTing
The El-Kaa Lebanon Catholic Fundraiser Appeal 11/07 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon… via @MilitarisCath
Be a crusader yourself, or gift a membership in our Order for Christmas! By making a pledge! + + How #DeusVutl !
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Questions about faith and obedience in regard to Papal novelties, answered magisterially by Seifert…
@OurLadysKnight Was it written by a Saint or the disciple of a Saint? if not, its probably not worth reading.
Texas Massacre Survivor Releases What The Shooter Was Saying While She Played Dead. EVERYBODY DIES, MOTHERF**KER!”…
UN just excluded itself from the human race!…
We remind our Members, who pledge monthly, to keep up on their pledges. We rely upon your support to lay foundations of the Order!
Iraqi Priest: the only thing certain here is that Christians are disappearing!…
Remember, there is nothing in the Gospel which obliges a Christian to help those who are invading his country under pretext of immigration!
TO CRUSADERS AND THEIR SUPPORTERS EVERYWHERE > We invite all to join our Order as lay-members and found local chapters of it.
If you local Catholic Charities are helping only Muslim refugees, we ask you to consider supporting our Order, which helps only Christians.
If U R troubled at how many Christians have been killed in the Syrian Civil War at hands of US Allies, make an act of reparation this way >…
Lets not forget all the Christians who were killed by Lefties and their supporters: #NYCAttack #Charleston #Nashville #Sunderlandsprings
There is absolutely 0 in the behavior of the #SunderlandSprings shooter to suggest mental illness, but everything to suggest wickedness!
Did you find it strange that since the Russian Investigation began to point to Democrats, that USA struck with 3 horrible terror attacks?
We ask all our followers to become members and supporters of the Order. Join by pledging as little as $1 a month! +
Ther's a vast difference between mental illness & ideological madness. 2 excuse the latter and blame it on the former denigrates the former!
#Sunderland #Texas #Church #Shooter Was #Antifa Member #CNN fan Who Vowed To Start Civil War…
Jihad is an organized war against Christians. Crusade must also be organized, in its own way. Join us and recruit!…
Season Two Episode 70 Is Uploaded! Please make a generous donation…
Wrong. Govt employees, like you, failed to do their job. He did a year for abuse & fracturing his kids skull. Should not have had a gun!…
Terrorist attack in French city of Nice thwarted? | Euronews…
Christianity does everything better. That is why a committed Christian is the best candidate to govern any country.
Nine held in anti-terror raids across France as 'attack is thwarted' - The Local…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
UN just excluded itself from the human race!…
El mapa de Europa. Cada punto rojo es una localidad cuyo nombre incluye "santo" o "santa". Sin duda, la cultura e historia europea está basada en el cristianismo.
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
Sign up! -
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
We are starting a State Chapter of our Order in Virginia, all interested should contact @gruntjust4u for more info!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Feds allowed #SunderlandSprings shooter to purchase guns even though he had been accused of mental health issues…
@jrsalzman @Creamsickill Mental health or extremely malign personality. His actions at Church show he had full reason, but 0 morals.
@jrsalzman @Creamsickill Mental health or extremely malign personality. His actions at Church show he had full reason, but 0 morals.
@pentalupi_dhpjr Whadd'U say? please explain...
Nine held in anti-terror raids across France as 'attack is thwarted' - The Local…
Christianity does everything better. That is why a committed Christian is the best candidate to govern any country.
Terrorist attack in French city of Nice thwarted? | Euronews…
BREAKING: 5 terrorists arrested near Nice for planning a coordinated attacks on police officers and civilians in Nice. Attack was imminent.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
That the Feds allowed him to purchase guns after being in a mental hospital confirms that they too thought him malign not insane…
The El-Kaa Lebanon Catholic Fundraiser Appeal 11/07 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Our Holy Rule -
Benefits of unbridled unvetted illegal immigration from countries without a sane system of morality and high incidence of jihad mentality…
ISIS leader al-Baghdadi 'flees Iraq for Syria in yellow taxi' as caliphate crumbles
Judicial Watch Sues To Expose Real Collusion: 'Comey Testimony Closely Coordinated With Mueller'…
This case seems more and more like an Obama Administration failure or plot, to set loose a killer in next administration when cued
Feds allowed #SunderlandSprings shooter to purchase guns even though he had been accused of mental health issues…
It now appears that Saudi Arabia has a govt, thanks to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s weekend purge of the royal family. It is probably the only political event in recent memory that has the support of Washington, Moscow, Beijing, Berlin, London, Paris, Tokyo, and Jerusalem.
Be a crusader yourself, or gift a membership in our Order for Christmas! By making a pledge! + + How #DeusVutl !
May the Lord Jesus have mercy upon all the souls of the victims of the #SunderlandSprings shooting. As they died gathered for Him.
For those *already* calling for gun control, a recent mass shooting at a TN church was stopped by an armed usher. #SutherlandSprings
There is absolutely 0 in the behavior of the #SunderlandSprings shooter to suggest mental illness, but everything to suggest wickedness!
Sharpshooting plumber fired shot that took down Texas church gunman via @nypost
Found a local chapter of r Order and start security initiatives in ur town 2 defend against Jihadis locallly nationally & worldwide with us.
Dear Members and followers, we have a local chapter in Virginia forming. DM us to join!
Iraqi Priest: the only thing certain here is that Christians are disappearing!…
Start a local or national chapter of our Order!…
Invest -
To join the Order is to join a world-wide effort by militant Catholics to wage war against Jihad See + + #DeusVult
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Sounds like #BLM Marxist, another thug arm of the DNC, Change/org and Soros…
This wont make us forget that Chipolte is committed to a marxist revolution in agri industry. Refuse their slop! if you want 2 #MAGA!…
Yet antifa, protected by the media, uses communist iconography- no different than Nazis and swastikas.…
And that is why if you hear of any Christian leader saying the opposite, you should regard him as a false prophet and anti-Christ.…
Nothing more disgusting than Marxists who calumniate Christians to prevent the poor receiving help! Shame on those in Lebanon who do this!
The Christianity which makes the faithful believe their chief duty is to obey clergy rather than Jesus Christ, is a false mockery of Christ
Iraqi Priest: the only thing certain here is that Christians are disappearing!…
The Mid-East would be so much more livable if all the nations there stop molesting their neighbors and lived a true religion of peace!
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
CATHOLIC MEN + There is no greater glory than to go to war TO DEFEND Christ's faithful! WE ARE CALLED TO BE the sons of the Crusaders!…
#Bergdahl was used as political tool of Cultural Marxism to denigrate America, the American Soldier, Military Discipline & National security…
Our Patron Saints -…
#Bergdahl was used as political tool of Cultural Marxism to denigrate America, the American Soldier, Military Discipline & National security…
Many thanks to 31 donors who have given $2119 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Sign up! -
ISIS In Lebanon: The Courage Of A Christian Town On The Frontline of Jihad…
Its a very dangerous thing when a Military Contractor starts pushing the social-facism of the Left!…
Former FBI Director Mueller Worked with Terror-Tied Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Material Offensive to…
RETWEET if you are a Patriot and want the political correctness agenda to stop and FOLLOW everyone who RETWEETS and LIKES
Invest -
Geert Wilders: 'We are losing our country.'…
54 Minutes till show on…
100 years after the October revolution the West should be worried at the rise of the neo-Bolsheviks from the Left…
Help the #Christians of El-Kaa, #Lebanon! -- We've passed 33%, onward to 50% #DeusVult Crusaders!…
Many thanks to 30 donors who have given $1769 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Many thanks to 30 donors who have given $1769 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Should Still Have Been in Jail...
Christ intended Christian Marriage to be an institution which binds the spouses for life. Be faithful and know what it is to truly love.
And for that the Church needs men who actually believe in Christ & are faithful to the Divine and Apostolic Tradition which comes from Him!…
@MilitarisCath Meanwhile, we have PC priests shaming their faithful to accept ALL migrants & those wanting a better life regardless of effect on country
If all the dishonest were barred from owning guns or carrying weapons, and all the honest were allowed, there would be no need for police!
@MilitarisCath May St Michael lead us in our battle against Jihad and all other kinds of Persecution
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
If you tweet that article, betaware! some mischevous leftie at the WaPo has changed the SEO header to say "from the Right"!
And that is why if you hear of any Christian leader saying the opposite, you should regard him as a false prophet and anti-Christ.…
100 years after the October revolution the West should be worried at the rise of the neo-Bolsheviks from the Left…
Radical leftists: The NRA is a terror group that wants mass shootings! Reality: Hero who shot mass murderer was an NRA instructor.
Democrat Alternate Reality: NRA & Gunowners are mass killers! Reality: #SunderlandSprings killer was Democrat, owning gun w/o license!
2 hours till our Radio program on the El-Kaa appeal!…
Reuters reports that a Saudi minister says that Lebanon declares war after pro Saudi PM of Lebanon resigns, is actually the story…
Remember, there is nothing in the Gospel which obliges a Christian to help those who are invading his country under pretext of immigration!
If you dont visit r Twitter timeline, dont expect Twitter to allow U to see our tweets. Infact nearly 7000 of our followers do not see them!
Our Chapters in Europe will be able to work with the local Police and promote increased security of neighborhoods by collaborative actions
Wherever 3 of our members are found in the same Diocese, they can establish a local Chapter of r religious association. Ask us 4 more info!
We are looking to found National and local Chapters of our Order in all the Nations of Europe, South America, Asia & Africa! Join us!
We have local chapters forming in the USA in Chicago, LA, VA, PA, and overseas in Ireland, France, Italy, Poland, Australia. DM us to join!
If you are Catholic and come from Cameroon, Central African Republic or the Congo, consider starting a local chapter of our Order!
Be a Town Cryer and Harbinger of the Crusaders: Start a local chapter of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus & work 2 organize modern #DeusVult!…
If U want 2 join any of r local chapters in CO LA PA VA Ireland France Belgium/Netherlands Poland Italy Lebanon Australia, send us a DM!
We greatly encourage all members, in areas with Muslims, to offer local Churches, their services to protect church & surveil neighborhood!
When we open our physical HQ in MT we will be able to increase member services, sell promotional material, increase r fundraising efforts!
When we open our physical HQ in MT we will be able to increase member services, sell promotional material, increase r fundraising efforts!
Globalists want a stateless, multicultural, secular and irreligious nationhood, because then there is only one axis of loyalty, themselves!
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
If you dont visit r Twitter timeline, dont expect Twitter to allow U to see our tweets. Infact nearly 7000 of our followers do not see them!
Nothing more disgusting than Marxists who calumniate Christians to prevent the poor receiving help! Shame on those in Lebanon who do this!
About 1% of those who follow @MilitarisCath are members or donors of the Order. WE INVITE THE OTHER 99% to JOIN. It would B an honor!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Texas killer was a left-wing anti-Christian bigot. Now his fellow left-wing anti-Christian bigots want #GunContol. #TexasChurchMassacre
If you have every cared or worked with the mentally ill, you know how sick and cruel this is. MSM knows no low bar!…
Now where are all those Atheists who claim that only Christians kill for their religion? #SunderlandSprings
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals #audio #bralexisbugnolo #conference… via @MilitarisCath
@janet_bodell There is no war. Lebanon does not even border Saudi Arabia! the minister and Reuters are fanning flames of malcontent
The Mid-East would be so much more livable if all the nations there stop molesting their neighbors and lived a true religion of peace!
Reuters reports that a Saudi minister says that Lebanon declares war after pro Saudi PM of Lebanon resigns, is actually the story…
The 49 Saudi #RoyalFamily arrests is a huge win4 #America #DrainingTheSwamp lock up #GlobalElites & #WaleedBinTalal…
Glazov Gang: Sarsour Stopped NYPD’s Monitoring of Saipov’s Mosque
If you desire that God answer your prayers, pray to do the will of God! For in the end there will be only one victory, that of Christ Jesus!
Why is it beginning to look like all those who want unbridled Islamic immigration are pedophiles or friends/protectors of pedophiles?
BREAKING: @SecretService arrest man near @WhiteHouse who wanted to kill 'all white police'…
Democrat Alternate Reality: NRA & Gunowners are mass killers! Reality: #SunderlandSprings killer was Democrat, owning gun w/o license!
@Englishpapist @OrdoMilitarisKS We do not think you can establish any fixed rule. Some are bots, some are those in denial. Give them time, After all Catholic means charity.
Likewise, why was the UK struck with 4 horrible terror attacks before the general elections for Parliament? but none since?
The #SunderlandSprings massacre was executed as Trump was on his way to China, to put T in situation where he could not denounce Marxism.
The NYC Jihadi used a truck rented from Home Depot, 1 Million shares of Home Depot belong to George Soros!…
May the blessings of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit descend upon all who RT and read our tweets!
Christians completely fail the Lord Jesus when they accept in principle that their rulers should b Masons, Marxists, Muslims, Socialists etc
Every new member of Our Order is like a brick which cements with the rest to build an international fortress against Jihad. Join us too!
Recruit, Recruit, Recruit! We would have been operational by now, if we had recruited 4x the members. Keep asking! inviting! encouraging!
If all the dishonest were barred from owning guns or carrying weapons, and all the honest were allowed, there would be no need for police!
Pro abortion, Pro Soros, Pro Death: the unholy trinity!…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
We encourage Christian Fathers to raise their sons as men from the age of 12, and not according to modern effeminate standards
Lets not forget all the Christians who were killed by Lefties and their supporters: #NYCAttack #Charleston #Nashville #Sunderlandsprings
Please consider sending your personal financial assistance to projects like R #ElKaa Mission in Lebanon, for those who are still forgotten!…
If you desire that God answer your prayers, pray to do the will of God! For in the end there will be only one victory, that of Christ Jesus!
we said "Disgrace who" not "Disgrace to those who" because they become in the Pit a disgrace themselves.
Honor and glory to those who make noble promises and fulfill them! - Shame and eternal disgrace who make them but do not fulfill them!
@3020pnr You are way off base, the Catholic Church gives more alms to the poor than all the other Christian Churches combined by far!
Article To Young Catholic Men To Join @MilitarisCath…
Tune In today's show: Join & Be Part of the Fundraising Team with @MilitarisCath… 9 AM Central, 10 AM Eastern
Looking for devout Christian veterans to join our Order, who understand their loyalty is first to Christ, above and before all others.
In the face of Jihad, you can do something: join an Order dedicated to defending Christians from terror #DeusVult
The Divorce from reality is 100% complete!…
If you truly want to do something to protect Christians from Islamic Jihad, join, support, donate or invest with us!
We need every one of you who RT our Tweets or Fav them to pledge $8.50 a month, if we are to open our office! -- Please join the fray!
We cordially invite #Catholics to join our religious association by making a monthly pledge of support, to help promote r holy work.
The greatest commitment a civilian can make to the Order this year is asking everyone to donate, join, support, invest and volunteer with us
Democrats, Obama, Hillary & Soros may not want 2admit it, but #SutherlandSprings massacre just doomed #Antifa 2oblivion in eyes of America!
Our Holy Rule -
Invest with @Ordo_Militaris Inc to make it happen!
@Breaking911 Incase you forgot Nashville Church that was Shot up by Refugee
If you have made a decent profit in the recent spike in Bitcoin values, Y not thank the Lord by donation 4 His poor?…
We R Back On The Air Tuesday 9AM 10AM El-Kaa Lebanon Fundraiser @MilitarisCath…
Saudi Minister's claim that Lebanon is at war with Saudi Arabia (bc of attacks by Hezbollah from Lebanon) puts Christians at grave risk!
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Likewise those shud not have them who profess an ideology or religion which encourages them to slay the innocent or attack Christians!…
Guns rights exist only in relation to honesty. They R natural rights of the honest, not of the wicked. Therefore Marxists shudnot have them!
Telling your friends and colleagues about the Order today, opens doors to recruitment and support in the future. Sow the seeds of #DeusVult!
Unlike a Missionary society which is dedicated to converting souls to Christ, r Order is dedicated to defending Christians from thyr enemies
Many thanks to 29 donors who have given $1369 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
MSM is spinning #SunderlandSprings shooting by pinning the guilt on the mentally ill rather than on #AntiFa #DemocratParty #Marxists !
Our El-Kaa appeal is therefore very providential and timely!…
Giving Alms on behalf of poor souls is a very powerful way to release them from debts of sin & speed them to Heaven!…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon… przez @MilitarisCath
Some #Catholics choose to ignore Church teaching on the duty & right of self defense in favor of their liberal ideology. #PickandChoose
St. Leonard of Reresby, pray for us and intercede for the members of our Order always, that they might always escape from their enemies!
May all the #Crusaders of old who now reign with Christ intercede for r Order & obtain the blessings of God upon all our members & helpers!
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Sign up! -
@ElleHart2 @lancasterwhims sons in English is often the metonym for heirs. cf
The #SunderlandSprings massacre was executed as Trump was on his way to China, to put T in situation where he could not denounce Marxism.
We strongly advise all Americans to make known to local authorities all those members of #AntiFa who show pics of guns on social media!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
It would be a great help to national security if laws where passed allowing merchants to refuse services to all who profess Jihad.
Modern man is divorced from reality, because modernity teaches the falsehood that 1 can achieve with mere words and appearances, not deeds!
The El-Kaa Lebanon Catholic Fundraiser Appeal 11/07 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Trump Protesters Call Hawaii "Kenya" - The Post & Email…
Our Patron Saints -…
Sign up! -
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
To those of you who are greatly blessed by the Lord, remember He has done this not for your sake, but so that you can help His people!
St. Leonard of Reresby, pray for us and intercede for the members of our Order always, that they might always escape from their enemies!
Nov. 6 is the Feast of r Patron St. Leonard of Reresby, an Englishman from Yorkshire, who miraculously escaped from the hands of Jihadis!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Tell me how within 24 hrs we have suspect, motive, identified each weapon recovered in TX shooting but a month after Vegas we know nothing
Our El-Kaa appeal is therefore very providential and timely!…
Saudi Minister's claim that Lebanon is at war with Saudi Arabia (bc of attacks by Hezbollah from Lebanon) puts Christians at grave risk!
If you have every cared or worked with the mentally ill, you know how sick and cruel this is. MSM knows no low bar!…
MSM is spinning #SunderlandSprings shooting by pinning the guilt on the mentally ill rather than on #AntiFa #DemocratParty #Marxists !
@OrdoMilitarisKS Think that Reuters, which was founded by Jews, is trying to stir the pot on this one.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
@RuthieRehh @dizzidi67 Actually u been misled by anti-Catholic propaganda The Vatican has 2.6 billion of underfunded pension plans, that puts them in massive debt!
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
World-renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs yells at Vatican reporter: ‘You’re disgusting’
Many thanks to the 24 followers who have donated to the El-Kaa Mission appeal… We ask the other 7953 to join in!
The HQ asks R avid followers & all r Members, 2o personally ask each follower who is a Catholic to join & donate 2 the Order in r holy work!
Sign up! -
#SunderlandSprings is not a case of mental illness, the guy insisted victims quote Das Kapital. He was clearly ideological Marxist.…
We say this in reference to societies, and in no way intend to contradict the personal counsel of Our Lord to turn the other cheek!
History demonstrates that Christians who do not push back when unjustly attacked, are Christians who end up exterminated...
Our Patron Saints -…
#SunderlandSprings is not a case of mental illness, the guy insisted victims quote Das Kapital. He was clearly ideological Marxist.…
Ther's a vast difference between mental illness & ideological madness. 2 excuse the latter and blame it on the former denigrates the former!
@sangansen @AStratelates If you want Christians to unite with Atheists after #SunderlandSprings or Marxism's 60,000,000 kill rate, you are sick!
@sangansen @AStratelates If you want Christians to unite with Atheists after #SunderlandSprings or Marxism's 60,000,000 kill rate, you are sick!
@ultraRacistBaby Penny you never learned math, because Atheists have killed 40-60 million since 1917...!
@sangansen @AStratelates You argument is strangely similar to a Muslim who says that when Jihadis kill it has nothing to do with Islam (replace Islam with atheism).
If you have the device and internet access to TWEET, you can afford a small donation to help them!…
If you are about to, or have already, RTed our El-Kaa appeal, please ASK yourself if you have already made a donation! If not, do it now!
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
After #SunderlandSprings Christians must regard #AntiFa no different than #ISIS or #AlQuaeda…
Modern man is divorced from reality, because modernity teaches the falsehood that 1 can achieve with mere words and appearances, not deeds!
Sign up! -
@OrdoMilitarisKS Not a very credible source
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Video: Here's the prayer that ended the #SutherlandSpringsShooting press conference that @CNN and @MSNBC didn't show viewers #TTT
It was already a felony for Devin Kelley to own a weapon. Nothing short of banning guns would have stopped him and we aren't doing that.
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
Except the murderer used a Ruger .556. He was stopped by a citizen wielding an AR-15. So how would banning Armalite Rifles help?…
350 000 Bretons vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté, principalement dans la ruralité abandonnée...Mais on préfère aider les quartiers immigrés.
Now where are all those Atheists who claim that only Christians kill for their religion? #SunderlandSprings
We remind our Members, who pledge monthly, to keep up on their pledges. We rely upon your support to lay foundations of the Order!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
If you have made a decent profit in the recent spike in Bitcoin values, Y not thank the Lord by donation 4 His poor?…
Many thanks to 29 donors who have given $1369 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Those who partake of the holy spirit of the Crusaders of old, know that it is a Christian duty to take up arms to defend Christ's people!
Let us not be amazed or suprised that the allies of #AntiFa want future victims disarmed! #SunderlandSprings #lasvagasshooting #Charleston
We've passed 25%, onward Crusaders to the goal! #ElKaa #Charity #Lebanon #Christians #Melkite #OrdoMilitaris…
Unlike most humanitarian organizations, 100% of monies we raise for humanitarian projects go to the poor & need for which they are raised!
Recruit, Recruit, Recruit! We would have been operational by now, if we had recruited 4x the members. Keep asking! inviting! encouraging!
What we are about
We predict that the MSM will protect #Antifa after #SunderlandSprings massacre like they protect #Islam by CLAIMING HE WAS A LONE WOLF
These symbolic gestures are often emblematic of a sentimental society which is incapable of actions to defend itself from Islamic takeover.…
Let us not be amazed or suprised that the allies of #AntiFa want future victims disarmed! #SunderlandSprings #lasvagasshooting #Charleston
@dutch_patriot There is no difference between what Jesus Christ thinks and what the Catholic Church teaches on the question of salvation, as He founded us.
Dear @POTUS we ask u 2 open Federal investigation in2 death of #SethRich on grounds of conspiracy 2 murder #Wikileaks informant
After #SunderlandSprings Christians must regard #AntiFa no different than #ISIS or #AlQuaeda…
We strongly advise all Americans to make known to local authorities all those members of #AntiFa who show pics of guns on social media!
He is #AntiFa and #CNN lover. Never conservative.…
Democrats, Obama, Hillary & Soros may not want 2admit it, but #SutherlandSprings massacre just doomed #Antifa 2oblivion in eyes of America!
It's your obligation to speak the truth and everyone can either take it or leave it but truth must be in us Mother Angelica #Truth #catholic
@FoxNews We invite everyone who has RTed and or FAVed this tweet to join our Order & aid in our legal fight against Jihadis!
If the organization you belong to will not support the defense of Catholics or Christians who are persecuted by Jihadis, join us instead!
Our Patron Saints -…
These symbolic gestures are often emblematic of a sentimental society which is incapable of actions to defend itself from Islamic takeover.…
Our Holy Rule -
We make appeals to all, but we address the noble of spirit, when we say: join, support, pledge, donate & invest with us in r holy work!
Looking at the past 2 horrendous gun massacres..seems to me #Trump supporters need to keep their guns close. #SutherlandSprings
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
We predict that the MSM will protect #Antifa after #SunderlandSprings massacre like they protect #Islam by CLAIMING HE WAS A LONE WOLF
We petition @POTUS @realDonaldTrump to name #AntiFa a domestic terrorist organization and begin to round them all up! Soros too!
If U have not yet decided to help Christian refugees from Syrian Civil War, ask urslef Y U cant afford $10 donation!…
The Divorce from reality is 100% complete!…
Our Patron Saints -…
There are 7400 of our followers, whom we ask to pray and consider joining the Order: persecuted Christians need your help more than RTs/Favs
Be not an idle reader of our tweets, but with living Faith in Christ and love for His people, support and join our Order to defend them!
There is vast number of r Twitter followers who have not yet made a pledge! We invite U brothers & sisters in Christ 2 join in r holy work!…
Those who support R Order are the men & women who already see themselves as shareholders in Christian Civilization. Revision urself & join!
Retired #USSoldiers Join @MilitarisCath & use your military skills to save #Christians from #IslamicTerrorism
The Order plans big because we believe the big Guy in Heaven calls us 2 do what we do 4 Him. We seek those who believe the same to join us!
On July 4th, we will have a special show on Recruiting Young Men To Join @MilitarisCath the Basic Combat Training…
in USA HQ has founded @Ordo_Militaris a MT corp dedicated 2 military defense of Catholics & Christians: Join! + +
What Is Ordo Militaris Catholicus & Who Can Join? 07/05 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
To all of you who have RTed and FAVed our tweets for countless weeks, but have not joined the Order. We invite you to join, we need you!
@MilitarisCath If you are in operation in 4 years I will gladly join, after my service with the Marines!
Listen to our Radio program about the Order, what it is, and how to join, at Soundcloud…
Civilians, retired veterans can join Our Military Order by making a monthly pledge! See our donations page for info.
Just finished watching an ISIS propaganda vid, and I gotta say, it made me want to join @MilitarisCath
Things U can do 2 promote the Order, today! > RT, join up by making a monthly pledge, talking to your friends, inviting them to join too!
1 of best ways 2 #NeverForget? Join only Military Order dedicated 2 military defense of Christians from Jihad + +
Remember, nearly all converts to ISLAM in the west, who join ISIS are former LEFTISTS and PROGRESSIVES...
Why join and how to use our new Recruitment Kit?…
Please tell your friends at Church today about the Ordo Militaris Catholicus and what we are trying to do! Invite them to help and join!
If your nation were overrun by Jihadis, wouldn't you want Christians from around the world to liberate it? That's what we we are about.
OMC is a org entirely dedicated and structured to defend Christians from persecution. U can join, volunteer, invest, donate & serve with us!
Will there be 3 times the outrage on MSM against #Antifa #SunderlandSprings mass murderer as there was against #Charleston shooter ?🤔🤔🙄🙄
Will there be 3 times the outrage on MSM against #Antifa #SunderlandSprings mass murderer as there was against #Charleston shooter ?🤔🤔🙄🙄
Will there be 26 times the outrage on MSM against the #Antifa #SunderlandSprings mass murderer as there was against #Charlottesville ?🤔🤔🙄🙄
Our Lord Himself in Luke 22 advised that weapons be brought to Church! Look it up!…
Will there be 26 times the outrage on MSM against the #Antifa #SunderlandSprings mass murderer as there was against #Charlottesville ?🤔🤔🙄🙄
OMC is a org entirely dedicated and structured to defend Christians from persecution. U can join, volunteer, invest, donate & serve with us!
We said this hours before the Texas shooting, and the perp confirmed it fully.…
We petition @POTUS @realDonaldTrump to name #AntiFa a domestic terrorist organization and begin to round them all up! Soros too!
We said this hours before the Texas shooting, and the perp confirmed it fully.…
May the Lord Jesus have mercy upon all the souls of the victims of the #SunderlandSprings shooting. As they died gathered for Him.
Oh Holy Cross, Thou alone are unconquerable! and there is no power on earth or from Hell that can destroy Thee!
On The Holy Cross & Devotion To The Cross Throughout The Ages & For Crusaders 09/14 by Ordo Militaris Radio…
In this case they hid it, because he is #AntiFa…
You can fix this problem by donating, becoming a member, or buying our Stock See our website for more info…
Invest with @Ordo_Militaris Inc to make it happen!
Did you know that we are the ONLY military Order dedicated to defending Christians from terrorists in the world? R PMC likewise.
We know that a few of our followers have the means to buy 1, 10, or 100 of our shares to make this happen. What would Jesus ask you to do?…
Texas Church Shooter David P Kelly Leaves at Least 25 Dead, Official Says - The New York Times…
We encourage all followers to make know to local police authorities anyone you know who is an #AntiFa member, esp if they own guns!
One of the cruelest fates of refugees, is to be a Christian refugee, menaced at home, in refugee camps and abroad by Muslims & Identitarians
@pnehlen @SpeakerRyan Gun rights are primordial to the US Constitution, to bear arms is also the divine right of every Christian.
I strongly urge Christians to concealed carry. Always. Also, I'm renewing my call for @SpeakerRyan to vote on national reciprocity now.
So it appears the #texas shooter was an Alt-Left crazy liberal #Antifa member. Remember #Nov4ItBegins ? They've been threatening this for months. Liberalism was always a disease. It's now a Terrorist ideology. Democrats are now clearly a Domestic Terror party. #SutherlandSprings
Selling firearms to anyone dishonorably discharged from the military is against federal law.…
Suspect was court-martialed in 2014;dishonorable discharge US Air Force;Devin Kelley. HE COULD NOT LEGALLY OWN A GUN. MORE REASON TO BACK 2A
Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know…
The most plausible possible motive for scrubbing Anti-Fa mass shooter's FB page is that FB upholds Soros who funds AntiFa
Scrubbing of the social media accounts of terrorists mass murderers in USA strongly inclines the public to believe they were govt approved!
All expenses are paid for by @Ordo_Militaris Inc from their cash-on-hand.…
We can establish a fund to give Christians in Lebanon an alternative to selling their land to Muslims, do it thru…
Church did not make the mistake, it was never approved canonically.…
Sign up! -
Invest -
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
In 1 month since the Las Vegas shooting massacre, 7 key witnesses have been killed in suspicious circumstances,...
The most plausible possible motive for scrubbing Anti-Fa mass shooter's FB page is that FB upholds Soros who funds AntiFa
History demonstrates that Christians who do not push back when unjustly attacked, are Christians who end up exterminated...
L'assassin des fidèles dans l'église de #Sunderland #Texas un antifa ? sacrément dégénérés ces soit-disant antifascistes.…
After all the anti-Christian terrorism of 2017, surely our kind of security is one of the best investments
Isis claim Stephen Paddock became Muslim before Las Vegas shootings | Metro News…
Carmelite Order is just one gift which resulted from The Crusades…
Dominican Involvement in the Crusader States - Friedenthal - 1994 - New Blackfriars - Wiley Online Library…
@CarmeliteNick @Frenemy1080 Ok. but we think it be more effective and cheaper to found a local chapter of our Catholic Religious Association
@CarmeliteNick By preaching the wisdom of Bl. Urban II , virtues of the Saints who heeded his call & that of successors to crusade…
@CarmeliteNick By preaching the wisdom of Bl. Urban II , virtues of the Saints who heeded his call & that of successors to crusade…
@CarmeliteNick By heeding Luke 22 and having a porter or 2 every sunday, bearing arms at Church. Would be a great start.
@CarmeliteNick By heeding Luke 22 and having a porter or 2 every sunday, bearing arms at Church. Would be a great start.
TX Church Shooting 4 kids from 1 family shot: 5yo boy shot 4xs, now in surgery 5yo girl 7yo girl shot & in surgery 8yo hid under a pew
CBS News reports: Suspect is fmr. US Air Force E1 (2010-2014) He received a dishonorable discharge He was court martialed in May 2014…
Scrubbing of the social media accounts of terrorists mass murderers in USA strongly inclines the public to believe they were govt approved!
Comme à #LasVegas un démocrate antifa qui attaque un public conservateur (plutôt blanc, chrétien, amateur de folk music identitaire, potentiellement électeur de Trump)?…
Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know…
We encourage all followers to make know to local police authorities anyone you know who is an #AntiFa member, esp if they own guns!
Texas Church Shooter David P Kelly Leaves at Least 25 Dead, Official Says - The New York Times…
#Sunderland #Texas #Church #Shooter Was #Antifa Member #CNN fan Who Vowed To Start Civil War…
This is the anniversary of the fort hood shooting Obamas workplace accident and not that far away? that’s curious?
@jpjack_brennan More than curious…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
One of the cruelest fates of refugees, is to be a Christian refugee, menaced at home, in refugee camps and abroad by Muslims & Identitarians
We know that a few of our followers have the means to buy 1, 10, or 100 of our shares to make this happen. What would Jesus ask you to do?…
We R seeking an initial capitalization of $10 million, to have facilities & subsidiaries to support soldiers in field to defend Christians!
You can fix this problem by donating, becoming a member, or buying our Stock See our website for more info…
The NYC Jihadi used a truck rented from Home Depot, 1 Million shares of Home Depot belong to George Soros!…
The AP seems strangely content in their reporting with fact that the identity of the shooter has not yet been made known, not even his race.…
Seeing that according to PBS Sanders is 98+% pure Ashkenazi by race, its hard to tell...Who would be the racist, the attacker or victim?…
So far we have 50x more military volunteers willing to work for the Order, than we have investors & donors making us able to levy them!
Its so far only a coincidence, but it seems to suggest that x (Globalists, Soros?) is arranging all these attacks for his purpose
Likewise, why was the UK struck with 4 horrible terror attacks before the general elections for Parliament? but none since?
Did you find it strange that since the Russian Investigation began to point to Democrats, that USA struck with 3 horrible terror attacks?
Praying for the families of Sutherland Springs. A church is the most sacred of places. No words.
MSM is such a ideological propaganda outlet that its nearly an Rule that if they do not tell you the identity of a perp, he is Muslim/Black.
Did you know that we are the ONLY military Order dedicated to defending Christians from terrorists in the world? R PMC likewise.
Where do they get such advice, from an Imam?…
Another tolerant, friendly Democrat attacks a republican. These people are lunatics that should be institutionalized…
Our Patron Saints -…
Those names commenting on that FB page sound like Muslim names. strange for a Christian Church in S. Texas!…
That is #Racism with a capital R…
Our Lord Himself in Luke 22 advised that weapons be brought to Church! Look it up!…
Intel agencies knew that Iran was providing money and training to Al Qaeda in 2011. Obama gave them $150B in 2013…
14-year-old daughter of pastor among victims in Texas church shooting, father says… via @GMA
O glorious #SaintHelena, Finder of the #TrueCross, pray for us as we defend the #Name of Christ throughout all the earth! #DeusVult
We thank God for all those who have supported the Order and ask all to pray with us to the Lord Jesus that He might bless them!
When in doubt, humble yourself on your knee(s), and pray, "Lord grant me that which I do not deserve, the light to know Thy Will & do it!"
Unlike a Missionary society which is dedicated to converting souls to Christ, r Order is dedicated to defending Christians from thyr enemies
As #Catholics, Crusaders of old succeeded by bringing the idealism of a #Christianity which is universal & universally concerned & caring
Unlike most humanitarian organizations, we are dedicated to helping only Christians, as Christ said, Whoever does to one of these of Mine...
Sign up! -
Our Lord promised to remit the punishment for sins, for those who give generously to His poor! He is true to His word! Now u be 2!
We who walk in the footsteps of the Crusaders of old, have a special duty to befriend their ancient allies, the #Christians of #Lebanon!
Let us pray to the Holy Ghost, that Catholics awake from their slumber in the errors of the modern world & return to their glorious heroism!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Vocation Of The Christian Soldier In Ordo Militaris Inc 07/26 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
#AofDfend #MAGA #TrumpArmy Militaris is growing, help, support, Join, fight terorrism, Protect Christians, Domestic and Abroad…
Saint King Louis IX As A Christian Father 08/02 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Dear Christian Vets, as we have said before, we say it again, ITS YOUR DUTY BEFORE CHRIST, to offer to protect your Church on Sunday!
This was revealed in an obscure PBS documentary on lineage of Bernstein and Bernie Sanders…
We invite all 8000+ followers to become members of our Order dedicated to defend Christians against Jihad! +
Called To Serve: The Spirituality For Our Civilian Volunteer Members 07/31 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR |…
Many thanks to 28 donors who have given $1319 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
As Communism Celebrates Its First 100 Years, The Souls Of Over 65,000,000 Dead Cry Out For Justice…
Invest -
More Arabic Chatter on the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Facebook Page a couple of months ago folks. We're digging in.
CNN will surely be guilty of racism if they do not go on the war path against the political groups supported by Sunderland shooter!
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
If U R outraged about the dissolution of military discipline, perhaps its time 2 support a Catholic alternative?
Since #Apple is donating $2 Million to denounce Christians as bigots, we invite all to donate $1000 4 the I phone 10 to Christian causes!
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
On Valor, Bravery, and Courage 07/21 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Honor consists in doing something solely bc it is right &/or just &/or holy, not 4 pay or earthly reward: this is the true Crusader spirit.
Saint Louis IX As A Christian Ruler 08/14 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
The resignation of Lebanon’s Catholic prime minister raises risks in the Middle East - The Washington Post…
1) #Holy anger is emotional energy 2 conquer a difficult evil which is present. It gives courage to fight for what is right and just.
May Saint Louis IX who spent 4 years visiting/strengthening the Christian Communities of the Levant against Jihadis, intercede for Lebanon!…
@SohrabAhmari @PHYS878 All that is needed is a devout sermon on the Dignity of Jesus Christ as God and Messiah and the duty of humility to approach Him!
Please note that Twitter advises the tweet below is now withheld in France and Germany as it violates their laws. Truly Orwellian.…
As sons of Crusaders, we should not grow slack or fearful after each terror attack, but double our resolve/effort 2come 2help of Christians!
New Yorkers, ask urself! Are you or are you not ready to dedicate yourself to fighting jihadis?…
We need to break out of the false pietism of the 17th century, which believes that prayers for another without helping them pleases the Lord
The Life and Martyrdom of Father Jacques Hamel 07/19 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Catholic Ethics In War 09/08 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Learning The Apostles' Creed 07/28 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Maybe someone should have thought of that before starting the Syrian Civil War?…
This was revealed in an obscure PBS documentary on lineage of Bernstein and Bernie Sanders…
1 of the most astounding facts MSM does not discuss at all its denunciations of racism is Jews pushing immigration R pure +98% Ashkenazis
@captain_guard @SenatorInvictus If we were a Casino we would give the odds of 2:5 that he is not white, 2:3 that he is Anti-Fa, and 1:3 that he is a veteran.
Since Obama...…
Our Radio Programs will recommence on Tuesday, Nov. 7th, with a program on our El-Kaa Mission appeal!
@SherwoodJarvis @Australian_Navy @BritishArmy @USNavy @USArmy @usairforce @USMC @CIA @NSAGov @dodcomtr @sendavidperdue @MikeCrapo @SenatorIsakson @SenSanders @RandPaul @SenTedCruz @ClarenceHouse @DrMikeSimpson Jarvis, the DoD has no more power over solar storms, than the DNC has over Earth's climate!
@SohrabAhmari Can we beg you, for love of Jesus, some help for the winter necessities of 1500 Christian refugees?…
Does anyone else find it odd that the media has no idea what the shooter's name or race happen to be? #TexasShooting
But when Catholicism makes no demands, when it shuns our Lady and the saints and 2,000 years of Tradition, of course the people fall away.
May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI & law enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from Japan.
CNN will surely be guilty of racism if they do not go on the war path against the political groups supported by Sunderland shooter!
The resignation of Lebanon’s Catholic prime minister raises risks in the Middle East - The Washington Post…
Q: If the shooter in Sunderland Springs TX is Antifa or not white, will the MSM demand the dissolution of Antifa or the arrest of Soros?
We can establish a fund to give Christians in Lebanon an alternative to selling their land to Muslims, do it thru…
Families in tears wait to see if their family and friends are safe. Praying for the safety of all those involved.
Update via CNN: 27 dead, 24 injured per Albert Gamez, Jr., Wilson Cty Comm. via EMS worker on scene. First Baptist Church Sutherland Springs…
May Saint Louis IX who spent 4 years visiting/strengthening the Christian Communities of the Levant against Jihadis, intercede for Lebanon!…
Saint Louis IX As A Christian Ruler 08/14 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
@OrdoMilitarisKS Wow!
#Lebanon PM Quits. Denounces threat on his life & Iran's terror sponsorship…
When the Left "solve" problems, that usually means killing millions of innocents: In Vietnam alone 1+ million murdered!…
@ThomasWictor 21. Trump gave the thumbs up,in return for the KSA rounding up ALL the key players involved in corruption & money laundering inside the USA.
Maybe someone should have thought of that before starting the Syrian Civil War?…
#Jesus established His #Church on #rock, not on the ever-shifting sands of time. #Modernism is antithetical to the #Church's very nature!
Dear Christian Vets, as we have said before, we say it again, ITS YOUR DUTY BEFORE CHRIST, to offer to protect your Church on Sunday!
They are worse than vampires, they feed of the blood of innocents to create more victims down the road...…
Shooter taken down after several shot at church in Sutherland Springs |…
What is sicker? gunman who kills 16 in Church, or Liberal activists who 15 minutes into it call for disarmament of all law-abiding citizens!
Multiple people shot after gunman opens fire at Texas church Praying for #SutherlandSprings #FirstBaptistChurch 🙏🏾
Shooting in #SutherlandSprings 16 reported shot in #Texas…?
#BreakingNews Mass #shooting at a #BaptistChurch in #SutherlandSprings #Texas. The shooter was killed by police per post.
Shooting at #Texas Baptist church leaves multiple victims. #SutherlandSprings #TexasShooting #ChurchShooting…
#ChurchShooting near #SanAntonio 10-15 people are dead. #SUTHERLANDSPRINGS, #Texas
Neighbors say they heard shooter may have reloaded multiple times, around 50 people usually at service
'Mass shooting' reported at Sutherland Springs church in Texas | Fox News…
Saint King Louis IX As A Christian Father 08/02 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
The First Crusade and The Many Miracles 08/03 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
@MilitarisCath @Pontifex @JimSichko @ShaftonP @CardinalDolan @BishopDNulty @BishopPBradley @VescovoDDK @BishopPMcKinney @bishop_callahan @ourladyofnewulm @BshpSheridanCS @PopeBenedictXIV @PiaPortmann @MargaretObrovac @SrBethanyFSP @MonsignorH @MsgrCassato @MonDoyleCSS @frkento @FrKen2 @ArchbishopNick @TalbertSwan @helenprejean @JTAnews @jewish_voice @JewsforJesus @JohnPaulSociety @johncatoir @frjobrien @FrJohnEnzler @scariestorie…
Learning The Apostles' Creed 07/28 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Catholic Ethics In War 09/08 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
The Life and Martyrdom of Father Jacques Hamel 07/19 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
If you are a Catholic considering becoming a warrior for Christ, you must pray & pray very much, because fortitude comes only from the Lord
Called To Serve: The Spirituality For Our Civilian Volunteer Members 07/31 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR |…
The First Crusade and The Many Miracles 08/03 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
The Memorial of The Battle of Vienna 09/12 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
On Valor, Bravery, and Courage 07/21 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
The Vocation Of The Christian Soldier In Ordo Militaris Inc 07/26 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Listen to our informative Radio programs to help friends and members of the Order become Crusaders!…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Over 390 days ago, #PastorAndrew was arrested in #Turkey for his Christian faith. He is still in prison. FOLLOW as we fight for his release.
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
If you think about it as a Christian, you will discern that there is only one spirit behind the left and its agenda: Lucifer.
Unborn, Christians, child-sex victims, small business owners, taxpayers, investors etc. etc. etc.…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Motto of our Order on a Cope, with ornate embroidery!…
@salgadoluzia Become a member! & Found a Brazilian Chapter! Donate or invest with us!
@MilitarisCath @Ordo_Militaris Thought you might like this pic I took at my friend's house when I had to stay with her for a couple weeks. You can have it. 😁💞
@RenovaMidia Está na hora de reagir! Ajude a financiar a Ordem Militar Cristã…
Follow @MilitarisCath if you want to be called to heroic Charity and Fortitude in the defense of Christians persecuted by Muslims.
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
This read like a think-dictate written by some Marxist think-tank which wants complete political control of the world via social media…
If U want 2 join any of r local chapters in CO LA PA VA Ireland France Belgium/Netherlands Poland Italy Lebanon Australia, send us a DM!
What is the Ordo Militaris about? — Mike... #ordomilitaris #ordomilitarisinc #stockofferings… via @MilitarisCath
If U R outraged about the dissolution of military discipline, perhaps its time 2 support a Catholic alternative?
@salgadoluzia True! — Now that you understand that, why not start a Brazilian chapter of our Order and revive that ancient spirit!
Our Holy Rule -
Senza di te il Cristianesimo rischia di scomparire dall'#Iraq! Riportiamoli a #Ninive! >…
.@carolmswain: "We see attacks on Christianity from the @splcenter, an organization that now targets mainstream organizations."
We need to break out of the false pietism of the 17th century, which believes that prayers for another without helping them pleases the Lord
Please folks. Our Christian brothers and sisters are being murdered for their faith! This is not 2000 years ago! They need help!…
New Yorkers, ask urself! Are you or are you not ready to dedicate yourself to fighting jihadis?…
Globalists want a stateless, multicultural, secular and irreligious nationhood, because then there is only one axis of loyalty, themselves!
Let us pray that Christians everywhere embrace this spirit to fight against Jihadis everywhere, for their utter extermination! #DeusVult…
Northern Catalonia shocks Emmanuel Macron after thousands demand to join Catalan state |…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
Christians completely fail the Lord Jesus when they accept in principle that their rulers should b Masons, Marxists, Muslims, Socialists etc
If you have made a donation, please RT our El-Kaa Mission appeal If you have not made a donation, please consider helping them!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Lady's and Gentleman, please meet the coward that sentenced the traitor & coward Bowe Bergdahl Army judge Col. Jeffery Nance
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Private 1st Class Matthew Martinek, 20, of DeKalb, IL. Died looking for Bowe Bergdahl
The exploitation of refugees 2 build voter bases, increase welfare systems, disrupt civil order, is the most malign politics of present age!
All expenses are paid for by @Ordo_Militaris Inc from their cash-on-hand.…
Unlike most humanitarian organizations, 100% of monies we raise for humanitarian projects go to the poor & need for which they are raised!
It would be a great help to national security if laws where passed allowing merchants to refuse services to all who profess Jihad.
Listen to our informative Radio programs to help friends and members of the Order become Crusaders!…
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray 4 the men of the West, that they might have the courage to come to the defense of their persecuted brothers!
Let us pray that all Catholics in positions of power, who tolerate Jihadis or Jihad by immigration, lose heart and resign in 2017!
Alas, we live in an age with too many priests & religious who preach values of the world. Let us pray for them, but ignore their preaching!
Let us pray for our sacred pastors who remain faithful to Christ and Tradition, and refuse the path of perdition opened by Cardinal Kasper…
We urge all our members, followers & supporters to pray for the @orderofmalta in the present hour, that God might preserve them!
If you wish to pray the prayers closest to the ones said by Medieval Crusaders, try…
Let us pray for all Priests who are now being threatened by their superiors to give Christ' Most Holy Body and Blood to public sinners!
Please pray with us now, saying: O Glorious Saint Joseph patron of all who seek honest work, intercede for us that we might have it ASAP!…
PRAY! Pray daily hourly constantly! Prayer is not refuge of the weak, its refuge of those who know lasting strength is found in God alone!
Let us pray for the 40-60 million Christian victims of the demonic Russian Revolution, which began today 100 yrs ago on March 8, 1917
God willing we soon shall have a chapter in Poland. Let us pray🙏…X
Let us pray for the many Military men who do not have the courage or fortitude to serve Jesus Christ, because they are not men of prayer!
King St. Louis IX, 40th Great Uncle, Pray For All Who Support @MilitarisCath… We Need Benefactors & Veterans 2 Join
Let us pray 2 the Lord Jesus Christ, that He might send His Holy Spirit in2 hearts of veterans to make them courageous members for our Order
Let us pray for the victims of the #Radical #Islamic #Terror #Attack in #StPetersburg, #Russia This believed 2b authentic photo (dailymail)
Let us pray for the victims of the #Radical #Islamic #Terrorist #Attack at #Stockholm #Sweden and their families #StockholmAttack
Let us pray for all #Coptic #Christians in #Egypt, who were attacked by #ISIS in their own Churches on Both #Christmas and #PalmSunday!
Please pray for the Mystical Body of Christ, never in modern history so plagued by enemies within and without, from Terrorists to Jesuits!
Join me and @MilitarisCath to pray our Morning Offering. @steph93065 @StinkyBeachNnja @SteveSkojec @DiakonosMike @gscarp12 @GAcquistapace
We ask all our followers, members and supporters throughout the world 2 Pray 2 the Lord Jesus to save France from Jihadis & Rothschilds!
We pray that clergy and religious repent of their indifference to Message of Fatima and preach it from Housetops! #OurLady #Fatima100
Let us pray for all the victims of the #Manchester #Bombing, their families, 4 all in the UK, that govt might repent of its failed policies
Let us pray to the Queen of Heaven to ask Her Son, the King of Kings, to bless the First Lady of America with the grace to do His will…
#DDay2017 Let us pray 4 the souls of all soldiers who died to liberate Europe from Demonic scourge of Nazism & imitate their courage today!
Let us pray the horrible & malign curse of the French Revolution, consummated in so many murders/thefts/sacrileges be lifted by God's Mercy!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for all who are threatened with death, rape, imprisonment etc for your Son's sake! Bless and watch over us!
Let us pray for the Leaders of Nations, that they might have a change of heart and protect their people from the evil doctrines of Islam!
All you 150,000+ Martyrs of the Church in Rome, Italy, pray for us that we might have the courage to witness the Faith of Christ unto Death!
Let us pray for Lazarus Nwafor, Catholic seminarian killed by Muslim Fulanis, this day, in 2016...…
#Immaculate #Heart of #Mary pray for all humanity to spare us from the horrible nightmare of #nuclearwar which you warned against at #Akita
If you are dead or dying spiritually, its probably because you are holding your breath or breathe in an infernal air....Pray to Christ !
O Holy Virgin Mary, pray for the conversion of all Christ's enemies, and grant us the grace, power and means to assist in their defeat!
Pray for the Christians of #El-Kaa, so that many will open their hearts to them and give generously to support them!…
#Fatima100 Our Lady asked all Catholics to pray the Rosary daily, for world peace, for the conversion of sinners and for the Holy Father.
Let us remember to pray for the soul of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the First & only Catholic President of the USA, treacherously assassinated!
Let us pray for the Christians of Iraq, now caught up in a maelstrom of civil war among Muslim groups!
St. George the great Martyr, patron of all Knights and especially of all Crusaders, was from Lydda, in the Holy Land. Pray for us!
Let us pray for the repentance of all Muslims, that they may accept & believe in the only Lord and Savior of Mankind, Jesus Christ r God!
Many of them who have gone before us pray for us! Let us pray for them, who have gone, but still need our help!
Like the Order of Malta, we R a Catholic association dedicated to good works, where membership depends on your contribution to the work.
Know that @Ordo_Militaris will pay the PayPal Fees & other expenses so that all the donations 2 the #ELKaa Mission go to the poor of El-Kaa!
The existence of the Crusader States in ME, was not due to a desire to conquer, but Muslim refusal to allow Crusaders to pass 2 Jerusalem.
Let us change.…
Hungary Fights #Persecution of #Christians…
Let us not disappoint the hopes Father and his flock have to receive help from us!…
5 Catholics were killed in the attack. May the rest in peace!…
Our Patron Saints -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
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Catholic historian: We need consecration of Russia to save the Church | News | LifeSite…
Eight suicide bombers target #El-Kaa Lebanese Christian village…
Hollywood has been exposed, Russian Investigation Blown open, and now Talal arrested for money laundering. Our Lady's Angels at work!…
This is the only rubric under which our Order and its members shall act toward refugees of any kind.…
@franceslacivita In English, we do not have the word uomo and the word maschio, we only have "man", and when it is used it more often means uomo than maschio
You need to break out of the grip of Islamic Terror, and realize that after every attack you must be more bold to fight Jihadis!…
What Westerners do not admit, is that Islamic terror is effective. We see it with r El-Kaa mission appeal after #NYCAttack donors grew cold.
The only refugee policy which respects fully the human dignity of the refugee is the one which helps him return home in peace & security!
1 of the malign effects of 100 years of Marxism is to convince Christians they R somehow obliged to help non Christians more than Christians
They use mostly portable tanks of propane gas, there.…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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We call on all Catholic organizations to take this pledge #Catholic4Ever #KasperNever #CorrectioCanonica…
We profess that we shall always be Catholic & thus we reject the heresies of the Kasperites & call for a Canonical Correction #Catholic4Ever
Hollywood has been exposed, Russian Investigation Blown open, and now Talal arrested for money laundering. Our Lady's Angels at work!…
The heads of the main three Saudi owned TV networks were arrested, Alwalid Bin Talal (Rotana), Walid Al Brahim (MBC), Saleh Kamel (ART)
Sen. Rand Paul Assaulted Inside Kentucky Home; Assailant Was Registered Democrat!… via @WayneDupreeShow
And we call on all Catholic organizations to make the same public profession #Catholic4Ever #NeverKasper #CorrectioFilialis
Mt 10:42 Whosoever shall give to drink to 1 of these little ones because he is a disciple, Amen! I say to you, he shall not lose his reward!
Catholic historian: We need consecration of Russia to save the Church | News | LifeSite…
Soros, Obama, Hillary and DNC are fostering Anti-Fa because they would surely profit if some nut took out our beloved President.
In the spirit of the First Crusade, no volunteer or officer of @Ordo_Militaris or @MilitarisCath receives any salary for his service.
We call upon Catholics who R professionals, to help El-Kaa, because just as U R more able to give to the poor so the Lord expects more of U!…
We ask Catholics to help the Catholic Parish of El-Kaa, where 5 blown up by ISIS & need help hosting 1500 Refugees…
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
@STMToronto There is an El-Kaa in Egypt too, but the one we are helping is in Lebanon, and they are Melkite Catholics and Syrian Antiochan Orthodox
Pray for persecuted Christians in the Middle East, millions of Coptic Christians in Egypt…
Unlike most humanitarian organizations, we are dedicated to helping only Christians, as Christ said, Whoever does to one of these of Mine...
We aim to be a Twitter account which does not RT fake news unlike many agit-prop and psyop accounts and PACs on twitter which push fake news
1 of the malign effects of 100 years of Marxism is to convince Christians they R somehow obliged to help non Christians more than Christians
We aim to be a Twitter account which does not RT fake news unlike many agit-prop and psyop accounts and PACs on twitter which push fake news
Democrats are out of control!…
@StAgathasChurch No idea at all. It may be Anglican, not Catholic, because its in English, not Latin.
Support the defense of #Catholics throughout the world!…
There’s no such thing as Islamophobia. Not when Muslims have been killing each other for the past 14 centuries. Sorry but I know my history.
First Step: Getting the word out -…
@OrdoMilitarisKS insane!
While Greeks lose their homes, migrants will stay in hotels and cruise ships…
@EnglandsMadiba You misunderstand how the Catholic Church is organized. Yes, we are Catholic, but no the Pope has no control over our org.
As Catholics we hold that the Pope has no authority to create a new religion, disagree with Christ or abandon Apostolic tradition, therefore…
You need to break out of the grip of Islamic Terror, and realize that after every attack you must be more bold to fight Jihadis!…
Many thanks to 28 donors who have given $1319 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
What Westerners do not admit, is that Islamic terror is effective. We see it with r El-Kaa mission appeal after #NYCAttack donors grew cold.
Many thanks to 27 donors who have given $1269 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
First Step: Getting the word out -…
As Catholics we hold that the Pope has no authority to create a new religion, disagree with Christ or abandon Apostolic tradition, therefore…
We will remain faithful to the Catholic Church, rejecting as we do the heresies of the Kasperites, & supporting calls for a Correction
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Austria's Right Wing Parties Agree to Slash Migrant Benefits and Tax
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Many thanks to 26 donors who have given $1249 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
Global persecution of Christians is 'growing worse than ever' | National Catholic Reporter…
The UN Estimates the annual cost to help Syrian refugees in Lebanon to be $2000 USD per refugee.…
The Motto of our Order on a Cope, with ornate embroidery!…
@RorateCaeli In fact in her writings she speaks quite explicitly of some crazy overzealous clerics in charge of the inquisition who burnt Catholic books.
I sure do Dears......Let us always here on earth live IN UNIONE ORATIONIS as we used to say in our Latin Days…
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The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
If Bergdahl deserves no punishment, then this soldier deserves life time compensation for his suffering from the DoD!…
Many ask HQ, what more can I do? I am a member, I made a donation to the El-Kaa Mission. Answer: Y not start a local chapter? Get a Kit!
If you have made a donation, please RT our El-Kaa Mission appeal If you have not made a donation, please consider helping them!
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Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
'Tis the Season of Giving.... So do a Challenge that has far reaching effect.... Now.…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
Christianity Is Just A Better Religion Than Islam | The Daily Caller…
HUNGARY: 'Brussels chose migrants over protecting Europe,' top Hungarian politician slams EU refugee policy.…
The existence of the Crusader States in ME, was not due to a desire to conquer, but Muslim refusal to allow Crusaders to pass 2 Jerusalem.
So now we know: Rigged election -Hillary did it. Russian Collusion - Hillary & the DNC did it. Spying & abuse of power - Obama did it.
First Step: Getting the word out -…
@RorateCaeli @MichaelCassio85 If a novelist wrote of such a pope 20 years ago, no one would have thought it anything but an anti-Catholic screed!
....People are angry. At some point the Justice Department, and the FBI, must do what is right and proper. The American public deserves it!
Our PMC @Ordo_Militaris Inc is a security company. Don't try to scam them or you will be reported to the police!
IF YOU HAVE NOT YET made a donation to our El-Kaa mission appeal, please do so. WE are only at 25% and have 75% of the way to Go!
Help Ordo Militaris Raise $5,000 for the Christians of El-Kaa Region of Lebanon…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Our Holy Rule -
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
@raphael_414 Yes, its not only heretical, and unscriptural, its totally sexist!
Our HQ does not receive mail from anonymous persons. If you write us, you must use your real name, address, etc..
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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If Bergdahl deserves no punishment, then this soldier deserves life time compensation for his suffering from the DoD!…
Invest -
@MisteCaulder That is because the only thing liberals find acceptable is hatred of the innocent!
This is the only rubric under which our Order and its members shall act toward refugees of any kind.…
The exploitation of refugees 2 build voter bases, increase welfare systems, disrupt civil order, is the most malign politics of present age!
The only refugee policy which respects fully the human dignity of the refugee is the one which helps him return home in peace & security!
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
@montimai Thank you! Yes! and God bless!
Not many Catholic parishes have had 5 parishioners blown up by ISIS and r hosting 1500 Christian refugees from Syria…
How our Brother Catholics of the Melkite Rite worship the Lord Jesus…
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The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Nov. 6 is the Feast of r Patron St. Leonard of Reresby, an Englishman from Yorkshire, who miraculously escaped from the hands of Jihadis!
Join us in praying to Our Lady, Help of Christians, patroness of r Order, that many might open their hearts to poor & needy Christians!
The immature Christian merely RTs and Favs. But the Christian Man or Woman, responds with that and personal action in the real world.
Such trust is Lutheran presumption, however, if you refuse to hear the Lord!…
Daily news proves daily this theological truth. Your nation cannot be loyal to itself, if it is not loyal to Jesus Christ first!
Christian persecution: How many a& Where they are being killed | Fox News…
@montimai Thank you, Father. Please pray for us!
@MilitarisCath Best of Best to you be 24x7
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Engaging in just war is for the Christian, in due circumstance and necessity, a grave duty of our Holy Religion.…
Hungary: Governments Should Be 'Dedicated to Christian Values' that Made Europe Great - Breitbart…
Freemasons fear Crusaders most of all, bc they want to create a world in which the paganism of ancient times replaces Christianity forever!
Marxists fear Crusaders most of all, because the former pretend a faux Christianity to disarm true Christians & exploit them.
Islamists fear Crusaders most of all, because everything they hope for is undone upon the blade, zeal and fortitude of the Crusader.
We strongly object to false rumors being spread by some who falsely claim we R a militia seeking to conquer territory in Mid-East
Our Patron Saints -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
On Purgatory: The Members of the Church Suffering… via @SBC_Catholic
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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You can only stop the persecution and suffering of Christians by personal service or a donation. Here is 1 way >…
We hold to catholic morals on just war doctrine, and so we disagree in principle with the assertion that might makes right! #DeusVult
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
Like the dragon in the Apocalypse who spewed out falseehoods against Christ's own, so DNC & MSM against @realDonaldTrump for last 2 years!
Hillary gave the Russians our uranium for a price. Trump promised to rebuild our military. WHY would Russia prefer Trump?
As true Catholics, we hold that Christians have not only the natural right to bear arms but the divine right to Crusade to defend r own!
We hold to catholic morals on just war doctrine, and so we disagree in principle with the assertion that might makes right! #DeusVult
Nor should the Christian warrior fear the battle of sin or war, because God, Who IS, will ever be at his side in every just war!
Christ sanctified the just warrior in a just war, when He said: Greater love no man hath than to lay down his life for his friends!
If you are under 18, you can still be a member of our Order, just ask your father to make the pledge in your name!
Ordo Militaris, Inc. — What we are all about >>
Weaponized Drone/UAV/UAS Seized in Valtierrilla, Guanajuato, Mexico with Remote Detonation IED ‘Papa Bomba’ Payload…
We have local chapters forming in the USA in Chicago, LA, VA, PA, and overseas in Ireland, France, Italy, Poland, Australia. DM us to join!
@pearl_of_truth We believe the judges in the Bergdahl case should be court-martialed for dereliction of duty and breach of military discipline!
Dear Members and followers, we have a local chapter in Virginia forming. DM us to join!
The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military.
Jack from Twitter announces persecution of all Catholics who admire the Crusaders of old, to begin on Dec 14 2017…
Contact us to get our New civilian recruitment posters! #OrdoMiltiaris #DeusVult #Stop #Christian #Persecution
Such trust is Lutheran presumption, however, if you refuse to hear the Lord!…
@MCITLFrAphorism @Allyn_S We actually believe "Blasphemy" is the more proper word...
Its a cart-blanche for liberals to commit any sort of crime and treason.…
The travesty in Berghdal case in Military Court only emphasizes that with the election of Obama there is now a 2 tier justice system in USA
I Did Have Faith in The UCMJ and Army Discipline but at this moment in time I am so pissed I can't see straight.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🖕…�🖕
@vdare @Protestant_pleb A "news" piece like this is a Marxist thought directive!
This is a horrid blasphemy against Christ and His Mother!…
Dear @POTUS if you stand for the rights of Christians to worship, demand that US Allies which have seized Christian Churches give them back!
R T Series Stock is dedicated 2 founding National Chapters outside of USA – Help grow the Order with an investment!…
Help The Greek Melkite Catholics, Who Are The Byzantine Greek Catholics of the old Byzantium Empire…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Daily news proves daily this theological truth. Your nation cannot be loyal to itself, if it is not loyal to Jesus Christ first!
@OrdoMilitarisKS @gscarp12 @TheKingDude This will have disastrous consequences on military discipline in war time. Basically gives the green card to all Leftwing deserters
If U have a zealous love 4 the Lord Jesus, U do not need 2B reminded that He will reward U 4 Ur charity 2 the poor, U know/do it already!
This tweet is not a 100% endorsement, but much of what this protestant says contains the same objections we Catholics have to Sola Fide
WHY "FAITH ALONE" SALVATION IS WRONG! (From a Protestant) - YouTube…
Faith Alone - Why Luther Was Wrong - YouTube…
Why Luther Was Wrong - YouTube…
Ban za film o Lutrze. YouTube usuwa konto Grzegorza Brauna…
@legacyartsstudi @JeSuisDog And the fact that the Pastor in El-Qaa called our offices in MT, on his own, to thank us for this appeal, confirms it for us!
@legacyartsstudi @JeSuisDog We base our statement on the Crux Report (see link in article) which used information from the Church in Need, 1 of biggest NGOs in area
they fear Xtians because they hate God they know Xtians have moral authority…
PICS: Thousands of Poles Pray on the Border Against ‘Islamisation of Europe’…
Hungary: Governments Should Be 'Dedicated to Christian Values' that Made Europe Great - Breitbart…
@paterjm @mariagildac @Cab_Virgen @HeraldosDel @quovadisfrancis @fraynelson @adelantelafe @actuallcom We should pray instead and with great fervor, that those who err in Faith repent and return to the teaching which has come from Christ!
UN Report on total number of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon…
How To Found National Chapters For Ordo Militaris Catholicus -- Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
#DoItWithUS The Real #DeusVult is here!…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
This is because we are first and foremost and only, subjects of Christ the King in all we do, free from political loyalties.…
r Order, which is not a militia/army, is inspired by same spirit & has the same goal. Peace of Christians through security for Christians!…
As we begin our 2nd week of appeals 4 Christians in El-Kaa, we ask all who have not yet given to consider doing so!…
Our Holy Rule -
Its the Christian Vocation and Divine Destiny of Poland to defend the Catholic Faith outside of Poland. Fulfill it with us!…
Send us a Private Message (a DM) for more information. Looking for Poles with business experience, knowledge of English a must.
Jesus will reckon the charity we show the poor in El-Kaa as charity shown Himself. Therefore let us b generous!…
Neither our Order no @Ordo_Militaris receives any funds from the US govt or participates in supporting the foreign policy of any nation.
Since when did Twitter become a sovereign nation?…
@MichaelSnow10 He also said, the time is coming when those who do not have a sword will have to sell their cloak and buy one!
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
This is because we are first and foremost and only, subjects of Christ the King in all we do, free from political loyalties.…
Looking for some devout Catholic Poles interested in assisting the Order found a civil corporation in Poland to spread the Order there!
Looking for zealous Catholics from Hungary interested in founding a Chapter of our Order, in Hungary, dedicated to defense of Christians!
The hands of Christians who come to the help of needy Christians are without doubt the very Hands of Jesus consoling His own!
Neither our Order no @Ordo_Militaris receives any funds from the US govt or participates in supporting the foreign policy of any nation.
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
@MilitarisCath Good to see some truth about the Spanish Inquisition being tweeted. People are so misinformed about that.
#DoItWithUS The Real #DeusVult is here!…
R T Series Stock is dedicated 2 founding National Chapters outside of USA – Help grow the Order with an investment!…
If you would like to help us purchase a property for our HQ then download r Y Prospectus… and help us save $20K a yr
This month: To those making a monthly pledge of $100 USD as a (#OMC_KC) we are offering the gift of a Flag of R Order (3' by 3' Heavy Nylon)
Muslims in 1 month just killed half as many as the Spanish govt did with its Inquisition, from 1478-1834, and yet MSM is TOTALLY silent…
Do it with us! Join by making a pledge! + + As a Lay-Member, Squire, Knight, Baronette, Baron etc.…
Where in the world can you be a knight who contributes to doing what the Crusaders of old really did? Defend & assist persecuted Christians!
@TheWrathMaster Let us also remember our Christian brothers & sisters in the Northern Nigeria especially in the North East of Nigeria
Islamists fear Crusaders most of all, because everything they hope for is undone upon the blade, zeal and fortitude of the Crusader.
Remember today, esp, all Catholic soldiers & chaplains who died in war. Fr Craig killed by a landmine 20 secs after this picture was taken.
Eternal Rest grant unto him, O Lord +…
شفاعة أيليا النبي تكون معنا النبي الناري…
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Each day Police across America face untold wickedness. For their courage we stand with them and pray for there protection. #StandWithPolice
The real idolatry of the west is the idolatrous worship of the "reformers" who denied Christ's teaching on numerous points of scripture…
What Are The Advantages To Investing With Ordo Militaris? 07/27 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Many thanks to 26 donors who have given $1249 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
You are Peter (Rock) and upon this rock I will build MY Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her! Mt 16:17,18,19 etc.…
This is less than 1/10th of what it costs per person to fill Western Ghettos with them.…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Oh, all R courageous Forefathers who fought in the Crusades of old & attained to the Kingdom of Heaven, PRAY FOR US!
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Top 5 Myths About the Crusades - YouTube… Know what the Myths were, to see how just it is to Crusade today #DeusVult
@MichaelSnow10 We will take the revelations of God before any human opinion.
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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Christianity was Marxists first target and their biggest foe.…
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Many thanks to 25 donors who have given $1239 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
In fact Medieval chronicles agree that the Muslims who lived under Crusader rule were happier, more prosperous and safer.
Many thanks to 24 donors who have given $1227 USD! Our 1st goal is to raise a mere $5000 for immediate winter necessities in El-Kaa. Help!
Looking for zealous Catholics in the Big Apple to form a local Chapter of our Order, dedicated to defending Catholics from Jihad. DM 4 info!
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
Congrats @RogerRatzazz13 for being our 8000th follower! #DeusVult!
@TradAmerikan As for the Holy Land there is already 12 parishes of Jews who have converted to the Catholic Faith and we pray it continues to 100%
@TradAmerikan They do not see it that way at all. They would see that as defeat.
First Step: Getting the word out -…
@TradAmerikan They are nearly all NON-Arabs and would take your suggestion like the suggestion of Soros that all ethnicities be 1 nation in EU!
@TradAmerikan Alas the Christians of the Mid-East are of several ethnicities (nations) and languages and are very disunited. Thats how Islam prevailed.
@TradAmerikan That's more a problem with Freemasonry than with the rivalries in the Holy Land.
@TradAmerikan By Holy Land we mean the territory south of Lebanon, west of Jordan and North of the Sinai Peninsula
@TradAmerikan Well we do agree that Pedro Duke of Calabria has a better claim to it than any Muslim or Ashkenazi…
@TradAmerikan are in the minority, and have our freedoms respected, that is sufficient. For we seek a home not made by human hands, not of this world.
@TradAmerikan And as St Thomas Aquinas says, it is a certain sort of sacrilege that Christians tolerate non Christians to rule them. But where Catholics >
@TradAmerikan Unlike Muslims, our Faith does not require or advocate that we should rule this world, though we should rule ourselves 4 Christs sake!
@TradAmerikan As long as the Holy Places can be freely visited by Catholics, its enough. The Faith does not require that Catholics rule the Holy Land.
Congrats @RogerRatzazz13 for being our 8000th follower! #DeusVult!
Marxists fear Crusaders most of all, because the former pretend a faux Christianity to disarm true Christians & exploit them.
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
We strongly object to false rumors being spread by some who falsely claim we R a militia seeking to conquer territory in Mid-East
Christian hatred of sin is always good, holy and upright. Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good!
“Iraqi forces may enter Syrian territory in coordination with Syria 🇸🇾 to neutralise enemy” Iraq 🇮🇶 Counter Terrorism Commander Alasadi
@CanonTwoTwelve Such an outrage that the audio file has been removed....what a desecration. Without those men, the Vatican wud been destroyed!
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem: King, Leper, Crusader - History vs. Myth - YouTube…
"Kingdom of Heaven" Movie review: Historical Inaccuracies and Accuracies: Part 4 - YouTube…
"Kingdom of Heaven" Movie review: Historical Inaccuracies and Accuracies: Part 5 - YouTube…
In fact Medieval chronicles agree that the Muslims who lived under Crusader rule were happier, more prosperous and safer.
@Malteser1961 Would be great to have a chapter of our Order in Malta, please share with your friends there!
@Malteser1961 True!
Its 1 thing to know how to fight, another to know what 2 fight for. For this reason a Christian should not neglect to be faithful to Christ!
r Order, which is not a militia/army, is inspired by same spirit & has the same goal. Peace of Christians through security for Christians!…
Despite what some say, the Crusaders of old never had the goal to dominate or kill innocent Muslims, only to defend & liberate Christians.
#El-Kaa: Suicide bombers hit predominantly Christian Lebanese village near border…
@OmarAlAzhar3 Truly horrific depravity and a great offense to God the Creator!
Christian hatred of sin is always good, holy and upright. Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good!
A worthy cause to financially support! Fighting #Islam & #CivilizationJihad to save #Christianity…
The greatest glory a Christian can obtain is the charity he shows to poor and needy Christians purely for the love of Jesus!
The UN Estimates the annual cost to help Syrian refugees in Lebanon to be $2000 USD per refugee.…
UN Report on total number of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon…
Report on recent victorious Anti-ISIS offensive conducted by Lebanese Army in region of El-Kaa, Lebanon…
The Catholic village of El-Kaa lies on frontiers of the Syrian Civil War being just south of Qusayr, Syria (Homs District). They need help!
Help the Catholics of El-Kaa Lebanon, surrounded on all sides by Muslims; caring 4 1500 Christian Syrian refugees!… +
Ramming Attacks Were Pioneered by #Palestinian Terrorists…
@election16news Except sin.
@election16news @aldotcom See the Crux article linked and quoted in our appeal page.
Catholic countries. May God have mercy upon their souls!…
FBI nabs second Muslim in connection with New York City truck jihad terror attack
Report: Terror suspect's NJ mosque has been under NYPD surveillance
5 Catholics were killed in the attack. May the rest in peace!…
#2novembre: commemoriamo i #defunti, con un pensiero particolare ai tanti che hanno perso il dono della vita a causa della #persecuzione
They did not hesitate to kneel at Mass & pray in the mud, in WWI We likewise should not hesitate to kneel in the mud of their graves!
The Catholic soldiers of yesteryear gave us example not only of what it meant to be a soldier, but to be a Christian.
When we pray for the Dead, we are asking that God bless them with His Mercy and take them to Himself. No Christian can object to that!
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
You are Peter (Rock) and upon this rock I will build MY Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her! Mt 16:17,18,19 etc.…
Pius XII had a great respect for the Christian soldier, even those who were not Catholics (Members of Royal 22nd Reg)
The Catholic soldiers of yesteryear gave us example not only of what it meant to be a soldier, but to be a Christian.
When we pray for the Dead, we are asking that God bless them with His Mercy and take them to Himself. No Christian can object to that!
They did not hesitate to kneel at Mass & pray in the mud, in WWI We likewise should not hesitate to kneel in the mud of their graves!
Many of them who have gone before us pray for us! Let us pray for them, who have gone, but still need our help!
Our Holy Rule -
Remember today, esp, all Catholic soldiers & chaplains who died in war. Fr Craig killed by a landmine 20 secs after this picture was taken.
Father Demands Extreme Vetting After Terrorist Murdered His Son In NYC
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Giving Alms on behalf of poor souls is a very powerful way to release them from debts of sin & speed them to Heaven!…
How can the followers of a religion which teaches that all infidels be killed, be sincerely sorry that 1 of them ran down 8 infidels in NYC?
If this is true, not only extreme vetting, but mass deportations must be considered and implemented ASAP!…
I want to remind everyone that when Obama became President, one of the first things he did was have the Dept. Of Homeland Security, erase their entire radical Islamic database. The list held the names of terrorist suspects throughout America. #NYCStrong #NewYork #Hannity
She is the Chancellor not of Germany, but of Islamostan..…
This photo explains everything you need to know about the political dealings which lead to the #NYCTerrorAttack…
If U havnt RTed 👇 then please do! if U havnt made a small donation to help them, 4 the love of Jesus please do so!…i
Our Patron Saints -…
Its shameful U should attempt to defend the firing of a faithful Capuchin theologian merely for showing heroic filial charity for the Pope!…
NBC story on 'backlash' against 'American Muslims' stirs outrage #FoxNews
Thank you Hero Officer Nash! He stopped the #NYCTerroristAttack No reports of NFL players rushing in to help 🤔
The Catholic village of E-Kaa, Lebanon has 3 neighbors: Syria to N and E, Hezbollah to the S, and a town of Sunni Muslims to the W.
@CpauperDom @TatyanaTalamas On account of customs, we ask donors to donate the $ value of the gift, not the actual gift.
NYC terrorist was happy as he asked to hang ISIS flag in his hospital room. He killed 8 people, badly injured 12. SHOULD GET DEATH PENALTY!
@MilitarisCath Purgatory! Brown Scapular? What are they about? An All Souls message from a #Carmelite. #Subscribe
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Secrets of 1983 Marine Barracks Beirut Bombings: Iran's Revolutionary Guard targetted and killed 241 of America's finest. 34 years passed since that attack and it took President Trump to designate them a terrorist organization. Rest in peace warriors.…
Such as Lebanon? A National Chapter, HQ, Office, Hospice for the Poor, Investment fund etc.…
If U R a Lebanese Catholic in the West, U have the greatest duty of all to assist the Catholics of Lebanon. Do in through our El-Kaa appeal!
Saints et bienheureux de France et d’Europe. Ceux qui ont contribué à l’affirmation des racines chrétiennes de l’Europe. #Toussaint
Catholics of #ELKaa R particularly vulnerable, because they R Melkite Rite, which is a minority in Lebanon where there are mostly Maronites.
I wrote something personal about the 5 Argentine friends who died in the NYC attack…
Quiénes eran las cinco víctimas argentinas del ataque terrorista en Nueva York - 01.11.2017 - LA NACION…
Catholic countries. May God have mercy upon their souls!…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Being a crusader is not just a dream, its a vocation which the Holy Spirit inspires in a few good men! Be 1 with us
We invite the Catholics and Christians of Lebanon to consider founding a chapter of Our Order, to be our HQ in the Mid-East
All the woes of the West today arise from the fact that Christians do not glory enough in the example given them by the Crusaders of old!
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
The History and Reason For Ordo Militaris Inc 06/29 by Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
Please post link to El-Kaa appeal on FaceBook, Instagram, Linked-in, & all ur other social media platforms! Thank U!…
BREAKING: @Kredo0: US has been illegally training, arming, & funding Iranian-controlled militant forces in Iraq…
El-Kaa Lebanon is unique, because it is one of the few Catholic villages which border Syria and has hosted Syrian Christians fleeing Jihadis
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
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ISIS has admitted they are infiltrating immigrant & refugee populations, and trying to come across southern border Time to wake up
#NewYorkTerrorAttack Maybe some investors wud like to know there is a US corp dedicated to fight terror
Ordo Militaris, Inc. Dividend Declaration of Nov. 1, 2017: – Ordo Militaris, Inc.…
BREAKING UPDATE: Police have found the second suspect in connection to the #Manhattan attack.
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OMC Recruitment Kit -…
Trump reveals New York terror suspect brought in TWENTY THREE 'family members' after winning Green Card lottery
In the dawn of eternity, oh how many of the Blessed realize that this was the greatest and most powerful weapon they ever took in hand!
Let us not disappoint the hopes Father and his flock have to receive help from us!…
Just as it is a great work of charity to come to the aid of the poor in El-Kaa, so it is a charity to RT this appeal to all your followers!
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
El-Kaa Lebanon is unique, because it is one of the few Catholic villages which border Syria and has hosted Syrian Christians fleeing Jihadis
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Catholics of El-Kaa, Lebanon, have built this monument to invoke the protection of Christ and His Virgin Mother over their village & valley!
R Order is assisted by @Ordo_Militaris so we can b both a fraternal & religious association, and yet offer security and defense services
@franzetti_l In one sense he was not, but in most other senses he surely was.
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Time after Time, events prove that not only those on terror watch lists, but their friends and contacts, should have been deported!
We are looking for Poles in Poland to assist us in founding a National Chapter there. Must be fluent in English. Send us a DM for more info!
@Ordo_Militaris In layman's terms: on certain shares, available still for sale, @Ordo_Militaris Inc will pay a 5% dividend in February 2018.
The Patron of Hermits and the Patron of Crusaders are very appropriate for our Order's humanitarian works!…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
On this day in 1911, Italy's Giulio Gavotti drops four bombs on Turkish positions in Libya. It's history's first air strike.
Trump Calls For Immediate End to Diversity Visa Lottery Which Brought Terrorist Into America
Did the NYC terrorist conduct a test run weeks before the attack? via @MailOnline #AusPol
Quiénes eran las cinco víctimas argentinas del ataque terrorista en Nueva York - 01.11.2017 - LA NACION…
First Step: Getting the word out -…
Don't ever expect a political party or "religion" dedicated to moral irresponsibility to take responsibility for anything they did!
What is really sad is now many souls have been mislead by the #fakenews of 16th century.
How is it the @NRA is blamed for mass shootings but the immigration policies of the Left aren't to blame for terror attacks? #DiversityVisa
@OranjeSwaeltjie That had nothing to do with any crusade called by the Church, let alone by Urban II in 1095. Try reading wikipedia.
Why Should You Join Ordo Militaris Catholicus? -- Ordo Militaris Radio PR | Christianity Podcasts…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
Christians, beware of the Satanic effort being made by Muslim prostitutes, both women and men, on social media to lure Christians into sin!
Germany: Muslim Biker Gang Vows to "Protect" Fellow Muslims:…
Prospective Catholic Investors: Take a look at @Ordo_Militaris Inc's Dividend Declaration… offering 5% dividend
We also need to ask for the names of the individuals in the FBI who decided NOT to put him on a list. Did any Muslim in the FBI have a role?…
@Philippe1832 Argh, a typographic error...
When a certain religion OWNS 90%or more of terror attacks I would say it does belong to them . Ppl like u lying about it doesn’t change fact…
Latest from @CBSNews: NYC attacker bragging about attack in hospital; pleased with his "success," says crashing into school bus an accident--meant to run over more people. Knives recovered from vehicle along w/ 10-15 pieces of paper where he wrote that ISIS will live forever.
Many thanks to the 24 followers who have donated to the El-Kaa Mission appeal… We ask the other 7953 to join in!
With all the Saints who adore the Most Holy Trinity in Heaven, let us shout out today, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Sabaoth!
If you have not given to the El-Kass appeal, please do so, if you cannot or have, please Tweet the link to followers and spread the appeal!
@Ordo_Militaris In layman's terms: on certain shares, available still for sale, @Ordo_Militaris Inc will pay a 5% dividend in February 2018.
In the true Religion, its God says: Peace to you! Peace is My gift to you! In the false, its god wants holy war, Jihad against all infidels
Celebrating the Reformation is celebrating the same sort of iconoclasm which Muhammed invented, taught and propagated…
A Dividend Declaration will be announced at 9:30 A.M. Rocky Mountain Time, on Nov. 1, 2017 A. D. See for more info.
In the true Religion, its God says: Peace to you! Peace is My gift to you! In the false, its god wants holy war, Jihad against all infidels
Its pysop propaganda, not news!…
ISIS is about to be finished in Iraq and Syria and still 3200 Yazidi Kidnapped/Syria #Search4YazidisInSyria @realDonaldTrump @PresidencySy
Its probably very politically incorrect to say it, but perhaps West shud start relying on Crusaders & not Jews 4 all qq relating to Muslims?
“Allahu Akbar” might be an innocent phrase but not when you’re driving a truck into a crowd of civilians with intent to kill #nycattack
If you have not given to the El-Kass appeal, please do so, if you cannot or have, please Tweet the link to followers and spread the appeal!
No, how about zero immigration for all Muslims from those countries, who profess that jihad is the will of Allah.…
“If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze!” -“#StCatherineofSienna. All Saints of God pray for us!
Today's horrific attack show that President Trump's actions for extreme vetting are more than needed. Shame on judges who block the orders
#BillC51: Failure to protect religious services sends ‘disturbing message’, says Cardinal Collins of @archtoronto
If #Saipov was a contact for 2 known terrorist-listed jihadis, but was not arrested or put on a list, we need to ask if he was a FBI agent?!
The Left has amply proven since Sept 11, 2001, that they are utterly incapable of defending anyone against Islamic takeover or terrorism.
Time after Time, events prove that not only those on terror watch lists, but their friends and contacts, should have been deported!
NEW: NYC suspect was interviewed in 2015 by federal agents after being listed as point of contact for two men on counterterrorism list.
NEW: NYC terror suspect seemed “proud” of the attack during talk with investigators, official tells @ABC.
He is busy consoling victims and their families in ways an Atheist could never comprehend.…
You see, for believing Muslims, they cannot distinguish between religion and politics.…
@captain_guard Ok, we would grant you that part of it, if he was not born in Austria AND if that rumour about Maria Schicklgruber is not true.
Our Patron Saints -…
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
We understand U R trying to build confidence here but considering what the phrase actually means, its an argument 4 deporting all Muslims!
Why is war in Afghanistan necessary 2 prevent Jihadis from having a country, but that Jihadis have a country is whole purpose of Syrian War?
Americans can no longer deny that Islam is a religion some members of which believe wholeheartedly requires them to kill innocents for Allah
Police evacuated Nyköping's Skavsta airport after a 'suspected explosive' was found at the airport's security checkpoint.…
Its probably very politically incorrect to say it, but perhaps West shud start relying on Crusaders & not Jews 4 all qq relating to Muslims?
Manhattan Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov Entered U.S. On Chuck Schumer’s 'Diversity Visa' Program…
Hero Cops ‘Lit Up’ Terror Suspect In NYC…
After NYC Terror Attack, Trump Says ISIS Fighters Should Not Be Allowed Back In Our Country via ...
Yes, when they lost the election, they lost their collective communal marbles.…
If the CIA spent more time investigating terrorists and less time training and arming them we might not have had today's truck attack in New York.
We are fighting hard for Merit Based immigration, no more Democrat Lottery Systems. We must get MUCH tougher (and smarter). @foxandfriends
Our Holy Rule -
Our founder explains the Order & Its goals -…
Our Patron Saints -…
Sign up! -
If you recall that he took the surname of his mother, to spite his very German father, you will under stand why he acts like MERKEL…
"These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes & made them white in the blood of the Lamb" Rev7:14
Invest -
Why is war in Afghanistan necessary 2 prevent Jihadis from having a country, but that Jihadis have a country is whole purpose of Syrian War?
You got to be kidding, anyone who would want to buy one of these does not even have a beard yet!…
We understand U R trying to build confidence here but considering what the phrase actually means, its an argument 4 deporting all Muslims!
OMC Recruitment Kit -…
All the woes of the West today arise from the fact that Christians do not glory enough in the example given them by the Crusaders of old!
We are looking for Poles in Poland to assist us in founding a National Chapter there. Must be fluent in English. Send us a DM for more info!
Our Patron Saints -…
The Pledge of our Rule vs the Military Oath -…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
The Order imitates the Most Holy Trinity in applying extraordinary mercy and justice for the sake of the poor, humanitarian aide and defense
If you want to start a chapter of our Order in each of the Boroughs of NYC, now would be a very easy time to make a go of it!…
@155thMed @judycummings85 @NIVIsa4031 @LouDobbs @POTUS The truth is much darker, Obama filled federal agencies with pro Islamic take over individuals, working now to see it accomplished
@155thMed @judycummings85 @NIVIsa4031 @LouDobbs @POTUS The truth is much darker, Obama filled federal agencies with pro Islamic take over individuals, working now to see it accomplished
@judycummings85 @GrittaMarcus @NIVIsa4031 @LouDobbs @POTUS Further problem is how much money HLS spends watching peaceful Christian groups, while letting known Islamists wander and plot!
@judycummings85 @GrittaMarcus @NIVIsa4031 @LouDobbs @POTUS Further problem is how much money HLS spends watching peaceful Christian groups, while letting known Islamists wander and plot!
@NIVIsa4031 @LouDobbs @POTUS The problem is, there are 23 ISIS training camps in the US. Why aren't they gone, raided, shut down????
New York City terrorist entered the US under Obama's "diversity visa program." Trump wants to end this program, Democrats don't. #Manhattan
First Step: Getting the word out -…
If U R a Lebanese Catholic in the West, U have the greatest duty of all to assist the Catholics of Lebanon. Do in through our El-Kaa appeal!
Let us take a stand alongside Jesus and Mary, watching over the Christians of #ElKaa, by making a donation to help them this winter!…
Such as Lebanon? A National Chapter, HQ, Office, Hospice for the Poor, Investment fund etc.…
#NewYorkTerrorAttack And to think that there R companies and financial institutions who refuse Christians & security companies as clients!
Not really, when you consider that Marxism is the perfect political ideology of the political hack, parasite and power seeker!…
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus — Our Insignia -…
So r appeal about El-Kaa contains 2 aspects, the humanitarian funds 4 necessities of the poor, & asking investment to plant the Order there…
I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!
New York terror attack: What we know about suspect Sayfullo Saipov…
The Order imitates the Most Holy Trinity in applying extraordinary mercy and justice for the sake of the poor, humanitarian aide and defense
With all the Saints who adore the Most Holy Trinity in Heaven, let us shout out today, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Sabaoth!
My thoughts, condolences and prayers to the victims and families of the New York City terrorist attack. God and your country are with you!
#NewYorkTerrorAttack perp #SayfulloSaipov entered the USA in 2010 #ObamaLegacy #TrumpWasRight
Help the Christians of El-Kaa, Lebanon -…
✠ International Association.of Catholics to protect & defend #Catholics ✠ ✠ See @OrdoMilitarisRP @Ordo_Militaris @OrdoMilitarisFR